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About flve years ago tlie JNational Women's Cbristian's Tempcrance Union in couvention adopted a resolution determining to enter into politics with their cause and abandon the uon-partisan sentiment under whlch the grand work of teinperance had prospered and become strong. Tlie change from the non-partisan to tlie partisan basis was not favorably received by many of the local unions ard as a consequence theie has been much discussion and turmoil within tlieir ranks ever since. The climax was reached when tlie Iowa delegation and others withdrew froin the recent convention in Chicago, and called a meeting of the non-partisan members lmmediately after which resulted in the appointment of a provisional comniittee to make arrangements for a reorganization. This committee of which Mrs. Ellen J. Phinney of Cleveland, O., Is chairtnan and Mrs. Ellen W. Watson, of Pittsburg, Pa., !s secretar? has Jast issued its cali for a convention to be held on or about Jan. uary 22, at Cleveland, O., for which it gives the followinj? reason: Flrst- We believe the politlcal pollcyof the National Wonien's Christlan Temperance UDlon to be wrong in principie, contniry to the letter and spirit of itie original constitutlon, illogical in lts reasonings, IncODflStent in its concluslons, and exceeding detrlmental to the cause of teraperance. Second- We believe that the work of Chrlstian temperance stands above aud beyond the li nes of party orsect, and we cannot follow theleadofthe nationai lu pledging our influencc to any party. We must be iree to cali on the best men of all paules for Mie aid we need and must have, to make our work a succens. We must have the innuence of the pressofthe nailon so far 98 that inllnence is on the sideofGod and humanlty, irrespective of party Unes. We must range uuderour banners the Chrlstlan temperance women of all sectlonsofour natlon, whlch cannot be done by an organlzatlon wbose Kympathles and support are pledged to a party. Tliird- An increaslngly large nuraber of womeu who have contrlbuted mouey, inlluence, aud years of hard self-denylng labor to bulld up the National W. O. T. U., feel ihat their Dseialnen Iscrlppled and their conslstency questioned by the equlvocal pollcy of the natKiiiiil, which avows lts allcglance to, and boliïly chani plons the cause of a politlcal party, while at the same time il denles its partisausliip. Fourth- The refusal of the National Union, by an overwhelmiug majorlty, to adopta not-partisian amendiuent to lts couutltutton ntakes lt imperativo for honest non-partisan women tolet the world understand that they will do longer remaln in tlils anomalous poRitlon, being commltted by resolullons and so-called tests of loyalty to partisan action in the natiunal, white disavowlng tlie same in the field; and since the oíd orgauization will not right the wroncs that have resulted from the unwtseand unjust policy, but show determlnatlon tostamu out all honest doubts in the mlnds of woraen in the ranks and treat with uuvelled contempt all who differ from the majorlty in regard to methods of work, dissenters niuet quletly yleld or wlthdraw in company with ttiose of like faith and pursue the course that seems right and wise. Klfth- A ilcinand Is also growing for a nationai temperance society less complex in its aims and more simple in lts government, whlch will work in lts organlzcd capacity for such objects only as have a direct bcaring upon the temperance reform. Sixth- The unchrlstlan treatmentaccorded to ( 'tuist an women, from year to year. who clare to utter sentlments In these nationai assemblies not lnbarmony with their chosen pollcy emphasizes the need ol another organiza lion. Seventh- The increasing lmposslblllty of worklng harmonlously with the National W. C. T. U. without sacrlflce of honest convictlons and self-respect, or the alternatlve of leavlng the work altogether, which many cannot do because thelr commlsuion is from a hlgher source than the National Union, deraands a new organlzatlou through whlca thousaudsof women, who will not be compromised by tlie partisan attitude of the National W. CL T. U , as well as Ihousands who have not yet en Usted, may combine Ihelr eflbrts, and, in "tlie uiiityofthe spirit and the bondsof peace," labor for the overthrow of the drink traffle. liy this means it is hoped to retrieve in a meafure at least the lamentable loss ofmoral power that has resulted from the partisan attitude of the National W. C. T. U. Wtn. Stagg is assistant seoretary and treasurer of the Wayne Co. Savlns Bank in Detroit instead of deputy state treasurer at Lanslng, the place he foruierly filled so well as to be called higher.


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