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Roller skaters are eojoylng tlie rinlc miiiii ut Dexter. The singing school at Wliilinore Like is prospeiiufr Önely. The farmers in many pnrtl of the counly did plowing dnring holiday week. Martin Ileim of Brldgewnter, broke n leg jumping over the fence trom 1SS9 to 18'JO. It is pail that a feed mili vvill be erected on the site of theold rlniiiiig mili biirntd at Blrkett, recently. Mcrchant's Carnlral by the Iadie3 of tlie Congregational church at D ex ter, Tuesüay evenin, Jan. 2 Ut. Tlie people of Adrián tn in high featber tliis week. Cause: A ohicken s!iow lasting uittil Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Williams are rcjoicin; over a little daujfhter, boni Saturdaj', Dec. 28tli.- Dexter Leader. Jacob Fritz, of Manchester bdil a tliumb and finger badly smashed while puttinr down a drive well recently. Jacob Ambruster of Freedom haJ a tliumb torn oft" by gettin; it into tlie niouth of a hog lic was butchering. A meeting was held at the Congregational church last Saturday to orsranize a lodge of üood Templara. - Dexter Leader. School in one of tlie ilistricts of Suaron township ha3 beeu closed because of the pievalence of diphlberla and scarlet fever. Alden Blaisdell of M mchesler lias fonnd out wliat :i ilyoainite cartridge is made of. It cost hiin a tliumb and fore flnger. "La Grippe" has nt'aokod Dundee. Of oouise Dundee wants ererything that other towns have, except tïie tek'phone and a lire engine. - lieporter. M. B. Darrow, of Lewisfown, Montana, and Miss Mille Bamard, of öliepherd, Mich., were marrled recently. They were former residen U of Pinckney. Govi'i'nor Luce lias accepted the invitation to lecture Ín DuDdee Id the Star course, and fixed the date atFeb. 7. His subject will be "A Trip to California.'1 - Repórter. Gco. P. Glazier, of Che!se:i, lost about 20,000 ponnds of wool by lire on Mniiday night of last week. The total loss is nearly $8,000, and is nearly covered by Insurance. The supervisors last week voteil to submit to the voters at the fpring election, a pi'oposition to ruise $ 15,000, with which to purcha8e a site am! huiid a uew jail. It slioiild carry without opposition, - Dunilee Reporter. On Friday evening, Jui). 17th, local talent of Dexter will present the grand sensatlonal drama entitled: ''Millie tlie Quadroon, or Out of Bondage.'1 The pluy is given for the benefit of the Ladleé' Library Aasociatioii, and sliould be grtettd with a full house. At the 14th anmial reunión of the famJ,Y,„Öf;„"iï. Jj'ir.QfiliWi, YiTkiVe'm, Dec. 25r.h, 'K8, there were 31 out of 37 of the faniily present. Tlie total age of th lainily was 998 yearp, the oldest being ü" and the youngest 8% inonths, the average being 27 years. F. A. Sigler, J. H. Barton and C. N. Plimpton have a forcé of men at work removlng the debris from tlie cellars, so that as soon as spring opens up they will be ready to push the erection of line briek buildings on their lots. It is hoped that the remalntng lots will be oceupied. - Pinckney Dispatch. There was a great rustllng among tlie pages of books of life last 'Wednesday and a good iaany new leaves turned over, let us hope pertnanently. But few, if any of us, have not sotno accounts upon life's ledger that show a balance against us at the end of the year, and Jan. lst Is a good time to cross theui off forever.- Duxter Leader. C. W. Sanford seems to have done a good business at his ereamery the past year. He reports having made 78,553 poutuls of butler which he sold at from 17to28 cents per pound. He also sold to J. H. Benton of Jaekson 8,361 gallons of botter milk, to Adlian parties 1,030 gallons and disposed of about 30,000 gallons here. - Enterprise. A correspondent says: "In speaking of naming the roads I don't knovv what you would cali the road east from Dexter for indeed it is a disgrace to the coinniunlty at largo. If half the money tliat was puid For a road scraper was used in graveling the road the people would have a good road to travel over. Scrapers are a good thing to smooth the road, but gravel is f ar bblter."- Dexter Leader. In removing friction, in calming Irr!tatlon, i ii promoting sympathy, in inclinIng the hearts of others towards, instead of against liim, the speaker of kind words exerts a forcé iiiuch groater than he concelves of. Kesults that never could be iiccomplished by hareh compulsión or an iron will often fl)w easllv and pleasantly under the Invlgorating influence of kind woids. - Northville Record. Edltors aii! hum m, and therefore niake mlstiike, but the more human they are the better edf tors they uiake. It is probable tlielr mistakes are no more cummon or grevious than the lawyer or merchant, but the nature of editorial is such that its mistakes can no more be concealed than a boil on a man'a nose. The mistakes of ao editor stand out conspicuously before the public, and no man is so liumble that he cau not critleiso them. Nobody not familiar with the iuslde of a newspaper office has any Idea of the judicial functions an editor must at ail timas exercise -Ex. The work of ruUiiig ll igs should not stnp with the villages, but should extend to every school district in the county. A good tlig large enongh for a district ichon] can be purchased for about $0.00 and that is wlthin the reach of all. A Bag Is just as approprlute, just as important and wil] teueh the same truths In the district school that it does in the vil lage or city schools. Tlie great mass of o.liikl ren of Michigan attend the district school only and the people's college should certainly not be the last to honor itself wilh the llag of the union. 8ome dlstricts in the county have airead)' purchased 11 igs and others should follow their example. -Livingston Kepublican. M inchester Enterprise :- "Our readers will remember that for several years fíaginaw capitalista have been talkiüg of constructing a railroad from that city south to Toledo or Cinciiniati. The Enterprise has severa 1 times published arLicles from the Sagiuaw papers regarding the proposed route, which by the way, passes through Manchester, with such comments as we thought necessary. The Cincinnati Saginaw and Mackinaw Railway Company has flled artlcles of association with the secretary of state at Lansin?, with a capital stock of $5,000,000 and is autborized to construct a railroad f rom the Oliio state line in Lenavvee county, nortli via. Sas;inaw to the straits of Mackinac. Taka s map ofMiohlgan and vou will see tiiat a direct route from say Adriun to Durand will strike Manchester, Chelse.i, Unadilla and Fowlerville, all rood points.'1 Lueius Taylor Post No. 274, G. A. R., Installed the followlng offlcers on New Years niglit: Coinmandcr- Charles Davls. Sen. Vlce Commantier- A. M. Sloan. Jim. Vlce Commander- T. 15. Fulcüer. AJmant- A. D. Jackson. Cuartermaster - Alex. Sinlth. Cliaplaln- Rev. Jay Huntington. Ofllcer of the Day- James Jolinson Olücer of the Guard- Jacob Devee. Delégate to State Encampraeut- AIm. SmlMi. Altérnate Delégate- John Steldle. Surgeon- Amos Wisdom. The Post has sccured a farthcr lease for live years of tlieir Post room of li. V. Mnrble, and have fitted it Dp with line new fiirniture and chandeliers, atd wlll occupy the room wit!) their auxilerles, the Sons of Veterans and Woinen's Relief


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Ann Arbor Courier