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Scratclied 28 Ycars. Body -ov-reI ith s:ilcs. Itolilne terrible. MiillVrlnic 'milis. relief. Doctor and mcdleliie fnil. tüpeedlly curcAby Cuticura at a vost of $5. Cured by Cuticura. If I had known of the OuTicam Remedies tweniy-eieht years ngo it wonld have saved me $200.00 (hm hnndred doltarB) and au immense amount of suflerlng. My diseasc (psoriasis) commenctíd on my head in a spot not largor Iban a cent, lt spread rapidly all over my body and got under my nalls. The caU'8 would drop on" of me all the time, and my soffering was endiosa ond without relief One thousand dollars wonld uot tempt me to have this discaso over axain. Itni poot man, but fd rich to bc relicvud of what somc of the doctors sald was leprosy, some ringworm, psoriasis, etc. I took and Sarsaparllla ovcronc year and a half, but no cure. I went to uvo or tlirec doctore, and no cure. I cannot praise the Cuticuha Kemkiíik too much. They havo made my skin s clcar and free from scales as a baby's. AH I use.d ofthem wcre three boxes of Cuticuka, and three holtlcs of Cuticuka Resolvknt, and and two cakes of Cuticura Soap. If yon had boen tiert; and sald you would have cured me for Í200.00, you would have had the money. I looked Mke the picture in your hook of psoriasis (picture nnmfoer two, "llow to Cure Skin Diseases"'), bnt now I lm as clear as any person ever was. Through lorce of habit I rub my hands over my aims and ligs to scratch once in a while, bnt to no purpose. I am all well. I scratched twenty-eight years, aDd it í?ot to be a kind of second nature to me. I i hu; k yon a thousand timet. DENNIS DOWNING, Watcrbury, VI. Cuticura Resolv Ttic new Blood and Skin Purlfier and pnrest and best of Iiumor Komedies, intcrnally, and Cuticura, tbc ereat Skin Cuie, and Cuticuba Soap, an exquisito Skin Beautifier, cxternnlly, gpceilily, and permauently, cure every species of itcbing, burnscaly, crusted, pimply, scrotulous, and hcreditary dlsoases and humors of the skin, scalp, and biood, wilh loss of halr, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price Cuticuba, COc; Soap, 25c.; Kesolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter DitUf and Chemicaj Corporation, Boston. Send for " Ilow to Cure Skin Diseases." &i pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimoniáis. PILES, blackhuads, chapped and oily skin I IVI pr veitted by Cuticuha Medicated Soap. A FREE FROM RHEUMATISM. k jB' Innnem'nute the Vntlcnra M i Antl-Paln PJaster relieves rhcu g Jpr. natie, sciatic, hip, kiilucy. chest, and ( muscular palns and wcaknessei!. The firsi and only pain-killing piaster. Notlcc to Creditors. STATB OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw 89. Notlce isherehy slven, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 28th day of October, A. D. 188, six months Irom that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims ngainst the estáte of Charles N. HaincH, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceaBed are requlred to present ihrir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Oföcc In the city of Aun Arbor, for examinatlon and allowance, on or before the 28th day of April next, BDd that such claims wlll be hcard before said Ciiurt, on TueBday the 28th day of January and on Monday the 28th day of April next, at 10 o clock in the forenoon of each of said days. DaU'd, Ann Arbor, October 2Sth, A. U. 18x9. J. W1LLARD BABBITr, Judse of Probate. Cuniinlssiuiirrs' Xolifc. QTATfi Of MICHIGAN, County ol Washtenaw. The nndert gncd havlng been appotnted by the Probate CourL for said County, Commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons flgainst the estáte of John Gcddcs, late 01 said