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Li ves of poor men of't remlnd us, Houest toi L iluesii't stand a chance; More we work- we leave belilnd as lilgger palches on our pants : - Northvllle Kecord. Mancheeter hopes to have a cucumber pickle factory next slimmer. The Clielsea fair association !s to hold an atijourned meeting Jan. 29th. Ira L. Coon and Miss Clara Mead, botli of Dundee, Married Jan. 15. It is estimated that about one-quarter of Chelsea's population have had the grippe. Some of the fruit men fear that peach bmls have advanced so that a hard ïreeze will ruin the erop. The new court house tower at Howell will have a dock with a 1,200 Ib. bell and a seven foot dial, costing that city f091. The prangers bad a fine time with the rovernor and the governor had a fine time with the grangers at Ypsilanti last week. Town Clerk F. J . Hammond, of Augusta, bad the grippe so he couldn't obey n circuit court suininoDS. Wasn't it contempliblv? VV. L. Kokers, of Wblttaker, took several prizes at the recent Bay City bench show, and W. D. Simondscaptured some at Adrián. For the first time In years the Huron nver s up to high water mark. It is a good symptom. Hope it will remaln there fov weeks. Rev. Washington Gardner is to deliver a lecture on the battleof Ohickamauga,on Thursday, Jan. 30, at Brightou, befure the G. A. R. post. The annual meeting of the W. W. & E. J. Agricultura! Society which was to be beid last Wednesday has been adjmirued uiitil Jan. 29tlu 1S90.- Chelsea Herald. The Manchester base ball association have failed to score a home run on all of last year's bilis, and some of the debtors would like to have thein buncu tbelr bits and come to time. The meat markets will be closed hereafter on Sunday?. It would be nlce if the closed also.' Wby not try 'iVforïuèk.- Mancbester Enterprise. The work at MUI Creek railroad bridge is completed for the winter. The abutments are all in and nothing more will be done until the bridge is raised in the spring. - Dexter Leader.) The Dundee Keporter commends the tidy and nice appearance of tbeir street lamps (in the day time) at night their light is dim and unsatisfactory. Where is Dundee's natural gas well? The oldest inbabitant fias been heard from. He lives in Monroe and says "49 years ago this winter navigation didn't close at all, and some boats on Lake Erie never went into winter quarters." Dr. A. C. Taylor bas moved from Mancbester to Duluth, Minn., where he hopes to build up a fine practice. Dr. Idding U to succeed bim at Mancbester. Both doctors aregraduates of the university. "Del1' Durand notv rejoices In the dignity of Ticket Agent of the M. C. at this place, and Mr. Damon ia Station Agent, relleved of the ticket business - an evidence of the growing importance of the business here. - Ypsilantian. Arrangements are beins; made by some of those having friends buried ín the old cemetery to remove thein during the present winter. The weather is very favorable for this work, and the probability is that inany will be removed without waitIng for the action of the city council.- Ypsilantian. On account of a wreek on the Michigan Central at Ann Arbor, the trainseast and west have passed through here today. Perhaps many of our readers do not kiiow that tlie distance is about two miles shorter this way tlian by the Michigan Central, but sucb. is a fnct. - Manchester Enterprise, Jan. 10. A photographic fraud is "doing" the towns of this state, ostensibly working in the interest of a New York copying company. He takes orders for the enlargement of photographs, taking the pictures with him, always collecting seventy-five cents "to pay express charges," and that is the last seen of the pictures, agent or money. Look out for him.- Pinckney Dispetch. Bankers and clerka who h mul Ie lots of money are said to be the flrst ones attacked witli influenza. Wheu we flrst read the above it gaye us a chili, and we knew our fate was sealed, but as we have now had our turn at la grlppe, and have taken every precaution to keep off another attack, our subacribers may once more shower us with shekels, without compunction or hestation,- Ypsi. Commercial. The sidetracks along the line of the M. C. H. R. here are fllled, with cars loaded with flour and coal, froni the west, consigned for foreign markets. The shipments are so heavy now that the company is unable to transfer the cars across the river at Detroit as fust as tliey accumulate and they are obliged to leave them on the sidetracks at Dearborn, "Wayne and Dentón. Thirtyeight carB had to be leí t here on Tuesday night. Is tliis wliat we are to expect from English Syndicate Capital that has bought up the lion's share of the great milling interests of the west ?- Wayne Review. Two or three oí Genoa's leadlrjg farmers are in a great muddie over a ditch which runs through their farms. One party would dam up the ditch near the edge of hls land thus backing the water on to the other, but on arislng in the morning would lind the water running the same as usual. This state of all'airs lasted for some time, but the party who was dolng the filling In act liad a little the most perseverance, and that is why the opposite party claims there is a good mili site near Oenoa station. -


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