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Epitome Of The Week

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ONthfJisi u bilí waslntroduoed in tla Senat to discontinue tho coinage o! the three-doUar and ono-dollar golü pieoes nndthree-oont nickel pieocs. A nummg were presented praylngfort of the Blalr eduoational bill. minto oréate theoffloesof Surveyor-Gcncral for the Statos or South Dakota anil N'.i. ; , ji.iico'-i. and granting to California thv pe ■ c rut, f üio tiet prooeods of the cash sales of publlo laads la the State In the House a bilí , wai introduood to Investígale the causes of the present dapre3sod condition of the agricultura! Intera 1 i. A dtsotunion tooit place ovor the rul'1--, and tho Okkthorna biil was furthcr oonsidered A bit.i, was reported in the Sonate on tho S3d to increase to K.500 the pension of the wldow of General Kilpairii-K. A resoiution for ncgotiations wlth Spain in regard to the establishment of a republic in Cuba :is adverse!? reported. A petition was prosented for the repeal of the internol revenue taz, and Senator Blair spoke on his edueatior.iü bill, the measurc being made a special order for February 3 In the House the Oklahoma town-sile bill was passcd. A bill was introduced inaking Des Moines, Ia., a port of delivery, and the bill for the erection of Government penitentiaries in various parts of the country was discusscd. The crcdentials of W.M. Clark and Martin Maginnis as Senators-elcct from the State of Montana were presentad in the Senate on the 23d andreferred. Senator Ingalls (Kan.) made a lengthy speech on the bill for provtding aid for colored people who desire to emlgrate to África, in which he argued for justice for the colored man. Adjourned to the Í7th In tho House the report unseating Jaokson (Dem.) from West Virginia, and declaring Smith (Rep.) entitled to the seat, was submitted. The bill making char.gcs in tho laws affectfng the collection of customs oooupled the remainder of tho session. ON the 24th the Senate was not in session.... In the House the onatoms administrativo bill waa further considered. The committee on Invalid pensions made favorable reports on a large nuinbcr of private pension bilis. DOMESTIC. The State Bank of Ir .vin, Kan., suspended on tho 21 st. lrwin Hodges, the cashier, had fied owini tho lanlsr. 000. F. de Cardova & Co., commission and shipping men of New York City, failed bnthrst ior $200,000. Durixo the calendar year of 1889 there were 109,140,917 pieces of coin oxocuted at tho mints of the Unitod States, having a total value of $58,194,022. At AVilmington, Del., a large barn belonging to the Du Pont Powder Company was burned on the 21st, and nlnetcen heifers and ten colts were cremated. liï an explosión of natural gas on the 21st at Sewiokley, Pa., Mrs. George Gibbs and her daughter were fatally burned. Chixamhn were on the 21st put to work as laborers at Pittsburgh, Pa., in place of Italians. The Comptroller of tho Currency at Washington on the 2 lst mide public a statement showing that on December 11 last there were 8,826 National banks in the United States with a capital of $617,840,104 and a surplus fund of $198,508,794. R. M. LoNO, a Guyandotte County (Ky. ) constable, was murdered and his wife fatally woundod on the 21st by a band of rufflans who broko into the house. lx a wreek on the Missouri Paciflc railroad at Omaha, Xob., on tho Slstone man was killed and throo others fatally injured. Tin: report that Mcxioans had flooded tho towns along the border with countorfeit American dollars was denied on the 21st by Texas bankers. The American Tobacco Company, supposed to be tho consolidation of a number of firms, was incorporatod on tho 21st at Trenton, N. J., with a capital of 135,000,000. Isaac Loouwoon and William Bradley, two printers, were suffocated by coal ffas in their room in New York on the 21st. The expross car ot a train on the Southern l'acific road was robbed of S:2",000 by two masked men on the 21st near Tulare, Cal. lx a Chioag-o court on the 22d Henry liush, a fiit'tnan for the Northorn Pcifie, was awarded a verdict of S-40,000 for damages recelVed in an accident - tho seoond largest verdict of the sort on record. Thomas Kaixev, a rancliman, died in San Antonio, Tox.. on the Sist, and his aged father upon hearing of his son's death went into an adjoining room and blew his brains out. Many cattle at Eden, Pa., woro on tho 32d reported to be dying from catarrhal pneumonía. Ice formed on the lludson river In New York on the 22d for tho lirst time this winter. The bodies of three more victims of the Conomaugh valley (lood were found at Coopersdale, Pa., on the 22d, but none of them could be identifled. Thk Freeman Wire & lron Company's works at Kast St. Louis, 111., wero destroyed by firc on tbe ;i:Jd. Loss, $100,000. A FIliF. in the lumber-yard of J. F. Paul, in Boston, on tho 22d caused a loss of 250,000. In a quarrel on the 22d Anthony N. Nelson, a farmer living in Abbeyvillo County, S. C, was shot dead by his wife, who afterward shot liorself fatally. Ai,i, railway trains in South Dakota and Southweslorn Minnesota wero abandoned on the 22d ouing to a snow blockado. An order was placed at the Baldwin locomotivo works in Philadelphia on the 22d for seventy-live engines for the Northern Pacitic railway. The negroos of Barnwell County, S. C, tho sceno of the recent massacre, at a meeting on the 22d decided to omigrato. FOÜH boilers of the Mount Jessup (Pa.) Coal Company exploded on the 22d, blowing the englne and boilcrhouses to pieces, killing tho night fireman and fatally injui-insr several laborrs. ; A PASSENOEn train on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago railway ran down two little girls namcd Walker at Verner Station. Pa., on the 23d, killing them both.


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Ann Arbor Courier