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Scra.tch.od 28 Tears. Body o.overpd with scales. Itehlns terrible. MutrerlnK en-ll-ss. Slo relief. Doctors anI uiimIIcíiii-m fall. tüppedlly curcd by l'utucura at a rost of $5. Cured by Cuticura. If I had known of the ('rrirriu RïMKDIW twenty-ciitht years ugo it would have savi il me íino.OÜ (uva hundred dollars) imd SJl iiuim-nse amoontof8uflrln:. Mj dlaease (psorlasi) eomnienced on niy head In n spot n"t largar tlian a cent. ri'idly nllovi-r nu bodj umi gl iinflcr my nalle. The tcnli'S would tro off of me iill the time, and my lofferlng wa endless and without relief. One tboosand dollar would not tempt me to have this disease over tgaln. 1 am a p ■ r man, hut IVel rich ti) be rellSTod "f Whtl lomo ol the doctors sald was leprosv, some rlnt:v:rm. psoriasis, etc. I took .... and .... ai enp.irilla over onc year and a half, lut no cure. 1 vreni to iwoor threc doctors, and no cure. I cinnot prninetlie CuTiCDKA Riimm too mich. Thjr have made my kin as clear nud fieo from xciikw np a bby . All I usert of them were three boxes of OUTK uha, and threc boules of Cuticuba Iïk-oly ent, and nnd two cakes of CunruuA Soai lf jon had been here and eáld yon woold have cured me for 1200.00, yon womd have had themoney, [ lookoa likc the picture In your hook of s Mal(pl ture number two, "Ilow to Cure Skin OJaeases ), Dut now 1 fin as clear as any pereon avef was. Thronj-h lorce of habit I rub my hands orer my arms and leg to scratch onco in a while, but to no purpoïc. lamallwcll. I acratched tet.ty-clght ycars, ard it got to be a kind of aecond nature to me. I thankyou athousHiidtlme. ÜKNNIS UOWN1JSO, Watcrbnry,Vt, Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood and Skin l'ui ifler and purest nnd best of Uuirorli rmediee, intcrnally. and Cimcuiu, the ereatSkin Cuic, and Cuticuba Sor. imixqnlsitu Skin Beantiflcr, exiernally, Bpeedlly, and permanently, cure every species of ltcblnff, biirnscaly, crusted, pimply, ncrolulou, and heralit;ry distases nnd liumors ol the skin, sc.ilp. and biood, wilh loss of halr, from pimples to ecrofula. Sold everj where. Pricc Ccticuca, 60c: BoaP, 25c.; Kesolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the I'otikr Druo and ChejucalCorforation. BoKton, J3rSend for ' Ilow to Cure Skin DlBeaset.'' M pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 teetlmonl Is. ni ft1 LES, blaek-boniis, chapped and ■ i 1 - skin rllVI pn ventedby OiTioii.A Medictld Soap. A . FREE FROM RHEUMATISIViT n , Inone ni'mite tlie t'ntieiira l jPf i Auti-Falii lJanter relieves rbeu g L imtic, BCiattc, hip. kidney. cln:% muscular palne aid weaknecses, The flrsi aud only pala-kllliug piaster. THE Monument to Genera! Grant AND TheWeekly Mail and Express. Yüü CAN SUBSCRIBE TO BOOTH 7 ONCE HOW IS TUIS? YOU ASK. "WE WILL lEUCFLiLirC-r. Tlic Weekly Mail and Expiess Iih? agroed with the Grant Monument Assosociation thut the entlre revenue of tlie paper fion. j'early subsciiptions of two dollars tacli will be turned over to the l'ixi) for the erection of a National MÓNTTUEKT to General Ulysses S. Qrant, at Kiverside Park, New York City. In (iliier words, if you aend Two Dollars to the Weielt Mail and Kxpress you will rccelve a paper for a year and your ïuoney will be paid over to the Gkant MomncsnT Fund. You will tbus receive a f uil equivalent for your money In a fii'st-class weekly newspaper and it the same time you will be helping to forward a noble anti worthy cau--e. The Wei-kly Mail and Express has further evidenced its earnestness and sinceriiy i" thia work bysubscribingTEN THOÜSAND DUL LARS to the Mondmekï fi;nd. The following letters are self-esplanatory : LETTER FROM ILX QOTBRNOB CORNET.!,. New Youk, Nov. 28, 1S89, Proprietor of the Mail and ExniESS: It gives me pleasure to assure you that the memben of the Grant Monument Association appreciate, approye and accept your genei ons offer to aid, througli the medium of the Weekly Mail and Express, in the erection of the grand memorial at Riverside Paik in honor of ihe illustrious soldier atul patriot, Ulysses S. Grant, Aloxzo B. Coitsiii.i., Chairman Executive Commlttee uf the Gnint lloimineiit Association. LETTER FROM MUS. ORA NT. New