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After dlplitherin, scarlet fever, or pneumonía, Hood'á Sarsaparilla will ive strengt!) to the systeoi, and expel all poison lrom the blood. The Toledo, Ann Arbor et xoHiern Michigan Railroad, on account of Marcli Griis and San;erfest, to be htld at New Orleans, will sell tickets trom Ann Arbor to New Orleana and return at $23.30. Good goinj; Peb. Otli to 15th inclusive. Oood to return up to and Includin'g March 8th. Umversity Hall! SATURDAY Evening, Feb. 1. tal Kil, The Greatest Traveler, Wiitir, and Lectuior of the ïge. STJBCTEiCT : "AH EAST SIBERIAN COXYICT." Single admission, - - 50 cents. Seats at Wahr's and Andrews' State street store. Boards open Thursday mornlnjt. GRAND OPERA HOUSE TWO NIGHTS. JAN. 30 & 31. Special engagemeut ol the WOOD-ST, JOHN COMEDY CO. THURSDAY NiaHT The old Eogllsh Comedy "DAVID GARRICK" As played by the Co. 1500 times In England and America. FRIDAY NIGHT The London and Paris success fR0GERLAH0NTE" OB 'THOUARTTHEMAN' NO AIMAXCK IX IMIICKH. Hftserved sent now on sale at Wahr'u Imokstore. kyl&yislug&úll&j - - Snring lie Month oí January SCHIER k ILLEN'S Our Grecn Ticket Mark Down Salo. A WINNER OF L0W PIES! Do you want a Cloak ? ir so, come in and I y y one at about the cost of material, si y nothing of makinic or trimming. I i i ■ y are all going to be sold this month. Cash will clean them out. All the Beauties must go at a fearful sacriflce. l'liish Jackcts, l'lusii Sacques, Misses' and Children's Cloth Newmarkets, Ladies' Cloth Jackets and Newmarkets. Be qulck and don't wuif untll the stock is alt brokeu in sizes. Bargains in Cottons. Fruit of the Loom Bleached Col ton enly I-2c. Lonsdale Bleachfd Cottononly 1.2c. Good yard wide soft Bleached Cotton O l-2c. Oae case Apron Check Gingham only 5c, AI1 onr 10c go at 8c. Heavy yard wlde Shceting only 5c. One case best Indigo Blue Prints 6 l-2c. Best yard wide " Gold Seal " Blue Prints 10c. Best Shirt iiifí Priuts only 5c. Best 9-1 Bleached Sliceüng only 25c. Fancy Stripe Bed Ticks 10c and 12 l-2c. Good FcatherBed Ticks, 10c, 12 l-2c and lie. One case Ladies' Merino Vests were 50c, now 33c. One case Cliildren's Tests and Pants all go at 25c. Children'g Scarlet Tests and Pants :t5c and 40c. Oue case Ladies' Long Sleeve Jersey Tesis 22c. Big ent down ou Table Linens and Towels. Lace and Chenillo Curtains all must go. Ladies you will flud some big bargalu.s in our Colored Dress Goods stock. Buy your Black Wool and Silk Warp Henriettas this month and save money. Buy your Black Mohalrs this month. Buy your Black Silks and Surahs. Buy a guarantced Haskell Black Silk. Buy your Kid (íloves and Hoslery. Buy your White Goods and Embroldcries. Buy your White Flannels this month. Buy White Miisliu Uuderwear this month. Buy all the Goods yon want for the next six moni lis. THIS SALE CLOSES JAN. 31st I f you don'1 prosper in ihis limded time t ís because you don't care to. SCHAIRER &MILLEN ANH ARBOR'S NEW ENTERPRISE The Peninsular Soap Co., located on the corner 01 nutrtti nctttn ...1 Madison sts., manufacture only the best grades . of fine Laundry and Toilet Soaps. Our manager, having had many years of practical experience in this line and using only the purest stock, we can assure the public that our goods will be second to ?wne found on the market. We ask you to PATRQH1ZE HOME INDUSTRY Only on Condition that our Goods are equal to those manufactured elsewhere. Your attention is called to some of our brands now ready for the trade. "GOLD BLOCK" is our leadïng brand of regular Laundry and is warranted to be in every respect second to none, and all we ask is a fair trial with the very best the market affords. "SILVER BLOCK" is our specialty in the way of a pure white soap at popular prices. It is specially adapted for washing fine clothes, also for general kitchen and toilet use. It is absolutely pure and its equal is not found in the trade. "HAPPY FAMILY" is one of our popular brands and is in every way a full value soap. "OLD GERMÁN " will be jast the tliing for those wishing a large amount of goods for a small sum, vh i Ie our "SCOUR BRIGHT " is absolutely indispensable if you wish all the kitchen utensils and house generally kept clean and bright. - MaiderCs Blush, Golden Mod, Studeniê Owu, Pure Coco Oil, l'ur 'ic 'J'cr, IToney, Fine Cas'tiïe, Etc, Etc. Are some of our many brands of Toilet Soaps, all of which are made from the best imported and domestic stock. All of Our Brands stamped plainly PENINSULAR SOAP CO., ANN ARBOR, MICII. Ask your dealer for our soap and if he does not have it in stock, drop a postal to us and wc will see that you are supplied with the best. PEHIKSÜUR W CO., ANN ARBOR, MlCH.


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