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.ÏIASK.VIC DIKECTORI. A.X.V Arbor Commandkry, No. IS meets rtrst ftiesilay of each moiuli. C. E. iilxenck, E. C; John It. Mlaer, Recorder. Washtksaw Chaitku, No. 6, R A. M.- Moets rtrst. Moniluv each month. J. L. stoQü, II. P.: ,. Boath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISKA.SKS OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE AND EE5IDEHCE, 26 SOOTff DIVISIÓN STREET II. .rus: i U 4, and 6:80 to 7:80 P.M. W. W. KICIIOL, ltooins Over Ann Arbor Savinfs Bank, ! Opp. Court House Square. VITALIZED AIH AdrniDlstured. It Is agrooahle and ey to tuke, and no prostMUng eftect follow. while teeth are extractctl without pain. WILMAH IIEUZ, House, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperins, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calcimlnlne, and work of every dcacrlption done ín the beBt Btyl6,and warraoted to give eatiáfnction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St.( Ann Arbor. o. nvn. 'MLJ.iz'FTisr, DEALER IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Oommon Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Nigtit. Krabaltnlng a specialty. Stoieroom on E. Washington Street. Uesldence Cor. Liberty and Kifm. INSURANCE RáAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partle desirlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wUl flud it to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represent 15flrst-clans Fire Insurance Companles, havlng an aggregate capital over {30,000,000. Hatea Low. Lossea llberally adjrated and promptly pald. I also issue Life and lcvestment Policiea In tie New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslring Accident Insurance, can have yearly policies wrltten for tbem orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets Issued at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Ofllce hours from 8 a. ra. to 13 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. Is the oklitst nnd mnst popular iclentlfla rpö moohaaioal papeT pnbllsbed and haa ?!r:írsi clrculutiim of uriy paper of 1U class in the Kuiiy Illostrated. Besi claM of Wood BdkiutinjíH. Published weeklv. Bend for Bpeclmen cony. l'riee Í3 a year. toot iimnlli' trial, ïl. MUNS 4 CO., P0BUSHKB8, 301 Broadway, N.V. ARCHITECTS& BUILDERQ Edition of Scientiíic American. O A (rreiit uccesfl. Kach isauo contiilns coloree! Bthoffraphlo platcs of country and city resldences or public buílilliiiíM. Numerom t-nunivinK and full plans and 8ocilicutions for tlie UM Oi (uchusc-tiiuuiphite buildiiiK. Price $ZMb year, icta. ucopy. ML'NN & CO., PüBLISBEItS. DATEStgl H 4D roara1 ciperience umi h;tvc made ■ 1UO,ÜUO applications f ar American and Kor KM patenta. Bend for Handbouk. O pondeuco trietly contldcnlinl. TRADE MARK.S. Io case your mnrk In not rcglstercit in the P.itm Ofllce, apply to Mix.v i Co., and procure tumiediute prutoctlun. Sumí íur Uaod OOPYRIOHTS for books, cbu ftc, qulckly procured. Address B1UNX Ar CO., Pineut Solicitare. Uexkual Office: ÏC1 Bboadwav. N. t Ia Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine $L EVER MADE. ].Itwlll(lrivothQllmnorrromyonr 1 's,, VL svrtti -in, and make your Rk)iil r„' j-'yt%svM and cmooth. TJiosil I 'c, "{Ll'iinpIr and BlothenU _ -fe, o, i, Q whiclimar your tirautypj □ % 's, '4 r5%Lareníeá bvlmpureö 1,t. % ,% r!%Aiom, and can befl Q A% "'o %% g IjaS Sa?ï II best and hcapcstX VVH I I Imcliclni!. T-.y it, andVl''4, .. I I yon wlll be satisiied. Cb„ o Te Z li Clet it of yuor Druggist. %. ■" ÖDo.n'tWait. Getitatonce m If you are eufrcrlnR from Kldk ■ II nev IMseasc. and wisli to livo tók lohi age, use 8ULPH0B BlTTKH.s!V I i Ij i licy uevcr fall to cure. lij Send 3 '-c.cut stampa to A. 1'. Orilway & Co., Boston. Mass., for best medical work publlshud? wTfTlodholz IS OFFEUIXO BABGAINS (üllilï A'D mm LOOK AT THEM S lbn. Gl)OD JAIAX TF..A. .Sl.OO niiirsLICMIKYNDAl' 23 BEST M It II. TEST OIL, per al. 07 MKST ÍVATEIl WIIITH, " " 08 3 Cano CHOICE TO.n.VTOES 5 3 Cans CHOICE COKX 25 VGLLOW I'KA IlfiS, wortli 25c lcr Oan, tor 1H FIK PEAOHES, per CM 15 I'IXK, MIXK ItOAHXED VUfVKK, per lb 5 Ol'lt BEAUTY" HITIOKING TOIIA4T4, per lb 20 isi'.st it ak !N. rimumt, in i lb. aiiM, per lb 25 IIt;ii CA.!)Ï, per lb io ALL GQ0D3 F&ESB ND WABKANTED ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH St VT. F. LODBOLZ, IA (! IliiOillHAV, VXN AÜHOU. 1586 RU 3 kil IvCild th,s pap'.i.orobtüln ostimates on advcrtising spaco whon in Chicago, wlll find it en file ftt 45 1O49 Randolph St., ARff P,TgfjfflC


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Ann Arbor Courier