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Chester A. Turkey Was Pardoned On

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the 15th by Governor Larrabeo, of Iowa, on tho condition that he would not drink liquors nor frequent saloons. Ho had nearly twelvo years of a seventeenyear sentenco to serve. The non-partisan element of the Pennsylvania Woman's Christian Temperance Union mot in convention at Philadelphia on tho lGUi and formed an indepondont organiza tinn. Foub men were killed and soveral others badly wounded on the 16th by the promaturc explosión of a blast at a camp near Johnson City, IVnn. The bank of Henry ïl. Pierson & Son at Albany, N. Y., failed on tho 16th for 8150,000. The flrst Universalist church in America, orected in 1780, was burned on tho lOth. It was located on the old Piorce farm at Gloucoster, Mass., and had for years beon sed as a barn. Lucius D. Stonk, dealer in saddlery at San Francisco, failed on tho 16th for 5205,000. Four young blacks from África arrived at New York on the 16th. They aro to be educa,$ed for misaionary work at the Central Tonnessee College. At the meeting of the Afro-American League in Chicago on the 16th V. A. Pledger, of Georgia, was elected president. TBBOüOHOUT Minnesota the thermometer rogistered from '0 to 40 degrees below zoro on tlic liilh. The prizo of 81,000 for the largest yiold of shcllcd corn grown in 1889 on one aero was on the 10 tb. awarded to Z. J. Drake, of Marlboro County, S. C, whoso erop was within a fraction of 239 bushels. Wiin.rc insano on the lGth from continued illness the wifo of James McNeil, Jr., living near Cannon Lake, Mimi., shot thrco of her children fatally, compolled a fourth to drink carbolic acid nnd thon drank somo of the drug hersolf. All would dio. Six Indian murderers wcre hangcd on the 16th at Fort Smith, Ark. A M-;w trial was granted on the 16th by tho Korth Carolina Supremo Court to Father Boyle, the ex-priest, under sentenco of death for ou trage. There were 305 business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on tho 17th, against Ö24 tho previou sseven days. On tho 17th Edward and Miohael Gallaghcr and thcir sister, Mrs. Kate Stockhouse, wcro killed by a train on tho Pennsylvania road at Morrellvillo, Pa. A tire on the 17th in the building of Claflin, Coburn & Co., shoe and leather dealers at Boston, caused a loss oí S200.000. Thomas Cocohi.ix and William McDonald, inmates of the Soldiers' Home at Sandusky, O., wero frozen to death on the 17th wliilo drank. It was reported on the 17th that thousands of negroc-s wcro migrating from South Carolina to Oklahoma, and that by spring thcro would be flfty thousand colored people in that district. In Chicago on the 17th an Afro-Americah League of the United States was organized with J. C. l'rice, of Salisbury, N. C, as president The objects of tho league are to encourage all Stato and local leagues in their efforts to break down color bars, and in obtaining for the Afro-Amertcan an equal chance with others in the avocations of lite. Ox tho 17th Isaiah and Charles Dent (oolored), wcre hanged at Clinton, La., for the murder last July of a Mr. Praotorius, noar Ethel, La , and at St. John, La., James Ilolcombe (colored) was hanged for the murder of a littlo girl. J. A. Camjeeoh's livery stable and thirteen horses wcre burned on tho 17th at Luverne, Minn. Flamics on tho 17th destroyed the Clauss shear works at Fremont, O., the largesl of the kind in the United States. An oil well producing three hundred barrels a day was struck near Parkersburg, W. Va., on the 17th. The fast train on the Cincinati, Hamilton & Dayton road tound for Chicago ran into the Glendale accommodation at Winton place, near Cincinnati, on the 17th, wreoking the latter train and setting the cars on fire, and five men wero WnxiAM Ku.vnn'OX, an insane pationt in the asylem at Chattahoochee, Fla., killod throo othcr mon patients on the 17th. TnE committeo on territories of the Unitod States Sonate on tho 17th instructed Chairman l'latt to report reoommending the passage of the bilis to make a State of Wyoming and to organizo a Territorial form of Government for Oklahoma. Bhebiff ÜAiiTd.v, of Denver, Col., Issuod an order on tho 17th to tho effect that hereafterall saloons must bo closed Sunday.


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