York, Nov. 28, 1S89. The irraDements made between the Weekly Mail anl Expresa nnd the Grai t Monument Association meets my heurly approval. The offer of the Weekly Mail and Express is patrlotlc, and ghould it be responded to promptly by the citlzens ot America the monument will ppeedily be built at the very site suggeated by my husband, atid aelected by "e as the lust reetrog place of his precious remalos, the spot wliere I hope my rernains will He tjeside bis, and where our children unite with me in sayinjr, ' Jlere only shall be his tomb." Julia üent Grant. another letter from gov. cormei.l. Grant Monumekt Association Nkw Vuhk, Ukc. 18, 1889. Dear Sir - It gives me profound satisfaction to acknowledge receipt of your esteemed favor of tliis date inclosing check from the Weekly Mali and Expresa tor ten tiiocsani) dollars, pnyable to the order of the Grant Monument Association, as a contribution loward the erection of the Grant memorial at the Riverside Park, in tlie city of New Yoik. Sueh a contribution coming at thts time, is doubly valuable. It will Stlmulate tlie lenewed efforts recently entered apon to complete the fund necessaiy to construct wbat we conlidcntly belleve will be the grandest personal memorial !n Christendom. Faithfully and cordially yours, Aloxzo 15. Cobbell, Chairman Executive Committee. To Col. Elliott P. S ep in'. Will you not help in this work by subscribing ut least Two Dollars to the Graut Monument Fund ? THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. The weekly issue of the Mail and Express is not a mere re-hash of the Uaily of the aame name, the matter thrown tof{ether without rejjarrt to order or sequence of tliings; it is a live, independent, fearless, progressive Journal, with an individuality and a being of its own. It Is sklllfully and carefully edlted with a view of mak ing itjust wli at it claims to bc, THE MODEL HOME NEWSPAPERSubscription Itate. One Copy, one year $2 00 One Copy, six months 1 OU Daily, per year 6 00 REA1ITTANCES should be made by Express money order, Post-ofllce order, registered letter or bank draft, payable to the order of the Mail and Express. When thus made they will be at our risk. LIBERAL cash commissions given to ageiits making up clubs. Siiecial ciiculars to agents stating commission sent on application. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all letters THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EXPRESS, 23 Park Row, New York City. Notice to Crcditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw es. Notice Is hereby uivcn, that by an order or the Probato tourt for the Oouoty of Washtenaw, made on the 28th day of October, A. D. 188H, six montha Irom that date wcre allowcd for creditors to preeent tbelr clairae agaicit the estáte of Charh N. HaincK, lite of said connty, deceaeed, and that all creditors of eaid duceaned are requircd to present thelr claims to sald Probate Court, at tlie Probat Office i ü the city of Ann Arbor, for cxamlnatlon and allowance, on or before the 28th day of April next, and that uuch claims will be heard belore said Court, on Tuesday the 2Sth day of January and on Monday the 28th day ol April next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Dattd, Ann Arbor, October 28tb, A. D. lssi). J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judiie of Probate. Commissioners' Xoi cc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County otWaehtenaw. The undereigned havlng been appointcd by the Probate Oourt for sald County. Commissioner to receive, examine and ad' net all clalmyand demanda of all persons agalnst the estáte of John Gedüe, late ot sald County, deceased, hereby givo notice that plx months from date are allowed, by order o sald Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte ol sald deceased, and 'nat tbey will meet at the Ann Arbor Havingia Bank In the City of Ann Arbor iu said County, on Monday vhe tenth day of Maren and on Tucsday the tenth 4ay of June next, at ten o'clock A. af. of each of aid days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Datcd Dece-ober 10, 1889. W1LLIAM x HAHRIMAN, l CHARLES E. tiiscOCK, [ Commlssionerf,


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