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If you have "blgness" of the liead, Catarrh and "rinelng" ears, A hot feverlsh cuticle And eyes suffused In tears; An "all one" leellng 'round your walst And aclilns legs and hip, Tliouah "far iroiu stront;," you're hardly [sick, Because you've kept your "grip ! ' If you have "running" at the nose And constant fits of sneezine; A chilly leeling down your back, As tbough your spino were freezing; If In a"rocky" nervous state, Like one In drunken lrenzy. My frlend, you've got the Frenen- "La Grlone !" or Kngllsh- "Influenza I" - Granvllle Nicholson. Ida Bulle Winchell will sing a solo at the M. E. Church next Sunday morninr. A clioir for St. Andrew's clmrcli is one of tlie probabllities d the near future. Comuiencing with Monday the State 8treet stores have all agreed to close at 8 o'clock p. m. The gospel of peace spread its kiudly wings over the common council again last Monday evening. The horse of Capt. McGilvary got away and left him in the 5th warcl, Satnrday evening, to walk home. The 8lxth ward school did not open Monday becanse of the illness of one of the janitor's children with scarlet fever. The wire for putting in the new street lamps has arrived at last, and the men are now puttiDg It up as fast as possible. On Sunday morning next at the M. E. church Dr. Charles S. LUtle of Syracuse N. Y., will deliver an uldress before the Wesleyan Guild. The large píate rlass on ttie north side of II. J. Brown's drug store was broken by a gas jet getting too near the glass a kw nlghta slnce. One of the ministers of a prominent church of this city lust Sunday, grayeiy announced to kis congreration a meeting for ''nest Tuesday, Jan. 7th, 1889." The Woman's Forelgn Missionury Society of the M. E. church liold their regular monthly meeting Thursday at 4 o'clock p. m., in the priraary class room. The ward scliools all opened Monday and the high school Tuesdny. The prevaiüiiK !-ker ! !-cliew ! ! ! epidemie does not eeem to lessen the attendance very much. If this cold wave, diminuilive thougli it i?, will only last, there will be general rejulcla?, fortotlie warm, damp weatlier is attributed the prevalence of these bad colds and lung dlseuses. An alarm of Ure this n. m., brought out the fire department in a burry. Tlie cause was a burning cliimney in the store of the Allmendinger Piano & Orguu Co. on S. Main street. It is estimated that at least twelve lmndred students arrived in the city on Jlonday last by the various trains on the M. C. and T. & A. A. roads. That was tlieday on wblchthelr holiday tickets expired. The K. O. T. M's, in other words the Maccabees, are to hokl a banquet to-night in their rooms over Seyler & Son's store. The members and thcir families will have an enjorable time or all indications are at fault. Senator James McMIIlan h;.s subícribcd $100 toward the $10,000 gymnasium fantf. This deed Is indeed a generous one, when we remcmber that Senator McMillan has jut given $20,000 to the Presbyterian guild of this city. On Sunday evening next Rev. Dwight L. Moody is to lecture before the Student's Christian Assoclation in unlyersity hall, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins. It will be a imion service, all tlie churches uniling. The stock of goods belonging to F. E. Y'ale on N. State Street has been undergoing sevcral processes oL levy and counterlevy during the past few days, Deputy Sheriff Peterson having possession of it most of the time. The Clicquamegon. orcliestra are to give an entertainment In the series before tbs Y. M. C. A., of Dundee this winter. We can fuUy recommend thein, and the people of Dundee will be treated to as fine an evening of inusic as they ever 1 istened to. Qov. Ashley has thought so favorably of the scheme to build a Detroit connection, running from this city tlirough Ypsllanti, Belleville, etc., that he has liad an engineer looking the ground over during the past weck. It is a project Ann Arbor can well afford to akl. Charles II. Manly Captain commanding Ann Arbor Cantón Piitriurchs Militant, No. 30, has issued general orders No. 2, notifying members to be present at keadquartors, armory hall, In full lreas uniform on Jan. 15, '93 at 8 o'clock sharp, for lnspection and drill. Friends are cordially inyited to be present. Tliis beinr the week of prayer, services will be held to-nirht, Wedaesday, in each of the churclies of the city. Tomorrow, Thiir3day night, all will uiiite in a service at the Methodist cburch, on Friday at the Congregational, and on Sitnrday evening at 1% o'clock Dwight L. Moody will preach under the auspices of the Student's Cliristian Association, at tlu M. E. chnreh. He will be asslsted In tlie service by the singera Mr. and Mrs. Stebbinp. The wood yanl men are smiling thi mornlflg at the dedinlng thermometer. Dressed pork is rushing in to-day 'l'lic priees prcraillng being from $í to f4.50 per cwt. George Jacobus has.taken up Iiis head quarfers u Toledo for the winter, hftTlnj secured eniployment thero. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Stcbbins tlie singing evangelists will tukc part In the service at the M. E. church next Smiday a. in.. The stock of hr.rihvare formerlj owned by John W. Hunt lias been purchased by Eberbach & Co. and Eil. nou lias charge of it. There is to be a "Corn-Paune Wad ding" and a "cake walk," at Maynard's hall to-night, for the benefit of the or;ran fund of the second Baptist church. II. J. Brown found his store locked up wben he went down to business Monday morning. One of his clerks was out of town and the grippe had the balance. Rev. R. H. Steele now sojourniDg in California, sencls U9 a oopy of the San Francisco Chronlcle of Dec. 29th, whicl) contains 40 pages, a largo volume in itself. There is to ba a meeting at C.irpenter's unión liall on Monduy evening Jan. 13th. Addresa on the subject "The Steel Square." Members sliould all be In atteudance. One of the most readable articlea given to its readers for many a day was in the last issue of the Michigan Christian Advocate, from the pen of Prof. Ilenry Wade Hogers. James Itobison dropped uto his livery office Friday night, took ofi h3 heavy overcoat and tlirew it into i chair, and stepped back iiito the stable. When he carne back his coat was gone, and he has not seen it since. "Ann Arboritos are afflicted with the mumpf." - Saline Observcr. Get out. It's no such thing. They are not so unfashioDable. Tliey Iiave the Kussian La Qrippe. Composed of a heavy cold atid a brüliant and lively Imagiaation. Prof. O. J. Little ofSyracuse, N. Y., who speaks before the Wesleyan Guild next Sunday morning is a brilliant man whose recent course of lecturcs iu Buffalo were most higlily spoken of by the pre9?. Thoae who miss hearing him miss a treat. Mrs. Jennie B. Fislier wrltes the Courier tute note on the epidemie: "I always supposedeverything in the papers was true, but when they 8ay la grippe Iasts only from three to live days, it s a great error. Ihavejust had ten days of it, and the end is not yet.'1 ' The Iadie3 of the Charltublfl Union desire to return thanks to the Suiuïay Schools of the Methodist and Congregational churches for their very generous gifts of proviiions on Cliristmaa eve. with whieli the committee were able to provide G3 Chriítmas dinners to the poor of the city. Ainong the interviews in yesterday's Detroit Tribune is this one: "Prof. A. A Stanley of Ann Arhor- The first edltion of "The Yellow and Blue," our University song book, has been exhausted and a second and muclx larger editlou is to be issued. Tlie profits of Ihe work go into the gymnasium futid and a liandsome suin in the aggregate wlll undoubtedly be realized." J. E. Sumner has niany old souvenirs of the days of Ii ís father, but none of Uiem is perbaps more Interestlng Oían well preservrd, qtiiint looking relie of tlie printing of nearly 70 yenrs ago, the same being an invitatlon toa New Year's ball. It is a relie that he prizss liighly and reads as follows: New Year Ball.- The managers respectfally sollclt the company o( Mr. James !Sumnerat.T. Johnson's assetnbly Krankllii.iin Wednesday the flrst of Januury uext, at two o'clock p. m. Franklln Uec. 16, 1822. The bolden of tickets In J. T. Jacobs & Co's New Year's gifts held a couvention at their store New Year's Day and agreed upon the way they should dispose of the valuable presente offcred by that enterprising firra as New Years souvenirs. The numbers wcre all put into :i box and drawn out by a boy who was hoodwinked for the occasion, and the resiilt of his work was thit ticket No. 14.02S was entitled to the organ; 13,305 thestove; 8,061 the sewiug machine; and 12,371 the harneas. living K. Pond, lefc Chicago for California a few duys before Christmas, cxpectins to make the journey In fourdays. In a letter to liis parcnts in tuis city he stiltes tlnit the journey took thirteen days, and that he liad to make a roundabout circuit of 1,700 miles to get there because of wasli-outs in the mour.tains. One young man on the train was due in San Dieiro on Christmas D:iy to attend liis own wedding, and did not get there uotil after New Yenrs. His Christmas presence at San Diego was very much missed. There aresad events constantly occurring to arouse the sympathies of people, and we are culled upon continually to chronicle tho loss of friends that brings sorrow to many hearts. Thls week it 3 a young wife and mother, Mrs. Minnie Wahr, the eldest daughter of Charles Burkhardt E?q., of Saline, and wlfe of John Wahr of this city, at the age of 25 years. Flve years ugo on the 3Ht of December, she was married and she leaves two cbildren a little boy about four years oíd, and a baby boy of nine months. Funeral services were held In this city on Friday Ia3t and the reinains taken to Saline and laid in Oakwood ceuietcry beside those of her mother. The newa of the death of Mrs. A. B. Colllus, formèrly Miss Bessie ltichardson, of this city, at her home in Charlotte on Saturday last, was a great shock and surprise to her relatives and many friends here, whcre she had lived from childhood until her marriage some two years or more ago. Deaiu was entirely the result cf accident. lier husband, Mr. Collius, who by-th(!-way is a prosperous business man of Charlotte, was away irom home for a day or two. During Friday night Mrs. Collins was taken wilh a severe headache to wbich she was of ten subject, and evidently sought relief therefrom by taking a few grains of morjihine, a thlDr which she liad not been accustomed to, and thus tooK too mucb, and wlien ber husband arrived home Baturday morning ataboutS o'clock lic found her in her room in an unconcious condition. Help was immedlately summoned, but she could not be restored to life again. Slie leaves a home where nothing but uappiness had ever entered, and her death causes universal sorrow in Charlotte wherc she bad spent her married llfe, and also in thiü city where she was mucli esteeined for her ïnany virtuesand excellent qualitles. Funeral services (rere held Tuesday from the Kpiscopul church in Cliarlotte, of which she was a member.


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Ann Arbor Courier