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Epitome Of The Week

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In the Seiuitt' on the I8th Senator Mitchell introduce a bill to prohlblt the coming of Chinese lnto the Uuited States whether subjects of the Chinese empire or otlierwlse. Bills were reponed tur public buildings in St. Paul, Minn., 11,500,0; Stoux City, Ia., ïoOO.000, and Cedar Kapids, Ia., WX),009....In the House bilis were introcluced for the admission of Wyoming and Idaho into the Union; for an Indian industrial school in Michigan; to transfer tho Pension Bureau to tho War Department; deelaríng that no Mormon shall be eligible to voto at any election, or hold civil office la tho Territories of the United States, or ba naturaltzed as a citizen of the United States or settle upon any public lamín; providing that tho public lands shall bo sold only to citizcns of the United States. Sesatob Sii kuman's ontl-trust bill was roported favorably in the Senate on the 140, as was also tho dependent pension bilí. The Florida swampland frauds were dlscussed by Senators Cali and Plumb in an acrimonious manner. ....In the House the day was spent in dlscussIng tho bill to refund to membors tho amount stolen from them by Siicott, the Scrgeant-atArras, but no action was taken. IN the Senate on the 15th a resolution was oliered to Investígate the laws of the United States and of the States relative to immigration; also a concurront resolution providing for the settlement of disputes between nations by arbltration. The resolution to recognize the republic of Brazil was read and discussed.... In tho House the bill appropriatlng $75,000 to cover tho losses sustained by members by Silcott's defalcation was defeated by a vote of 1 13 tol26. Bills were reported in the Senate on the 16th for a public building at Milwaukcc, to cost 12,000.000, and to cstablish a customs collection district to consist of tho States of North and South Dakota. Mr. Butler spoke on his bill to provide for the emigration of the negroes of the South at Government expense and Mr. Hoar responded. Adjourned to the 20th In the House, af ter a long debate, It was decided to leave the World's Fair question in the hands of the committee on forelgn affairs. The Senate was not in session on the I7th .... In the House a resolution that the Speaker appoint a special committee of nine members to which the WorlcTs Fair matters should be roferred was adopted- yeas, 141; nays, 130. A bill was introduced providing for reciprocity in trade between the United States and Mexico. The bill providing for town-slte entries of land in Oklahoma was discussed. DOMESTIC. At Maysvüle, S. D., on the 14th a band of women armed with hatchets and other weapons wrocked several illicit drinking places and totally destroyed the fixtures and furniture. TnE Sraith Middlings Purifler Company, organized about threo weeks ago at Jackson, Mich., fuilod on tho 14th for $484,000. Severe weather provailed on tho 14th throughout tho Northwest and in portions of Minnesota the snow drifts were twenty feet high. The visible supply of wheat and corn in the United States on the 14th was respectively 33,178,121 and 10,833,695 bushels. Five boys went swimniing in the East river at Urooklyn, N. Y. , on the 14th. They dived, splasued and thoroughly onjoyed themselves. In Mtiskingum County, O., half-grown grasshoppers had made thcir appoaranco on tho 14th in vast numbers, and farmers wore alarmed for the safety of thoir wheat. Is the Cronin case in Chicago on tho 14th Judgo McConnell overruled tho motion of Daniel Coughlin, Patrick O'Sullivan and Martin Uurke for a new trial, and sontenced them to lifelong penal servitude. Tho motion of John P. Kunzo for a new trial was granted. The three murderers wore taken to Joliet in the eyening. OwiN'O to the prevalcneo of tho grip' among its employés tho Pennsylvania railroad at Pittsburgh was on the 14th compelled to refuse freight for tho seaboard. The court-houso and a block of stores at Gallatin, Mo., were burned on the 14th. Total loss, 8100,000. The Kew York IjGgislature decided on the löth to ereot at Gottysburg a $200,000 monument in honor of her dead on that field. Colored men representing nearly every State and Territory in tho Union mot in Chicago on tho 15 tb. for the purposo of organizing an Afro-American leaguo for tho advancoment and protection of tho raco. In tho presence of his wife at Hamilton, O., John Mars, aged sixty-four years, shot himself dead on tho 15th. A fiüh on the 15th wiped out the business district of Flora, Miss., but one small store being left intact. Tijk Cronin murderers wore set at work in tho Joliet penitentiary on the 15th, liurke being assigned to the coopershop, Coughlin to the stone-cutting department and O'Sullivan to the shoeshop. Three httndred persons at Carmi, 111., wero on the 15th compelled to leavo thoir homes by a sudden riso in the Little Wabash river. The first bill passod by the Legislature of South Dakota - to provide for refunding the indebtedness of the State -was signed by the Governor on the 15th, both houses adjourning for five minutes to celébrate tho event. A 8M0HT but pronounced earthquake shock was feit generally throughout Columbia, S. C, on the 15th, but no alarm was caused by the disturbance. Heavy rain had on tho löth caused floods in Washington, Westmoreland and Alleghcny counties, Pa., and bridges, fences and outhouses had been washed away. Work at tho Henry Clay shaft at Shamokin, Pa., the largest mine of tho Reading Coal & Iron Company, employing eighteen hundred men, was suspended indefinitely on tho 15th. At a meeting in Philadelphia on the 10 th of the Johnstown (Pa.) flood-reliof commission arrangements were made to take care of the 322 children orphaned by the disaster. The secretary's report showed that there were estimated to havo been drowned in the Conemaugh valloy, 2,280 persons; number of bodies recovered, 1.07.V, identified, 1.021; unldentificd, 054: missing, 005. The total amount of money receivcd from all parts of the country was $$,802,072.88; total expendil ■ x:5,747 11.


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