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Muslin Underwear

7 Days, Saturday, July 25 to Sat. Night, Aug 1


Plain Figure Facts


is the powerful inducement we offer to the throngs of buyers that will attend this sale.

To those who have attended our sales of Undermuslins during the past season, it would be unnecessary to repeat that our Garments are all made of good Muslin, perfect in fit, generous in proportions,--made under the auspices of the Consumers League, bearing its label which is a guarantee of perfect sanitation. THE PRICES we make REPRESENT the very BEST VALUES given this year--low enough to make quick selling and close out all our surplus stock. An splendid chance for those who wish to add a few pieces to their summer lingerie.


Lot 1


Children's Drawers, hem-stitched and three tucks, Children's Drill Waists, all sizes, Ladies' close fitting Corset Covers in all sizes; every piece made of a good, durable cotton, the material alone costing more than you can get them in this sale ready to wear. You'll be surprised at their goodness, at the little price you pay.


Lot 2


Infants Slips, with yoke of insertion, Children's Drawers, hem-stitched and tucked, size 4 to 7 years, Children's Sateen Waists, all sizes up to 6 years, Ladies' Marguerite and close fitting corset covers, actually worth double the price you pay for them in this sale.


Lot 3


Ladies' Corset Covers, Marguerite and V shape styles, handsomely trimmed.--Ladies' Drawers with wide tucked, flounce edged with lace, Children's Drawers, Ladies' Short Petticoats with deep flounce edged with lace. This is the past opportunity given you to get them at 25c.


Lot 7


Ladies' Petticoats trimmed with lace edge and insertion, also made with deep flounce edged with embroidery. Ladies' Night Robes made with all-over embroidered yoke, all dainty beautiful garments at $1.49.


Lot 4 


Ladies' Night Robes with yoke of lace insertion. Ladies' Drawers finished with flounce of blind embroidery tucks and embroidered edging. Ladies' Marguerite Corset Covers trimmed with lace and embroidery. Ladies' Short Petticoats with tucked muslin and embroidered flounce. Infant's Slips trimmed with hem-stitched ruffles. Children's Short Dresses trimmed with hem-stitched ruffles, a splendid selection at 49c.


Lot 5


Ladies' Empire Gowns, trimmed with Valenciennes lace, ladies' Drawers trimmed with lace and insertion, also flounced edged with embroidery, Ladies' "Slip Overs" trimmed with cotton, torchon lace, Ladies' Petticoats with double flounce, edged with Valenciennes lace and embroidery. Ladies' Corset Covers lace and embroidery trimmed, ladies' Night Robes made of Nainsook cloth with tucked square, neck and short sleeves, all surprising values at 75c.


Lot 6


Ladies' Petticoats, trimmed with lace, edge and insertion, Petticoats with deep flounces, edged with embroidery, Ladies' Night Robes trimmed with Val. lace and embroidery in the empire style, Marguerite Corset Covers, trimmed with lace edge and insertion, for 7 days only at 99c.

All soiled Garments at Reduced Prices


Reductions in Women's Knit Underwear

Women's Knit Vests, low neck, no sleeves, crocheted neck and sleeves, full size, at . . . . 5c

Women's Knit Vests, low neck, no sleeves, made of fine yarn, ribbed style, as good as most people care for at . . . . 11c

Women's Knit Vests, ribbed, made with fancy crocheted yoke, our great 25c leader marked down for this sale to . . . . 19c

Women's fine ribbed Vests, made with deep yoke of torchon lace with lace bands over shoulders, full 50c grade at . . . . 29c
