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Undertaker O. M. Martin had eleven futierais last weck. Mrs. Gay and son Edward gare a large reception Friday eveniug. Judge KinnR hns granted Ann Mary Steeb a divorce froin John öeorge Steeb, for the usual causes. Jas. McGrath for being drunk on the strcct was sent to jail for five days by Justittí Pond, last Tliursday. ïhere will be a supper and social glven by the St. Andrew's church on Thursday evening, at Hobart hall. A divorce was granted Eva Jenkins from Dr. O. C. Jenkins, by Judge Kinne ycsterday, the cause being habitual drunkenness. Dr. J. M. Buckley,' editor of the New York Cliristian Advocate, is to lecture before the Wesleyan Guild at the M. E. church, next Sunday evening. J. T. Jacob's Camp Xo. 90, S. of V. will celébrate L'iicolu's birthday with a public program at G. A. E. hall on Wednesday evening, February 12th. The item last week stating that a euchre party was to be given by the Geddea Sunday school was a mistuke in print It was timply a social all'., ir. Ainong the pensioners publlshed in yesterday's paper we notice the name of Lonson J. Taylor, of this city. for an increase. Over wliieli inany will rejoice. Emma L. Worden vs. Alva J. Wdoren, divoice. Dccrce granted, waa ono of tlie cases before the circuit court Tuesday, makiog four similar oses with similar results Ihat day. No ice harvested yetand Jamiary about gone. February is ncvcr said to be a jjood inonth tor an ice liarvest. Lemonados and ice crearos may be a grcat luxury ucxt summer. Don'lforget the Pomológica! meetiug next Saturday. The principal of the Detroit Paper Novelty Co. will be there to explain how clieap paper boxes and crates can be made. The program of Unity Club for next Monday evening, will eonsist of a paper on "Prof. Asa Gray," by Prof. V. M. Spalding, a recitation by Miss Mande E. Caldwell, and muslc. The lecture of Itev. Dr. Duffleld, wliich whs to have been given before the Tappan Guild at the Presbyterian church last Monday night, had to be postponed on account of slukness. George M. Pullman, of the famous city of Pullman, 111., carne to this city Monday in hls special car, to consult with Judge Oooley in reference to au interpretation of the intsr-state luw. On account of failing strength and health Rer. II. F. Belser has been compelled to eive up his duties as pastor of the Zions Lutheran church, of this city, and lias resigned bis place there. Milo Pulcipher says that about twothirds of the business of the Western Union at this place for the past few weeks has been on account of sickness and deaths. It kecps the tickers busy. It Is rumored that representativea of the Ana Arbor Business Jlen's Association did not tackle the Hon. George M. Pullman in hls vislt here Monday, to eecure the removal of lus car shops from Illinois to Ann Arbor. The animal banquet of the Michigan Club is to occur at Detroit on the evening of Frlday, Peb. 21st. Prominent speakers wlll be present. Upon the general reception comniittee we Cnd the names of Hon. A. J. Sawyer and Evart H. Bcott, Esq., of thia city. Tlie road scrapers do not make good roads this winter. But the judicious use of gravel wlll do it ever time. Why do the people along the country roads inslst upon throwiní: away their road work every year ? Why not uiake it pay ? Qeorge Webber and Chas, llooney for larceny, beforc Justice Pond last Priday, were convicted by a jury and each fined $10 and costs, and on default to be coa" fined in Detroit House of Correcüon for G3 days. Uooney has appealed to the circuit court and Webber was taken to Detroit Monday. On the 20th day of December, 18S9, Frank R. Gardiner, a member of the senior medical class, was marrled to Miss Emma Koenig, of this city, by Justice Noah G. Butts, the witnesses belng Prosecuting Attorney Lehman and Thos. F. Lconard. It is desired for certain good reaeoiis to have this given publicity. Street Cominissioner Sutherland says that Ann Arbor has not more than enough gravel to use upon lts streets for one year longer. Theu what is to be done? Then perhaps our city wlll do wuat it ought to have done Borne time ago viz : eatabli8li a stone yard, and make the train ps and Jall birds earn the living they et out of the people. As soon as the doublé track is lald througu here connecting with Ihe tracks at Ypsllantl and Dexter, the M. C. wlll establisu telegraph stations at short Intervals to report upon and guide trains. No train wlll be allowed to pass a station until the one preceding it has reported at tlie next station. Thus rear end colltelon wlll be avolded. Three yonnjf men from Ohio came up yesterday and got out Hcenses to marry girls in tliis county. The ncxt State fair is to begin on Monday, tlie 8th il:iy of September, and continue through the week, at Lansing. On Wednesday last Judge Kinne granted Lizzle Groft'a decree of divorce from Josepb Groff on the grounda of cruelty and neglect to support. Dr. W. S. Studley does not always find a picce of poetry that fits lus sermón, and at siich times lie just sits down and makes some. - Mich. Cliristian Advocate. The third of the tripleta of Mr. and Mra. M. Gauss. of S Fifth sf., died Frtday. The parents have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavenient. A supper and entertainment wlll be given at Hobert Hall, Thursday of th!s week, under the ausplees of the Cliancel Society of St. Andrew's church. Supper at 0 o'clock. Let every one atlend. Henry D. Platt, of tliis county, Btate oil inspector, turned over to the state a few daya since, $10,275.53, being the amount of fees paid in over and above alj expeuditurea, salaries, etc., for 1SS9. We hare received from H. A. Kyer a mammoth cdition of the Seattle Times, booming tliat great country and its great resources. We learn that tho Ann Arbor colony of boys there are all doing welL Dr. Buckley, of New York, who is to address the Wesleyan Guild, at the Methodist church nextSunday evening is perfect masti-r of the art of ous speaking. Ou Friday Chas. Oilbert plead guilty to being disordcrly, and was sentenced to five days In jall. On SaUirday George Ulackwood, a pnrdner of the above was given the same aentencc, before Justice fond. The G. A. R. post of this city buried an old soldier last Sunday afternoon, who died at the county house without frlcnds on the Fridiiy previous. The man's name was James Welell. lt was a noble act of the post. Keniian, the grcat Sibenaii traveler, who probably knows more about Russia than any other live American, or Englishman either, ia to lecture beforc the Studente' Lecture Asaociation on Saturdny eeening, Feb. lat, at University hall. The fanious cases growing out of the assignment of' the ijeorge 'V. Sinlth.Purifier Co. of Jackson, are to occupy tlie attention of our court one day, at least, an application having been made to Judge Kinne for a change of venu to "SVayne county. Judge Kinne will decide the matter Friday. John J. Uobison: - In my opinión the race problem is in the procesa of solutlon. I Know of two democratie families in which the childien have liad giyen tbem dolls, and ninoiiï them in each case are negro dolls, and they havo as nice dressea on as the white ones and are thought just as much of. Is tl) is the solution of the vexed problem ? The luw firrn of Sawyer & Kuowlton, wliich has exlstcd for the paít eleven ycars, and been one of the strongest in this section of the state, was dissolvcd last Thursday by mutual consent, Mr. Kuowlton retiring. The necessity for this change arlses from the fact that Mr. Kuowlton finda bimself unable to give the necessary attention to bis business and to his duties at the univorsity alto, so he concluded to throw off a portion of the load. Kor the present he will have anfiliceat his residencc. Mr. Sawyer will retain the old offlee and altend to the business of the late firm. This news will be a surprise to the many friends of this firm who have done business with them for so many years.


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Ann Arbor Courier