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High Praise For Fitzpatrick

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The MinamipoU pupén are inging Kmw Kitzpatriek's praisw". Tb-r claim That SÏUiimbo had jiJwttM1 teuui thau Sllchtsan, but laild to wia beeausf- of Fltepatrick, that hit ra of the wam saved thf da y for iflchlgan. The Minoipoll .JouniaJ saya that if it Uad uot bHu tor Kit.patnck ih' ncoiv woultl bav biu Miuncsotii TJ, Michisan 0. The tUmteapolia Ttaes ays that "Witb Minix'sota iu thf leal ooiKlitiou of Vosis men it ís tne í,--neral opinión that the maroon ftud pold would have wou. Speaklng af the the Michigan touchdowii the Times kiïs: 'Mlinnesota, ex ba usted. vas compelled to yi.-m i t hurrlcan oitense. of Vost's men. in flne edge and in superb physical eondltlön Michigan smashed way thpouh tor ;t touchdown." Agaia, the Times aays: "In fact only superior [ihyslcal condition t'nni w;is most at critlcal perliis saveO the day for Coach ïost'a men." The Minneapolis Journal of Xlonday says: ■■Biit, -whilo Minnesota was outplaying her opponeuts, the superior physicil conflltion of Michigan wna apparcnt. After almost every third clown a gopher might be seen Btretched apon the ground. Davles, Irsfield and Cutrent fairly wore theaiselvea out throwing themselves iu froat of Uw ]iluiii:vs of the 1im -olyerine backs, and before Uit' end of the game all tnree of them were torced to retiré, thoir places belng taken by Boeckmann, Bergen and Kremer. Against the exhausted Minnesota line M i-liijr.ui hurléd lier heavy men n a last lcsperate ussault. whleh linally gave them the touchdown. Tlio score, was tiHl by Minnesota alter a serles oí fierce line plúnges; but had Minnesota been in as good phyalcnl eondltion as Michigan, tlio wolverines wonld never have Bcored, aud the supposedly iinbeatable ï.ost would have met bis Waterloo. As t was. Dr. Williams had Yost beaten. Miehigana game througu thi wholo same wort a tributo to thrKkill ofjKeene Fitapatrlck, the reteran Michifrau trainor. wlio brought liis men ou tho licld in magnlfleent pli.vsleal condiüon, and whose aWllty unquostionably saved the wolverlnes from defeát. lt luis 1xmii suiíl that Minnesota ■woa. iboujih the score was a tic. Thia is Bcarceiy doing jüstlce to a plncky foo. As stated above, Michigan's better physical condltion offet Minneota'8 su]frority in offense and de fense. But training is a much a part of tho frame as eoacblng. Mlcblgai ha had as much iad luck In tlio mat ter of Injuries as Minnesota, yct Keem Fltzpatrick was able to ge ais cripplea into Bhape. Mlnnesota's trainer was nor. Afi.-r carrylng the buil forty-five yards at a stretch, and then aeventy Qveyards, to malte a touchdown, i cannot be said that Michigan dd no earn a Ue. Minnesota gained mor ground than Michigan fvoin serta mases, and also In returnlng ïmnts and kickoffs. M miosota out-playcd Michigan (lui'inK a longer time than Michigan out-played Minnesota. Yet at timos Michigan was able to score ag-rfinst a determined defense when he made linal spurt. Tnere is honor enougb for ith teams In tl samo played Saturday. "There is no doubt, in the mlnds of thosf who witnessed the same saturfciy. tbat botli eleven will go through the sim sou undefeated. The ehampionsliip.of the west lies, :is i did before the game, between the two teams. Michigan has llttle to fear from Wiscfiusin or Chicago, whlle Minnesota should have an easy time witli Illinois or WlBCOOSln." The Journal quotes Lieutenani Nelly, the referee, ;is saying: 'it was a beauty. Mtanesota'a rally in the lant few minutes was the bes) football T ever saw. T thlnk Qregory liad the best f S-rathern; thai the Michigan tackles were better than Minnesota. Minnesota guards Were the better: tlnends were a standoff. In the back field outslde of quarter Mlcnigan was tho best Minnesota's team was prone to forward passes and starting before (lic ball was in play." BdltorUilly U'(' JoumaJ says the Minnesota team il! not win beeause tlicy lacked endurance, "Fitzpatrick, ilic Mirliiuiui trainer, saved tiie day Michigan." The Journal also editorially s;i,vs: "These reporta frona Aun Arbor aboiit unsport8manlike conduci un the pnri oí imiv men are distresslng. H i uoticeable thal fl losing team is alvrays prone tu charge itiifalrness to i!'' tors. For our parí wc do not believo that the Minnesota men ntentionally njnred tUeir opponeuts, anti we il" nol i.M'iicvc (hal Mlcliiiran orlll refrain 'mm playinL vvitl) Minnesota ia Hic tiíre on account of ihis alleged