County, deceflsed, herchy 'lve notice that six months from date are allowed, by order o sairt Probate Court, for cred'.tors to present thcir claims avainst the estáte of saTd deceased, and that tbey will moet at the Ann Arbor Savings Bank in the City of Ann Arbor in sald County, on Monday the tenth day of Maren and on Ttusday the tetith dny of June next, at ten o'clock A. M. of ench of said duya, to receive, ex:im:ne aud adjust sald clafin. Datcd IVcemher 10, 18S9. Wil. MAM D. HAKKIMAN, n , . CHARLES K. IIIS'OCK, ' [ ommlSBloners. ïiotice to ('redi tors. STATE OF MICniGAN, County of Wasutcnaw ss. Notice is liereby givon, thatby an order of the Prolmtc Court for the County of Washtenaw made on the 3Tlh duy of Novemher, A. ü. 1389, six months from that date werc allowed for credltors to present their claims apnlnst the estáte of Jalia M. Porter, late of lid county, deceased, and Ihat all creditors of said deceased are requircd to present their claims to snid Probate Court, at the ProbateOOlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowunce, on or before the twentyseventh day of May next, and that such claims willbeheard before said court, oa Tbureday, the twentj -eevcnth day of Pebrnary, and on Tuewday. the twonty-foventh day ol May next, at teu o'clock In tile forenoon ol each of sala dayw. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 27. A. T). 1HÍ9. J. WILLARD DAHU1TT, JudL-eof Prohate. OUTING An Ii.i.ustrated Magazine of Si'okt, Tkavkl, and Heckeatiox. "OUTING Is as wholesorae In Hts spirit as the brealh of aptne forest, nnda con.slaut ln8plrerofaloveof nature.- New York Tribune. f Tliil.s the only lllustrated magazine exclusively dBvoted to Hport and recreation lu all lts branches. lts npecial features are: Adventuren, Fox Huntlue, ArrliiT), Lunn Teiiuix. AthletlCM, LirrfiMNi', A i il ii ii r II II ni i n, l'liotxr;iili} , Polo, Hun. bi il. ie nwinr. KoailiiK. itliliim, Bowliuir, M.ulin;. CycllüK. Hliootliijf, 'anofing, Travel, FcnrloK, Vachtlnsc, Fithinjj. The Kennc'i ootbatl. It Is a furally peiioUical, pure, brlglit nnü heallliful. Each number contains a story, Every Usue coutnlns an articfe on Sport for l.iUliCM. SEND FOR CLUBBING LIST. Sample Copy sent on recelpt ofTen Cents. f3.00 PER YEAR. - 25c PER COPY, THE OUTING CO., LTD., 23 Flftli Avenue, N, Y, RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hand. BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wholesale and Retiill Trade. Wc hall also keep a snnn'y ■' awTT-r & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn' Gold Flour, Iíiií'U wlioal Flour, Corn IHenl, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Ketall. A general stock of GROCERIES anfl PROVISIÜNS Constautly on hand, which wlll bc eold on as reaonable térros ae at any other honpc In the city. Cash paid for BUTTKR, EOGS, and COÜNTRÏ PRODUCB enerally. Goode dellvered to any part of the city without extra charge. RIJÍSEY & SEABOLT. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE 1 $29,000,000. Secnrity held for the protection of the policy holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the followlnL first-clftp companiee, of which one, the tttnn, ha alone paid $58,000,000 Ure losies In slsty-Sve years : JStna, of Hartfonl $ , 192,044 Franklin of l'liiladelphia 3,118,718 Gerinania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,9(58 London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan P. & M., Detroit. . . 287,008 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses Hberalïy adjustcd and promptly pald. Policies issued at the loweet rate of premium. ïmtf Is the oldest and most popular clentiflc ard mcchanical pnper publlshcd and hua llie liimcst clrculation f nny pnper of lts class In theworld. tully Illustmted. Best class if Wood KutravInits. Publiahed weckly. Send for specimen ïï'fiïS 'i" 3 a ye"r' '0Hr month' trial, 1. UUNN 4 CO., PUBLisnElis, aa Uroadway, N.l. