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Secrets Women Keep It The Price Of Suffering

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  A woman usually passes through several stages on her way to that condition of semi-invalidism which limits the activities of so tnany of their sex. For a time she suffers in silence and ignorance, not able to relate her sufferings to their proper cause - womanly disease. When, presently, she makes the discovery that her general health is related to the local -womanly health, she cast about for help. She dislikes to see the physician, she shrinks from talking to a stranger of the intimate matters of her woman's life, and when at last misery drives her to the doctor, her modesty is up in arms at the faintest hint of examination, and she finds excuse to put the matter off and goes home to endure another period of suffering. It would seem a strange thing if the sacrifice of modesty were necessary to the restoration of womanly health. Such a sacrifice is not necessary. Women suffering from womanly ailments in alrnost all stages have found a perfect and permanent care by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.


   To those women who suffer from disease in chronic form, Dr. Pierce offers the privilege of free consultation by letter, thus avoiding the unpleasant questionings, indelicate examinations and obnoxious local treatments deemed necessary by some local physicians. All correspondence held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.

   This offer of free consultation by letter should not be confused with offers of "free medical advice" which are made by persons without medical knowledge or experience, and who are barred, legally and professionally, from the practice of medicine. Though these people cannot practice medicine, because the law would be prompt to punish them, they can offer "free medical advice." Anybody can give advice without incurring the penalty of the law. It is well to remember, that the "medical " advice of an unqualified person, man or woman, is worse than worthless; it is absolutely dangerous.

   As chief consulting physician to that Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. Pierce, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, has, in a little more than thirty years, treated and cured hundreds of thonsands of weak and sick women. Write, therefore, to Dr. Pierce, and get the opinion of a specialist upon your disease.

   "About two years ago my health became very poor," writes Mrs. Winnie Hamilton, of Akron, Plymouth County, Iowa. "I suffered with pain and soreness in left side of abdomen and such bearing-down pains across me. Could scarcely walk at times, and would have to go to bed until I felt better. I was told by a physician that my complaint was ulceration of the uterus, but I did nothing for it at the time, but as I gradually grew worse I began to see that I must do something, and having read great deal about Dr. Pierce's remedy, I resolved to consult him in regard to my complaint. I did so, and received as answer advising me to try his medicine - ' Favorite Prescription ' and 'Golden Medical Discovery.' I procured the medicines as soon as I could and began the use of them. I have taken four bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and two of  'Golden Medical Discovery,' and used also the local treatment advised by Dr. Pierce. I experienced relief almost from the first, as it almost immediately relieved the bearing-down pains, and in about two months' time I felt that my health was wonderfully improved. I can most heartily recommend Doctor Pierce's remedies to anyone sufferting from any similar complaint, and feel sure that if they will consult Dr. Pierce they need suffer no longer."

  Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It establishes regularity, dries disagreeable and unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It is the best preparative for maternity, giving mental cheerfulness and physical strength and making the baby's advent practically painless. As a tonic for weak, worn-out, rundown women and nursing mothers, " Favorite Prescription " is nonsurpassed. It is a pure vegetable preparation and cannot disagree with the most delicate constitution.


Do not delay the use of " Favorite Prescription " if you have any symptoms of womanly disease. Why drag around for years, enduring useless suffering, when a remedy that has cured hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women is right within your reach? Get "Favorite Prescription," take it, and be well.

" When I first commenced using Dr. Pierce's medicines," writes Mrs. Geo. A. Strong, of Gansevoort, Saratoga County, N. Y., "I was suffering from female weakness, a disagreeable drain, bearing-down pains, weak and tired feeling all the time. I dragged around in that way for two years, and then I began taking your medicine. After taking the first bottle I began to feel better. I took four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, two of ' Golden Medical Discovery, ' and one vial of the 'Pleasant Pellets,' also used one bottle ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Now I feel like a new person. I can't thank you enough for your kind advice and the good your medicine has done me.

   "I have a sister who is taking your medicine, and it is helping her."

   Whenever a laxative medicine is required, use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets with Favorite Prescription," as they assist the action of that remedy.

   Sometime a dealer, tempted by the little more profit paid on the sale of leal meritorious preparations, will offer a substitute for " Favorite Prescriptíon as "just as good." Judged by its records of cures of womanly ills, there is no other medicine just a good as "Favorite Prescription."


The questions which many a woman longs to ask are answered fully and freely in Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. This great book, containing more than a thousand large pages, is full of wisdom for wornen, both single and married. It is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense at mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound volume, or only stamps for the book in paper covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.