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A. L tmpman, the Canndlan poet, Jio?work has iittiactcil favorable nol ice hotli in Eíuglaud iiiid the United State?, will contribuye a poena to the February ber of llarpvr's Maguzi'ie. "The New York Banks " s ttie tille of anurticlc liy RiehardWheatley,w)ilch will be pnbllehedi together with elabórate lustra tions of the subject, in the Fubru ïry number of Ilarpor's Magazine. The Detroit Journal XwT Buik lor 1890 is our, eiftbracing a witle range of Information by statistici, reïerenecs, (i;o. It is a meaty eompllalioti of Valunble t'acts concerning State and Nation. The book is Dot fold but;iveii to subscribers of the Journal. In thé coorse ot tlie gecond of bis pioturcECjne ptipcrsoli "Jamaica, New aml Oíd, " whicli Iloward Pyle Ia9 wiitten and Illusirated for the February number of H'irper'tfM-igazine, he II teil the retnarknblc story of the onci; fainoue citv of Port Koyal. Helena ModjeBka has writtcn an entertaininfr paper tor the February Ahena in whicli ïhe gives, in ler own charmlng maiincr, reminiscencea of debuts in her early dramatic carear. Madunie Mod jaska is a IntereBtlnz in her literarv work as she is accompllahed in the dramatic art. A fu 11 p:ire pholograviire made from a recent photograph bj' Sarony, taken in costume, aecompanies thia.paper. Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, lato candidato foí the prestdency on the Proliibition ticket, and Hev. Howard Crosby are to review Henry Geore's paper, which appeared in the January Arkna on tlie "Rum Question." Gen. Flsk will answer it from a Prohibitioii pointot view, while Dr. Crofby will reply for the advocates of high license. A discnssion of this ctiaracler cuniiot fail to be interestinjr. A phototrravure of General Fisk will appear as a Frontispiece in the February Akexa. Worthington Co. aniiounceSwinburne's líen Jonson. Arnon recent biogrnphical books " A Study of Hen Jonson" by ASjjCfHon Charlea Swlnbunie occupies tlie vei y front rank. It is a characteristic and at the same time brilliant essay by one of the foreniost living English nuthors whose estimitc of tliis ftreat olil dramatist will be recelved and read with due considrratlon by all lovers of English Literature. K-pecially Swinburne's admiréis will bedolifjhtt'd with it for Hls written In the anthor's most picturesque aud admirable style. In the forthcoininj: Mklwintr (Februaiy) Century, the fortietl) and final instaTmeütof "The Life of Lincoln" will appear. It U by mere accident that this instalment and tlie supplementary papers deal, not only with the " End of the Rebellion " and "Lincoln's Faine," but with the "Capture of Jeffenon Davls." The supplementary papers on " The Pursult and Ciptnre of Jefierson Davia " are by General James Harrlson Wilson, who bad oharge of the United States forces on that occasion, and by VVilliam P. Stedman, who was one of the Fouith Michigan Cavalty, and who was ah eye-witnesa of the capture.


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