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Mrí. J. E. Hockwell is vniting frlencU n Plyínoutli. Prof. E. L. Walter s havinx a ferious siege of the. la grippe. Miss .Studley is visiting her sister in New York for a few weeks. Mis. Chas. 8. Milieu is quite' scriously ill with inflamatory rheumatisin. Miss Carrie Bretton has returiied to lier school duties it Fon du iac, Wta. D. O. Douglas expects to leave Monday for a few month's stuy in Florida. Wit Mamle Bliss lias gone to spend some time with friends in Oltawa, 111. Harry Jenkins has cntered the employ of the Westiiighouse Electric Co , at Chic:i;o. Among the victims of In grippe is Chr8tan Mack, who lias _had a severe attack of t. Orla B. Taylor, now one of the rislng young attorneys of Detroit, was i'i the city last Friday. Mrs. Lyman, nee Fanule Kellogfr, of Battle Oreek, is visitlng Mrs. Wardon, on S. División st. George W. Randull of Massachusetts, visited his brother Herbert for a day or two the past week. Jli.-s Katie Jacobs who has been ill with pneumonía for the past week or ten days is convalescin;. Léveme Bassett, with Sawyer & Knowlton, received a handsorae gold watch for Christmas. J. K. Yocum and wlfe, of Clielsea are vlsiting their daushter, Mrs. Fred A. Howlett, on E. Ann st. Geor;e W. Noble of Buchanan, has been in the city for a couple of day?, the guest of h is brother A. L. Health Ofncer Dr. Breakey lias been a victim to the Influenza, and has been quite seiiously il 1 therefroin. George H. llliodes and wife, and George K. Havlland and wife spent New Years in Concord, Jackson Co. Mr. and Mra. Fred Mears, of Jacksor, wlio were visiting Mra. Lodholz in the 5ih ward, returned home Friday. Alien B. Pond, of Chicago, has been spending a few days at the home ol'his jarents on State st., during the week. D. P. Schairer left SaturJay for Chicago, called there by the death ofaniece, Mrs. Beain. He is exrected home tonlght. Gregory Dibble, who has been spendndthe holidays with his family on E. Washington st.. left Mondny for the west again. Prof. A. A. Stanley commenceJ his ministration ns organist of the VVestminster Presbyterian cluirch, Detroit, last Sunday. Mrg. Prof. Ilcnry Wade Rogers gave a very pleasant tea party on Saturday vening last in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal. George ttcConnelly, of Flint, repreenting Marder, Luso & Co.'s, Chicago ype foundry, was a pleasant caller Friïay last. Rev. Henry Tatlock of St. Andrew's hurch is attending tlie convocation of liis district now in session at St. James hurch Detroit. Paris S. Bantield and wife, Willard S. Banfleld and wife, and their father Ilenry Janücld, went to Charlotte Tuesday to ttend the funeral of Mrs. Uessie Collins ue Itlchardson. James Jone?, of Port Hurón, who liad een spending the holiday season here at lis oíd lióme, returned last Friday. lJim" looks not a (lay oTder than he did wenty ye;irs ajio, In the lialcyon days or joyhood. George C. Stebbins and wife will be lie guesta of A. L. NoLleand wife during lieir stny In the city. They are old acuaintances, Mrs. Noble having formerly een a member of a quartet clioir witli Ir. Stebbins. Ainong the naines that have stood pon the subscription book of the Coureii since t was founded. ■ thllt f L. S. Vood, who has always been as prompt n having his subscription paid as he has been in reading the paper. There are in the city several families vho were furtner residen ts of Flint, contituting twenty-live or thirty people in 11. Tliey were all entertained last Frilay evening at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dibble, corner of E. Washington and S. Ingalls st. Judge Grant was in the city several laya during the past weck, the guest of Gov. Fi'lch. The judge commenced his duties as associate justice of the supreme court at Lunsitijr yesterday. He will move his faniily to Lansing for a ten year's residence, living at Murquette during the summer time. Among the Main Street victims of the fashionablc Kussian disease with a French name are: City Treasurer Watts, J. J. Goodyear, Fred Schleicher, Isaac King, Will Kennedy, City Attorney Kearney, Chas. S. Fall, Evart H. Scotr, City Assessor O'Hearn, Cashíer Chas. E. Hiscock, Lew II. Clement, Seward Cramer, Gerhard Josenhans, John J. Kobison. There is to be a meeting of the Old Mission Ilesort Associution at Lansing lext Thursday. There are about a half dozen or moreofAnu Arbar's citizens nterested in this reseit. David Horton, the fatlier of Mr 8. Judge üooley, died at the residence of the Judge on Friday last. Death resulted froni a all, whlch the deceased got on the Wednesday previous. Mistaking the localion of a chair lie feil to the Hoor and broke iis hip. Funeral services were held on Sunday p. m., at the residence of Judge Cooley, Eevs. Tatlock of the Episcopal church, and Bradshaw of the Jonal church conducting tlie service. Tlie dcceased was nearly 'JO years of age, and had been married Gl years, liis wife still surviving liim. Oïtmar Kberbacli has been reappointod as a metubcr of the State Board of 1'har" macy, for a period of tive years, by Gov. Luce. He has been one of the most efficiënt and active membere of the board, and the governor has shown much wisdom in keeping liiiu therc.


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Ann Arbor Courier