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Tjik i i at thO H'inliii,' clearing houscs in lliO L'nitod Statos during the week cu le I on tho 25th aggregated $1,101,927,943, againat $1,140,890.68 the prevlous week. As compare.l with tho cprrosponding week of 18S;) tho increase atnounted to 7.!). Thirteen' business honses at TSunkcr IIlll, I..J i .ia un Hit; uun. Nkli.ik Hi,v arrived in New York at 4:15 o'elock on the aftcrnoonof tho 25th, thus comploting her tour around tho world in Beventy-two days, six hours and eleven minutes, The correct narao of the lady is Elízabetb Cochrane. IIf.uh Most was placed in jail in Now York on the 'JótU to sorvo a term of one year for seditioua utterances in 1887. I St. John'8 Episcopal Church at Philadelphla on the evening of tho 2Cth David Alexander, a crazy man, fired a bullet trom a pisto] at Kishop Whittaker, but tlie shot did no harm. Tmc linen warehouso of G. MacLeish at Bolfast, ireland, was burned on tho 25th. Loss, (1,500,000. Anvir i:s of the -lith say that for four days a wind-storm had swept over tho Rocky Mountaina and vicitiity, and tho devastation was Incalculable, as tho ruin laid bare au arca of 200 milos long by 170 wlde. A fiue on tho 25th in Cincinnatl, which origioated in the printing office of Knifjht & Co., caused a loss of $300,000. Sevcn business firma woro burned out. At Ablioville. S. O., on thn 25t,li A. Tí. Nclson was shot and killed by bis wifo, who Uien shot horself probably fatally. The troublo roso over a pair of shoes. The Atlantic exprcss on the Río Grande was blown from tho track at Monument Station, Col., on tho 25th and rol led dotvn an embanlnnent. Twenty persons woro Injurcd, somo fatally'. Tuk body of the missing Philadelphla bank president, .1. (. Ditman, vvho so mysteriously disappeared December 10 last, was found in the Sc.huylkill river on the 86tb. California valleys were on the 2Oth being visited by terrible Boods, the Sacramento, Busseau and othcr rivera hayin greatly swollen. The United States Senate was not in session on the 25th. In tho House the customs administrativo bilí was passed. A resolution was offeied and referrod to thecommitteo on rules increasing tho mombership of the World's Fair oommlttee from ninp to thirteen and providing that that committee shall have jurisdiction over all questiong relating to ttio fair except that as to the locatlon.


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Ann Arbor Courier