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientiflc American. O ..A OTeat succesa. Each issue contalns cnlored llthOKraphlc plates of country and city residcncc! lor public bulldlnus. Numerous eiuiravlnüs and full plans and speclfleationa for the use of sucnascontcuiplnte buildiiiK. I'rue tl-M a year, K) ets. a copy. MUNN & 00, l't'iu imimi.-. DATEMTSs?E ■fjtiiiniiinu ■ 40 ypars' experlenco nnrt have madn oyC ■ ÏOO.ÜOO applicattons for Aracrlcnn and Korm eign patenta. Send for Handbuuk. Correapondeuco etrlctly confldciiMu!. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark Is not registored in the Pntent Office, apply to Ml'N.1 1 Co., and procuro tuituediate protection. Scnd for llaudbouk. COPYRKÜITS for books, charta, njaps. etc, quickly prucured. Addrcss MIJNS cV CO., r.iii-ni .Solicito. liüMlUL OlTICK: XI BHOADWAY, N. T INSURANCE ltAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCT OF A.W. HAMÏLTON OlHce, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Block. Partle deslrlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll nnd it to thelr advantage to oall on me. I represent 15 flrst-class Flre Insurance Companles, havlug an aggregate capital over 130,ooc,ooo. Rates Low. Losaes llberally adjfited and promptly pald. I also Issue Life and lovestment Pollcles In he New York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetts, $75,000.00. Persons dealrlng Acldenl Insurance, oan bave yearly pollcles wrltten for them orTraveler's Coupon Insurnce Tickets lssued at Low rate. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Office hours from 8 a, m. to 19 ui. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMÏLTON, Hamilton Block. Michigan PTentr al " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect November I". 1889. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. E hu 'mI l'H "M ■L .TATIOMS. && flíj 5a gfl A.M. A.M. ]. M.Ia.m. F.M. P. X Chicago. .Lv 7 55 10 33 3 10 1010 9 25 Kalamazoo 12 55 2 45 6 5S 7 10 3 35 2 2 Jackon.„ 8 8.1 4 47 8 52 íl 3" 8 15 4 4 Chelsoa 4 17 1015 7 10 527 Dexter... 4 30 1027 7 27 54 P. M. ['. M. A.M. A.M. A. M Ann Arbor 4 52i 5 45 9 4110 43 7 50 6 00 Ypailiintl 5 15 5 57 9 53 10 55 8 08 6 1 WayneJnnc 5 43 1113 8 33 04 Detroit.. ..Ar 6 35 8 50 10 45 11 cC 9 2) 7 3 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. .TAT1ON8. lö ! g $ H A.M. A.M P. M. P.M. P.M. P.M Detroit.. ..Lv 10 8 00 1 20 3 50 800 101 WayneJnnc... ■ 9 50.. 430 8381055 Ypeilanti 1011 847 205 4 55 900111 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P M AnnArbor 10 ií S 5'J 220 5 17 9 15 113o Dexter 10 41 645 9 43 .... Chelsca 10 58 610 9 57 Jackson 1145 10 00 3 18 650 1045 121 Kalamazoo 2 51)12 18 5 07 9 45 1 SO 3 0" Chicago.. .Ar 7 55 4 35 9 00 7 00 74 O. W. UUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Aient, Chicase At.. Aun Arbor Toledo, Aan Arbor & Jiortli Michigan Rallway. TIME SCHEDULE. Taklng eft"ect November 85th, 1889. Tralns rnn by Standard Time. Going Sbrih. SS Id Si II H - p P. H. A. M. V. M. F. M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 4 17 47 Dundee 10 18 12 20 4 35 7 05 Milán 9 58 12 04 4 48 7 16 Urania 9 45 1152 4 53 7 22 Plttítteld 9 84 1142 5 07 7 Ann Arbor 24 1130 5 3) 7 60 Leland 9 0T 11 15 5 47 8 U5 Whitmore Lake 8 55 11 0-2 6 2S 8 45 Howell.. 8 17 10 25 7 15 9 86 Dnrand 7 10 9 35 8 55 10 55 Eata Saginaw 5 55 7 45 8 OU Ï0 10 UW088O.....T 8 85 H 05 9 07 1145 Ilhaca 5 32 7 50 0 15 12 45 Mt. l'leasant 4 35 6 45 .... 3 10 Cadillac 0 80 .... 4 40 CoprmlBh 9 05 B 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M. P. 11. A. M. A. W. Gotng South. South Lyon Branch. NOBTn BOUND. STATIONS. EOUT1I BOUND. Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 18 6 40 Wordens 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. ASHLEY, General Mflnasrr. A. J. PAISLJEY, GKO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Gen'l. Pase. & Ticket Agent. Local Agcnt. Commlssloners' lotice. QTATE OF MICHIGAN.Connty of Wshtenaw,se. Ij The undcreigned having been appointed by the robate Court for said Countv, CommisBioncrs to eccive, examine and adjust all claims and demanda f all persons ajainst the estale of WHliam W. Dean ite of taid countv, deceaned, hereby ííive notíce hat Riï mouths from date are ii llowcd, by order of aid Probate Conrt, for creditora to present tbt'ír laim íiirairift the estáte of sald dccoased.and that ley ff III meet at the storo of Dean & Co., 44 S. Main streel In the city of Ann Arbor, In said county, on Tuesday. the Sfitn day of February and on Monday, the üOtli day of May next, at ten o'clock A. M. ofeachof said days, to recclvc, examirt' and adjast said claims. Datert, November SS, 188. FREDBKICKlfáAUN, f Commiesionors. TUIS PAPER s?. ■ Illw ■ Hl bil Kowbxl Co Kewspaper Advcrtislngr Bureau (10 Spruca ■■■■ linni tlsing contracta may MB Mf VlIHK be made ior t Jii lik fff lUIIIVa EIIEKBACH A 8O.VN, AIIIIiHI NKI.I. IIKI.ItlV I'II.I.S. T A "HTTTQ! TRY I-ADUE'S "PEJ-l.Jllj ÍJ U1OD1CAL" PILLS from Parla. Franco. Kslabliahed in Europe in 1839, Canada ia 1Ö78. For SuppressionB, Irregulariut'H, and Monthly DcranKcments. A rellablu monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druuist. (2. American Pili Co., Proprictors. Spencer, Iowa. Robert Stephcnaon & Co., wholetale agent, and all other druglste in Ann Arbor' TbeK pllU r wrranted to brliiir on tho "coanee. "' SALE OF STATE TAX LANDS Auditor General's Office, I Lansino, Mleh., Jan. 27. 1890. ( NOTICE Ís hereby glven tliat certalii lana sltuated iu the Counly of Washtenaw, bid off to the State for taxes of 18S6 and prevlous years, and dpseribed la statements which will hereafter be forwarded to the oflice of the Treasurerof Raid County, wlll bo sold at public sald Trensurer, at the County Seat, on the flrst Mondny of May nxt, al the time and place designated for tho Animal Taz Hales, lf not previously redeeiued or canceled accordlng to law. Sald statements contnln a futí descrlptlon of each parcel of sald lands, and may be seen on appllcatlon at the öfflce of the County Trt-asurer after they are recelved by hlm. Tho lamls struck off to the State for Taxes of 1886, or other years, at the Tax Bales In October last, wil] be ofl'ered subject to the rlght of redemptlon nrescribed by law. HENKY APLIN, Auditor üeueral. ANMUAL TAX SALES. STATE OÍ-1 MICHIGAN. 7b tht Circuit Court for the County of Wasitenaw. in Chanceru: The petitlou of Henry H. Aplio, AuditorQeneral of suld Stale of .viichlgan, respect fully shows that the lists of IhihIs berelnafter set fortti and marked ''ïSuhedule A," contalu a descrlptlon of all landfl in sald county of Wasntenaw, apon whlch taxes were itssrssed for the years inentloned therein, aud which were returued as delinquent for non-payment of taxes, and wlilcti luxes have nol been pald ; together wnh the total arnount of such taxes, with interest computed Ihereon lo the time flxed for sale, and collectlon fee as provided by law, und tlie cost of advertlslnK and other expenses of sale of each of sald pareéis of land. Your petlUoner further shows to the Court thnt sald lands were relurned to the Auditor Ueneral as delinquent for the non-payment of Mld taxes for said yeurs respecllvely, and that sald delinquent returns were made prior to the flrst dny of July, lSa. Your