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Detroit la noiv brasrging oycr tho ndct o( "natural gas." What sort of gis nis hor council run by for the past several yeare, anyway ? "Tiíat oM free booter," 13 the wíiy the Charleston [S. C] JSews and Courier refers to General Sherman. Thot editor mist liave been one of the booted, and ouglit to be igaln. General Alger leaveá Detroit on the 20th inst., on a tour of inspection of nearly all of tho G. A. R. posta of the Jnited States. He will commence in Vermont and end ab'out May ist in Calíbrala. Tlic Naliville American draws a ütrlklng lcture of the Karmas farmer reüdlng a home narkpt editorial In hls weekly paper by tho Ight ofa corn fl re. -Detroit Free Press. A miich more strikitifr picture would )e that of a Dixie bourbon reading the listory of Southern outrages by the light of a heil lire.- Detroit Tribune. It is asserted by Southern new.'papers liat there are 90 members of the present congrega who were members of the eonederate army In some eapaelty - all Colonel9 or Generala ofeourse. Biit they 1 iye iot 1 unión mijority araayed Rgainat them, thank fortune. Aboiit the sickest lot of men n tli; Jtiited States to-rtay are tlie free trade lemocratlc members of tlie ways and nean cnmmlttee, who are taking testimony of business men f rom evcry state of the Union on the retention of the arift". They are setting bUck eyes every tlay. Michigan Unlversity not only lus the )roiul dlstlnottoD of liaving more ptodents lian any other college in the United State?, bnt it has more graduates in the resent congress ilian any other college, he tlaee hiühes1; beinjr, Michigan UniversitylT; Harvard 10; Tale 18. Hiirrah for the U. of M. A movement has begun in 'IVmicssee or the restoration and perpetuation in jaauty of tlie Hermitage, the fumoiis nnd now historie home of Andrew Jackson Through the parental devotion of the State to the raemory of her tirst and most conspicuous great son the General Assembly has purchased the property and transferred it in trust to the Liulies' Hermitage Associution. Michigan has had no murder for the past few hours. Somethlng must be the matter. A record of one or two per day ia tlie average witli Michigan now.- Fenton Independent. But a cartful perusal of the telegraphic cilumns of the leading daiües wüi prove onclusively tliat the average in Michigan i no more than the average in other states, nor na great as in New York or [llinois, in both of which stites they :i:ive capital punishmrnt. There seems ;o be an epidemie of crime jast now, but of course as the nation grows oldtr and the populatlon becomes more dense the criminal classes increase in proportion. There are very niiiny people who llrmly believe that tlie publicntion of all these crime?, wlth minute details, are an incentive to other crimes. It is possible tli-it a law may sorne day be enacted forbiddlngtbe publication of the details of any crime. At the aniiuiil eleetion of the trustees of the M. E. church Monday night A. L. Noble, E. J. Knowlton and Prof. E. L. Waker, were chosen. The two former were re-elected, the latter takes tbe place of Dr. P. B. Rose who is absent, trom the city and unable to attend t ts dutles. At the meeting of Co. A Monday evenng, the iollowing ofDcers were elected f r tlie ensuing year: Papt- H W. Mlllttr.l ist Meut.- (i. liengler. 2..1 Öleul.- F. J. Campion. B ard of Directors-VV. C. Tate, II. O. Walter, G. E. Parker. P. U.Tessmer, K. Ross. The followliig are the offlcers elected by AVasliteiüiw Lode I. O. O. F. No. 9: N. G.-Wm. H. Morton. V. G.- Heury Richards. Ree. Sec'y.- Henry Sclillmmcr. lVr. Sec'y.- (J. Krapf. Treas.- y. staebler. Warden- John liecraft. 0. G.- C. Weinberg. 1. G.-C. Saurs. K. S. N. G.- John Felner. Ii 8. N. G.- A. C. Richards. H. S. V. (i.-H. Krapf. L. S. V. G.- H. 0. Clark. The followine oflicers of J. T. Jacobs' C.inip No. 90, S. of V., were iiistnlleri by Col. II. S. Dean last Filday erening: Capt.- D. O. Douglas. lstl.teut.- A. C. Pack. 21 Lleut.- L. L. Calloway. Camp Councll- A. C. Pack, I . L. Calloway, (i. V. Coates. Chaplaln- J. C Paul. Prlii. Mus.- O. D. Cox. lst Sergt.- W. F. Fisher. Quarterm'r Sergt.- K. C. Kern. Color Sergt.- w. O. Thomas. Sergt.of G'd-W. L1. Krapf. Corp. of G d- G. H. Flslier. Camp G'd- E. Woodmansee. Picket ü'd- G. V. Coates. At the annual meeting of Forest Hill Cemetery Co. Tuesday, at the office on the grounds, VVm. Wagner, Fred Sciimid and E. 13. Pond were elected as trutee3 tor a period of thrce years each. Oi Suturday morning tlie board will meet to elect (fflcer3. There were 85 votes cast nearly every one being by proxy. The receipts for the year amounted to about f2,250.93, and tlu-rc was expended for labor $1,120.45. The Pull report will be actcd upon Saturday. The Wasbtenaw mutual Fire Ins. Co. is having a lively sessioa at the couit house to-day. There are some 200 or more present and sotne üvely discussions have been engaged in. The meeting resolved to pay the directors $2 per day and expenses for the past year's services, and $2 per day and railroad f'are for the year to come. The following directors were elected for the ensuing year: Henry ü. Platt, Pittttfleld. Jolm F. Spalard, Manchester. A. T. HuijlieH, Sclo. K. E. Leiand, Northfleld. W. K. CblldS, A mi Arbor. W.E. StocKiiig, Lima. The board of uuditors elected were: J V. WiDg, Sclo. F. B. Brauu, Ano Arbor. ltussell V. Keeves, Ueiter. The dispatches in last Saturday's paper contains the following from Oulesburi;, III.: "Pcrcy Wood, a medical student of Ann Arbor Univcrslty, Mich., elopi-d Weilnesday night with Allie Hiines, danghter of Mr. and Mis. S. I.Hniues, ol this city. Wood formerly attendud school lierc, boarded at Ilaines' and furined a warm attachment for Allie. Her parents did not regard li Is suit with fvor, and refused wheu Wood asked their consent to the inarriage a year ago. The younj man visitad during the holidays at Huint-s' lioiife. Wednesday alternoon lie bade (hem farewell, siying he was goiDg to l'coria. He then went to the County Clerk'e iiouso and procured a miirrtajn CertlflOHte. Early in the night Allie BÜpped out of the house, met a hack abd her lover at an appointed spot and wis whirled away to tlie house of the Rov. A. E. Colton. After thcy were mnrrieil t lic COUpleleft for Ann Aibor. The bride's párente are greatly incensed, and the father Ihreatens to have Wood. arrested for ierjury in ctrlitying that tlie irl was ol age, whereas she is only 17."


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Ann Arbor Courier