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The merchaudise. exporta trom tho United...

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The merchaudise. exporta trom tho United States during November wore valued at $93,600,881, against 876,378,009 in November, 1883. Importe were 85,007,173, against 853,876,7S9 in November, 1888. At Ludlow, Mass., on the 26th John Bassotte a mill-hand, killed his wifo with an axe and then killed himself. John P. Jones and William IL Palmer, of Bangor, Pa., blew out tho gas on tho 20th in a hotol at Bethlehem, Pa., and woro suffocated. Simon Spoiin', a miscr worth $40,000, was killed by the cars on the 26th while pickingup coal on the track at Roading, Pa. On account of the mild weather the directora of tho Carnival Association at St. Paul decided on tho 20 th to abandon the carnival and ico palace. Fi.oods in California had on tho 26th caused a loss of S200.000 along tho line of the Santa Fo railway and $150,000 loss on the Southern Pacific lines. Threh children of Mrs. Lena Schip were burncd to death in thoir homo at Omaha, Neb., on the 20 th. Tho mothor was absent' and tho house caught fire with the little ones locked in it. A wixi-sTon.[ on the 26th leveled hundreds of dorricks in the McKoanand Allegheny (Pa.) oil fields, and two houses at Bradtord woro wreckod. The Nadean wincry ncar Los Angeles, Cal., was wrecked on the 26th by th breaking of a lovco and nearly 8100,000 worth of wino was destroyed. At Bowling Green, Ky., J. McDonald, as the outcome of a family quarrol, fatally shot his wifo and himself on tho 26th. A petitiox addressed to tho Congress of tho United States praying for the speedy establisliraont of a Territorial govornment in Oklahoma had on the 26threceived thirty thousand signatures. Advicf.s of the 26th from Jesup, (Ja., say the jail was broken into and two negro prisoners were shot to dcath. A largo number of negroos were taken from their homes and scourged and many others were compelled to quit the town. In tho recent riot ten nogroes and two white men were killed. DuitlN"(i tho past year about fivo thousand miles of main track railways woro built in tho United States, boing tho smallest construction recorded sinco 1885. Tm Indiana Afro-American Lcaguo was organized at Indianapolis on tho 26th, the object being to protect the colored race against outrages. A test was made on tho 26 th by party of New York experts of the eloctrical execution machine at Sing Sing prison, and they were fovind to be t"von more deadly than they had been represented. The Wabash Manufacturing Company, large dealers in stationory in Chicago, failed on the 26th for S2OO.O00. Tuk main building of the Western College at Toledo, la., was burned on the 26th. Loss, S150,000. DuitiNO the sevon days ended on the 27th thero were 288 business iuilures in the United States, against 342 the previous week. For the corresponding week in 188S the number was 334. Tho total of failures in tho United States Janúary 1 to date is 10,590, against 10,416 in 1888. Lloyd fc Co., of Ellensburgh, Wash., tho principal mercantile firm in the city, failed on the 27th for S150.000. Some thirty post-offlee clerks at Baltimore wcro suffering from influenza on the 27th and were unable to work. Büd Wilson', a negro aecused of an assault upon a white woman, was taken from a party of offleers near Tuscaloosa, Ala., on tho 27th and lynched. In Burnet County, Tox., Will and Calvin O'Uell, brothers, charged with murdor and robbery, were killed on the 27th by a deputy sheriff while resisting arrest. Thhee workmen, William Denby, William Devine and Thomas Elliott, wero fatally injured on the 27th at Baltimore by a falling soaffold. Tin: discharge of twenty brotherhood engincers and one brotherhood brakeman was ausing trouble on the Cincinnati Southern road on tho 27tb, and thore were rumoro of a strike. The Farmers' Allianco of Douglas CoUntV. Kan. rm t.Vio 'AT t.K uA, l ,i i , I rúiu olutions boyeotting dressed-boef men or butchers who handle the prodicts of the so-called beef combine. Rev. Johk Shant.ev, of St. Paul, Minn. ; Rev. James MeGolrick, of Minneapolis, and Rev. Joseph B. Cotter, of Winona, wero consocratod as Roman Catholic Bishops at St. Paul on the 27th. At Newport, Ky., on tho 27th Mrs. Rena Huch, agcd eighty-two years, was run over and killed by a locomotivo. Aftek an idleness of three yoars the furnaces of the Chestnut Hill Iron Ore Company at Columbia, Pa., were being repaired on the 27th, and would soon b put in full blust. Otto LeTJTH, aged seventeen years, who in May last killed Maggio Thompson, a seven-year-old jirl, at Cleveland, O., was found guilty of murder in tho first degree on the 27th. Randiezaz, an Apache Indian, was hanged on the 27th at Globe, A. T., for the murder of Lieutenant Mott last March. Two Cihn'amkn wero waylaid and killed in San Francisco on the 27th by highbinders. The Secretary of the Navy on the 27th adopted a new design for the flag of the navy, to tako effect July 1, 1891. It will be applied to both tho flag and the union jack of the navy, and consists of a rectangular arrangement of tho forty-two stars. In Boston 25,000 persons wero on the 27th said to bo suffering with influenza, and in New York and Brooklyn the number was also largo. A wind-stokm on the 27th at Fall River, Mass., unroofed several housea and tore down church steeples. In an addrens at Dubuque, Ia., on the 27th Governor Larrabeo said that the prohibitlon law was a success in the State, that it decreased crime and was depopulating the jails and penitentiaries. The Navy Department on tho 27th acoepted the ïiew cruiser Baltimoro from the contractors. A cave-in' on the 27th of several acres at Plalns, a suburb of Wilkesbarre, Pa., damaged St. Leo's Catholic Church and otber buildings. Great holes fonned, some of thom thirty fcet doop.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier