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"favorite Prescription"

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"To say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible."

"I was troubled with female weakness for eight years; and suffered more than I can tell," writes Mrs. Gust. Moser of Ovando, Deerlodge Co., Mont. " My disposition was affected to such an extent that to say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible.

"I had two operations performed by one of the most skilled surgeons of the West, but did not get relief. Then, against my doctor's strict orders, I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and also followed the advice given in the Common Sense Medical Advisor.

"I continued this treatment for three months, and to-day am as healthy and well as a woman can I be. I cannot thank Doctor Pierce enough for his kind letters to me."

Womanly diseases, as a rule, spoil the "disposition," because of the extreme nervousness and suffering they cause. Happiness as well as health is restored to the woman whose diseased condition is cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.

After eight years of suffering and two fruitless operations, three months' use of "Favorite Prescription" restored Mrs. Moser to perfect health. This great remedy for woman's ills, establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness.

The Common Sense Medical Adviser, 1008 large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.