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When Mary Ann Dolllnger got the skule daown Miaron Injim Bay, I wus glad, fer I llke ter see a gal makln' lier bonest way. I hoerd some talk In the vlllage abaout lier llylii' high, Tew high fr bnsy farmer folks wlth chores ter dew ter fly; But I raid no sorter attentlon toall the talk on teil She come In her reg'lar boardtn' raound ter vUlt usa spell. My Jake an' her heil been cronles ever sence they could valk, An' lt tnk me uback ter hear her kerrectln' lilni In liis talk. Jake ain't no hand at grammar, thougli thare liHlnt hls beat fer work ; Bul I saya ter inyself, "Look eout, my gl, yer a foolln' wlth a Turk I" Jake bore lt wonderful patiënt an' salet In a mournful way Ho p'sumed he was behlndhand wlth the doln'a at lnjnn Buy. I remember once he was nskln' fer some o1 my Injon buns, An' Bhe sukl lie shonld allns say, "Thera air" alr.'T stld o' them is" the ones. Wal, Mary Ann kep' hlinstlddy, mornln'an' even In' long, Teil he dassent open hls mouth fer fear o' talkin' wrong, One day I was pfckln' currants daown by the oíd quti ce tree, When I heerd Jake's volee a-sayln' "Be ye wlllln' ter marry rae?" An' Mary Ann kerrectln'- "Air ye wlllln,' yeou sh'd say'- Our Jake he put hls foot down In a pliim declded way ; "No wlmmen-folks Is a-golng ter rearrangln' me; IleruaiierI say craps, tbem lg, I calk'late an1 be. Ef folks don't llke my talk, they needn't hark ter whnt I say, But 1 alnt a-golng ter take no sass from folks from Injun Bay; I ask yer free an' flnal, 'Be ye goln' ter marry me V " An' Mary Ann say tremblln' yet anxlonsllke. "I be."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier