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Who was yqiir Grcat GrandfiiUier ! 'Hm D.-lrolt Journal desire? to rcct'ive, by j)ost:il eard, the address of all living mulé nnd tímale descendants of KpVOlutlonary offl'jers and soldier of 177G, aud, wben possible, the name and state of the ancêctor. Wonder if W. II. Brearly, of ihs Detroit JOQrnal, is conti mpUii ing i raid upoD the nationnl treasury. Scratclaed 28 Years. Body nu -- ■--■ tli h.':ilfs. Itching terrible. SullVi inir endless. No relief, n cKir and medicines fall. Npi'iMli 1 y cured by Cutlcura at a coat of 98. Cured by Cuticiir a. ir I had known of the Cuticur Remedie twenty-eieht years ngo it would have saved me $00.00 (two hundred dollars) and an immense omount of sofïering. My dlseasc (psoriasis) commencf d on my head in a spot not larger than a cent. It spread rapidly all over my body and got under my nallt. The febles would drop off of ine all the time, and my snffcring was endless and withont relief. One thousand dollare would not tempt me to have this dlsease over again. 1 am a poor man, but Irel rich to be relieved of wliat some of the doctora eald was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc. I took and SarBaparilla overone year and a half, but no cure. I weut to two or three doctors, and no cure. I cannot praisethe Cuticura Kemkdies too much. They have made my skin as clear and free froni scales as a baby's. All I used of them were three bcies of Cuticitka, and three boltk-s of Cuticuka Kksolvknt, and and two cake of Clticuba Soap. If jon had boen liere and said you would have cured me for f200.00, yon would have had the miney. I looked like the picture in your hook of psoriasis (picture Dumber two, "How to Cure Skin Dlseaseg '), but now I rm as clear as any person ever was. Through torce of habit I rub my hands over my arms and legs to geratch once in a while, but to no parpose. 1 am all wcll. I scratched twenty-elght years, aDd it got to be a kind of second nature to me. I thank you a thousniid times. DENNIS DOWNliSO, Wuterbury, Vt. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin Puriüer and paraat and best of Hutror Remedies, Inlernally.and Cuticura, the ereat Skin Cure, and Cuticura Soap. an exquisito Skin Beautificr, enernally, speedlly, aDd permanently, cure every species of Hchinir, burnscaly, crusted, pimply, scrolulous, and herediury iigeisea and humors of the ekin, ecalp, and biuod, with loes of haír, from pimplos to scrofula. Sold evcrywhcre. Price Cuticura, EOc; Soáp, 25e.; Hesolvent, $1.00. Preparcd by the Potter Drug and ChemicalCorpokation, Bostón. fg" Send Tor " Ilow to Curo Skin Diseases,1' 64 pages, 60 illustratlons, and 100 testimonióla. niRílLES, black-heads, chapped and olly skin I IVI pnvented by Uuticuca Msdicated Soap. & FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. n 1f Inono ni'nute tlie l'uticiira l jVf AntI-Paln I'Jaoter relieves rheu ƒ Ll natie, sciatic, hip, kulney. cheat( and muecular jxiins and wcaknesaes. The flrsi aud only paln-killii'L' piaster. ■ JT.F.E TO P.A.M. Bcaullful EnfriYlng of ÉjL rrllli aoaiant Míuodíc Ëcwne. ftlao largt JSk i,lu:ratrJ CUlifu of uil tha Mwjqíc guüa 'f ad Lo" ""- ' Nonh JSl Kl Alto rrand oaw I luttrated work fcr AKeota. 0O T a .k and op.arda ncl. 1ÍEDD1NU & tu, T31 lJroa.iwa)-, Nei Yurk. Commissioncrs' Notice. DTATfi OF MICHIGAN, County oMVashtenaw. The nnderfígned havinx been appolMrd hy the Probate Couri fortaid Couuty. (íornrnissionerí to receive. examine and adlust al! claims and demanda of all persons ngiinst the estáte of John Qedde, Inte 01 eaid Oounty, deceased, hereby jíive íiotice that eix months from date are allowed, by order o said Probate Court, for cred'.tor lo present their claims aainst the estáte ol eald deceased, and that they nill rauet at the Aun Arlxir Savlngs Bank in tht: City of Ann Arbor in snid OooDty, ou Monday tho tenth day or March and ou Tíupday ilu t-.'iith diy of June next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said daya, to receive, exnmiue and ajust saíd claim. Dflted Decem'icr 10, 18S9. WllMAM D. HAKRIMN, ,.„_,„.„„_„_. CtíAULES K. HISCOCK, ( Lomm ssloners. KUKKKACII de 8OXM, ANN AKOOR ski. l, itri.i v PIUS, T A T4TT? C! TRY DR. I-ADUE'S " PEJ_lü.UJllÖ HIODICAL" riLLS from París, France. Kslabllshed in Knrope In 1839, Canada Ín 1878. For Huppregsions, Irregalarlties, and Monihly Deranírcmeuts. A rellable monthly medicine. They alwuys relieve. Any drueuist. ►4. American Pili Co., Proprletors. Spencer, Iowa. Kobert Slephenson & Co., whulesale agenta, and all other drujfglst iu Ann Arbor" 'liiese pllls are warranted to brinsr nn tbc "chance.1'


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