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Scio will receive taxes up to Fel). 22ml. Whittaker is to have a new Catholic church. Dexter is to have a new GooJ Templar loilge. All the fair associations of this scction 6eem to have the grippe. About 70 volumes of liction have been addeil to the Lima town library. Dexter sports have a grand rabbit hunt iu prospect says the Leader. The basket factory at Dexter is preparing tor a large fruit erop this year. The inhabitants of Bridgewater are said to have liad a serious seige of the rippe. Tne jrlppeswoopeil down on the Limaites " like a Iiawk on a spring1 cliicken," so 'tis snid. The town board of Sylvan have extended the tiiue tor the pay inent of taxes to Feu. 22.1. At W. H. Dancoi'f', io Lima, the offleers of L'ifajette Grande will be installeU Fridav Jan. 31st. Wni.Melres has been appointcd postmaster at Whlttiiker vice F. J. Hammond, removed. Chas. Fellow9, who went to Ypsilanti recently to live, expects to move back to Sharon next spring. The Chelsea Heereation Park Association is to meet on Fobruary Sth, to eltct seyeu directors. II irri.-on B ill has been commissioned as postmaster at Dexter, and will assunic his duties at once. The Normal studente complain that la grippe is not In their course, but they have to take it just the same. The Chelsea Ilerald says that " Geo. Seagrcst is the new poslmaster at Trlst, botters known as Calf Town." It isstated that in one school district in Shirqh seveu youngsters have had their iimbs broken within the past few weeks. Evea the fowls out atStockbridge have the gr.ppe. Il seems as though we had heard ol fowls giving people the grip, befort. Eml A. Nordman, of Plttsfleld, died on Jan. 18, aged 04 years. He was bom in Uennnny and carne to Pittsfleld In 1867. Qeorge J. Nissly, of Saline, took the first prize on liis coopi of Langshans at at the Detroit chieken sliow, the lirst patt of the week. The Merchant's Carnjval .at Dexter was a great succeas, and' the ladies of the Congregational cbun.h profited Landsoniely by the enterprise. The recently burned vvarehoiises at Chelsea wlll bc rcbullt at once, so saya the Herald, the one frontinr on Main street to be occupied by Wm. Bacon. The museum of the State Normal School at Ypsllantl has receivecl some vcry valuable gifts recently, consisting of geológica!, mineral and other specimens. Tlie girls oí Plymouth, between the ages of 17 and 30, have iormed a mutual matrimonial protective association. Not to protect them against rnatrlmony. Oh my ! No! The ladies of St. James parish, Dexter, are to give a very line entertainment on the eveningr of Feb. 8th, assisted by the University Glee and Banjo Club. Remember date. Two or three inches of snow feil here yesterday morning, and bas the appearanee of being a permanent tliing. Give us some more.- Milan Leader. The Leader has probably learned by thU time that there is uothlng permanent under the sim. Some knaves not far away from here struck a ncw enterprise in the poultry business. That of p!ckinr up a turkey here ana a chieken or two there from the farmer'g roosts and miiklng a load for themselves. - Stockbridge Sun. Giving them the grip as it were. Milan Leader:- The young people of the M. E. church have organizad an auxilary society with the following officers: President- Wllllam Woolcott. lst Vice-Presldent- L. O. Eddy. 2od Vice-Presldent- l'"loreuc King. Secretaij'- Grace Wllson. Treasurer- Hattle Jacobs. One of the worst specimen of the genius tramp that we ever saw, invaded our village laBt week. He WM covered with body lice which kept him in constant motion. He was handled with gloves and a 10-foot pole, by our oflicers, aud shipped to Pontiac in a box car, where it is to hoped lie was thorouRbly renovutcd. - So. Lyon Pickct. A greatman}'Of ourcitizensarejust now Eiifferius with la grlppe. Ie bas struck tliis office and we are consequently a little late tliis week. You wül please bear with us, for you know how it is. y ourself.- Stockbridge Sun. The architect of tliis column would simply remark: "You bet your stveet life you are excusable." Glrls, don't throw away your old rubbers or overshoes. Save them for the agents of the chewing gum mnnufaetories, vvho are now buylng them in all -rt f Mie country. Pulverized rubber boots and oversuueo, .. . ■ ..m. vanilla, strawberry and other extracts, make the nicest chewing gum on record. - Dundee Reporter. Michael Kappler, a pioneer of this couaty, died at kis home in Sharon, Jan. 23d, at the age of seventy-four years. His funeral was largely attended on Sunday afternoon, at the church. Hev. G. Sbattler and Rev. Wm. Pope ofliciated. Mr. Kappler was the grandfather of Charles, Martin and Mary Vogel, of this city. At a meeting of citizens interested in a re-organization of the Eastern Michigan Agrlcnltural Society, held at the Hawklns House yesterday, January 23, 1890, tüe following persons: William Campbell, "Walter H. Hawklns, Josiah F. Sanders. Henry F. Horner, Robert "W. Hemphill, C. L. Yost, and Clark S. Wortiey, were appointed a committee to select permanent oflicers and make neccessary preperations leading to the formation of a new society and report at a subsequent meeting to be held at the same place February G, at which meeting all persons interested in formation of a society to succeed the old Eastern Michigan are requested to attend.- Ypsilantl Commercial. When the Saline Observer man called on us recently, for the lirst time, he surveyed us with attention, and tken went home and wrote : " We had expected to meet a big, fat, ruddy-faced knight of the faber, but instead, met a rather dyspeptic-looking individual." Alas! 'tis true. The first picture represents us as we looked when we first tackled this business. Then we were "fat" and " ruddyfaced," and proudly buttoned our coat over an epigastrium, as riek and rotund as a prize pumpkin. Sixteen years of trying to do right, warming ourself by subscription wood, and subsisting on donation " wind-falls" and cabbages (preempted by insects), credited on account, have worked out their natural conclusions in our system and brougbt us to tho condltion of abdominal atropina and strlcture of the gall ducts, observed by the Observer man. We do not expect to be reimbursed in the present world for all tliis waste of fatty tissue and brain ooze. The gratitude we earn in one edition of the paper oullaws in the human breast before the next, yet we are .looking hopefully forward to the end, for that meed of pralse when it shaü be said of us : " Well, the poor devil is gone ! there were worse men in the world." - Adrián Press. The agricultuml editor kas made a careful exaraination of the fruit trees on bis experimental farm and reporta the results of the sudden fall in tke temperature from 00 above to 2 degrees below zero. The cabbage buds are announced uninjured, but the peach blows have almost entirely disappeared from this latitude. Onions wlll not bc over half the usual erop, while it is quite certain that tke trees will put fortk no pumpkin blossoms whatever in the spring. The parasitic fruits, such as turnips, potatocs and squashes, suffered no injury, especially those in the cellar. The erop of ofliceseekers promises to be the largest in the history of the country except durin the four years of Clevaland's administration. The protecting cnvelope of this fruit is so thick and the epidermis so indurated that to " nip them in the bud" is utterly impossible. The lowest known temperaturc bas no effect on them. There hu been complaint in the past of over production in this particular aud measures have beea taken to reduce the supply, but owing to the kardy nature of the fruit and the prolifíc tendencies of the tree, they have had no effect. Offlce-seekers will be very cheap next year, and if ttiey were at all sensitivo, an absurd supposition, most of them wlll teel "cheap" when they see the glut in the market. - Ypsilantian.


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