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troublc is brewing In the impevhil l'iiniily of China and the tlirone of the Celestial Empire Is believed to be in (langer. There is little use of trying to disguise the fuct that Bellamy's Ideas huye set many a wise head, and some heads not so wise, to thinking. Detroit will probably obtain a bridge across the Detroit river about the time she gets rapld transit, or throws off tlie grip of the " hoss cars." "I'd sooncr take my chance to stan' at jedgment where your meanest slave is than atGod's bar hol' up a han' is drippin' red ez your'n, Jeff Davisl" - üigelow Papen. It looks as tliough there was a grand chance for cenienting cordial relations with South American states by the press and the people of tliis gover n ment gtving all possible support to the Bnizilian reliublic. New York wnlts for the exposition bill to pass betore resuming work. - New York Herald. The probabilitles re that New Yoik will not resume suddenly. - Chicago ínter Ocean. Samuel Morse, of Essex, Mass., has been uungry all the time for thirteen yeais. He drinks Utree quarts of water per d:iy and eüts hoarty meals every lionr. Ilis age is sixty one year?, and his weight 135 pounds. His case is a puzzle to the physicians. With the completion oí the vessels now building and appropriated for, the United States will posess ten armored vesscls, tliirtten single turreted monitors, twentyone etool cruiaore or gunboats, two dynamite cruisers, a practice cruiscr for cadet?, an armored rum or torpedo bont, and sevcn iron steamers. The statistic;il reports f rom Washington show a remaikahle ncrease in the exports of ment producís from this country during tlie last year. The aggregate value of the provisions and dairy products shipped abroad is over $105,000,000, and the quantity is about doublé that of last ycar. It don't look as if protection was as much of a draw back to our foreign trade as tlie threatening attitude of free trade was list year. The ndustrious way in which the news from Europe continúes to prcdict troublous times for Brnzil is amusing. The wish, in this case, is father to the news. It is by no mentís likely tliat tlicre wilt not he some difflculty in constructing and putting a republican form of government intooperation in Brazil. but tliat does not make the continuous croaking of tlie European monarchists any the less riiliculous. - Cleveland Leader. La Patrie, the French liberal paper of Canada, says the United States wilt be appealed toif the English inajority in the Dominion attempts to deprive them of any of the rights guaranteed by the treaty of 1703. La Patrie says all riglits In America were ceded to the United States at the outbreak of the American revolu. tionary war, and therefore the governrnent at Washington would be the proper one to appeal to for the enforcement of the treaty. - Sault Ste Marie News. The laboring man wtio for one moment thlnka of embraclng tho cau8e of free trade, or as the sugar coated pil! is given to the public, "tariff reform," should stop and conslder the step before taking It. He should look well to the consequences, and understand fully that fiee trade means to place hlmself on a level with the woiking men of the eutire woild, for the product of " - " India, Chi:ia and Japan Included will be placed in competition wlth the home product. Congressman Allen, of this district lias introdiiced a very important biil rt-luliDg to pensions, in Congress. It makes the fact of enlistment and service for sixiy daysafterwards.conclusive proof of physical soundness at the time of eiilistinent. One of the greatest drawbacks in securing a pen9on, so far, has been that the appllcant bas been obliged to prove that he was sound when he enlisted, and so many persons who knew hlm thirty yenrs ago have died or moved to other p.irts. The bill should pass without a diasenting vote. - Dexter Leader. A novtl cure was eftocted by the use of the dynamo recently at Westgateon-Sea, Englaiid. A Mr. Brown was fitting u false bottom to a grate, and while clilpping it to makc it fit, a very small pplinter of iron llew ou anü struck hun in Uie eye. An electric engineer who met Mm shortiy after, seeing bis pllght, took liim to a dynamo tliat was working near by. Brown placed bis eye as close as possible to tbe machine, and tbe magnetic attraction was sufTiciently Intense to wlthdraw the splinter of ron from the eye, whicli was Instantly relieved and wbioh gave no fuvtlier trouble. The actiën of congress In postponing tbe rocopnition of tbe Bra.ilian republic was undoubtetlly a cautious move, and in the cvcnt of the failiise of the republicans of that country to estublish a popular government founded on tbe equal rights of its people, It will save our government from "takinjf it back." Ilut someway it seems as thougli those patriots who are stru;gliiig to place Brazil in the line of república ougbt to have the support such recognltion would havo glvcn them. What if Franee in 177G had waited to asceruin if England was going to whip the colonies or not before recogDizing us and convnsr to our ald ? Where would we be now ? Paul Gifi'ord, of Paris, bus inventcd a gun that promises to thoroughly revolu'onize military tacttc. It is deslgned on tbe cold air plan, and not using powder, does away entirely with smoke and fire, and makes very little noise, while it possesses a power of projecting eitber conical or round bulletá over 2000 yda. It is loaded with a cartridge contaiuing 300 loads eacb one of whlch can be flxed at will and In rapld 6uccession without beatlng the barrel. A.S they are I(gbt and not affected by darapness they can easily be traníported and always used whether wet or not. It can be raanufactured at a very reasonable price, and taken all tbrough, will have a strong tendency to dethrone gun-powder and mark a great era of change in modern warfare. It looks as tliough Pres. Harnson had secured the right man for the place in hi8 appointment of Gen, Green B. Kautn, commissloner of pensions, for wben entering the bureau he found the different divisiona. very much behind n their work, hu luimedlately set himself about rtndog out the cause. As a result lic has added 80 good clerks to the adjudicatinx divisions, reorganized the board of review, and is now endeavoriiig to secure the appointment of 30 additfonnl medical examiners. With this addition the commtssioner feels that the board will te able to dispose of the delayed work and keep up with the business of the department. Some very rich men have endeavored to perpetúate their ñames by leaving a considerable property to found public librarte?, that the poor inight be beneflted thereby. A good Idea, and every such charlty speaks of a noble purpose. But how are poor people to take advantage of a library who have no time from their hours of labor to real the books provided for them? Would not some philanthropist make for himself a name and a fnme who should provide for lightening the hours of labor so that laboren may learn to enjoy literature? Have a fund that would provide for such a nuniber of l'eople, every Saturda3' afternoon, for instance, and a readinjsr room for them to meet and read in also. Not 11 would care to so employ their time, probably, but let tliose who would, enjoy the privilege have it? There is an opportunlly for some wealtby person to make his name last for centuries by taking the Initiative in tliis line of philanthropy.


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Ann Arbor Courier