petitloner further shows and avers that tlie taxes, Interest, oollecllon IVe, costs of advertlsing and other expenses of sale, and the le;al fees for personal service of subpcena in each eaw wbere such personal service Is aclutilly made, are a valid Hen on the several pareéis ot huid doscribod In eald schedule. Your petltloner furtlier shows that the sald taxes ou llie feaid described lands have reraained unpaid for mnr than one year from tlie flrst day of July next after thelrreturn to the Auditor General, and the sald laxes not liaving been pald, and the saine helng now due and reniaiiiing unpaldas above set lortli, your petltloner praysadecree in tavor of the State of Michigan t(alust each parcel of suld of sald lands, lor the payment of Ihe several amounts of taxes, Inlerest, collecllon fee, cost of adverll.slns;, and other expenses of sale, as compuled and extended In sald schedule, niüiinst tbeseveral pareels of land contalned Iheretn, and In addlllon thereto of theaniouut of legal fees for personal service of sulpcena In e:ieh case where such service is actunlly made as provided in Hoc. 53 of Act. No. 1SI5 of the sesslou knvs of Michigan of the yeiir 1SS9; nnd in defaull of p:iyment of the sald several sums coinpiited und extended against said lands, that eiicli oí said parcel of land may lie sold for Ihe tiniounis due thereon 113 provided by law, to pay the Hen as alort'siiid. And your peliUoner wlll ever pray etc. HKNKY II. APL1N, Auditor Ueneral. SCHEDULE A. 189T. Town 3 soulh o) range o eaxl. 0 tu M w 1 . g . f SÍ j s' S i 9 w ü of s w 'ií 5 41) 3 69 97 15 1 00 5 81 Town S soulh of range 4 east . NfilíoflS 160 3 58 83 II I 00 " H W Vt ul ÍS 3J 7 U 1 83 2 1W 10 íi Town 1 íouth o range 6 east. . S e ü of s w 11 ií, 6 50 3 82 86 13 1 00 5 31 Undlvlded 1-íl of s w V of n e W, 21 10 52 13 2 1 C0 1 07 Tuivn h sniith uf raiife 7 east. 25 SO 20 32 5 23 SI 100 27 41 W Kof s eü, 5 0 20 32 5 2r! 81 I 00 27 41 Beglnning 32 rods wofne cor. of w Jof neJíithence s 100 rodís, theoce w 48 rods, thenee n 100 rods. tlience e 48 rods to place 01 bcglnuing, 26 30 2 88 7.5 12 1 00 4 75 Se ü ofsw 14, ■Si 40 0 85 1 79 27 1 00 9 91 30 o!) 21 05 5 47 84 1 C0 28 36 CITY OF ANN AlíBOR. Blk Lots8,9aDd 10, 4 n r 4 e, 5 : 1 47 23 1 00 8 33 EXololl, 4ur5e. 56 15 02 1 00 1 73 Lot 3, 5 n r 11 e ïü 58 09 1 00 3 89 Lot ti and 7, 6n rl4e. 5fi li 02 1 (0 1 7 i Lots 1, 2, 3. 4, 5 mid 22 links oll'ii s of lot 6, blk 4 s ti e except right oí' way oí tbe T, A A & N M H K, 4sr2c, 7 41 I 91 30 1 00 10 6S Lot 5, blk 5 s r Be, except4rodsand 6 ft olT n end and 2 roils uil' w end Oflot8,5ar6e, 29 00 7 55 110 100 38 71 Lots 3, 4, 5, 4 s r 7 e, 30 1G 7 85 1 21 1 00 10 24 Lots J, H and V, In larlif 6 (JU I SU 21 100 8 80 The undtvlücd 'i part of 7 ft of land on w sideof Main st, IX ft deep, bounded s by Schipacasse, w by Wall and Kitson's laud, e by Main st, 1 I 45 (17 1 ÜJ 3 21 Land bouuded e by Wildt's land, s by ('inii)b road, vv toa poiut. u by Hamlinst, 1 (9 45 07 1 00 3 21 Lot bou nd cd e by State st, n by Covert8, w by ■Swatliel's add, s toapolut, 8 31 87 13 1 00 5 34 lxt bounded e by Ellsabetb st, d by Kul Ier st, w by au Alley, s by Willis' laud, 0 06 1 71 27 1 0) 9 07 Land bounded n by Hotchkln's land, e by lïroadway, s aud w by Dennis, 7 10 1 84 28 1 00 10 22 BACH AND HKOWN'S ADDITION. Lot 30 and 8 4 of lot 29, 2 32 60 09 1 00 4 01 J. H. UROWN'S ADUITIOX. Lot 12, 4 61 1 20 19 1 00 7 03 BRO1VS AND FUM.KH'fi ADDITION. lilll V w 24 U R In widtli mis e 40 ft In length of the 11 GOft In wntiii off lot 1, 8 2 SI T.i 11 1(0 4 U8 Land beginning 22 ft s w alón;,' Broadway, fiom 8 e cor, lot 1, bik 7, tht'iico s w22 ft along Broadwuy to store No it thence n w 60 ft, thence u e parallel wlth Bdway 22 It, 8 e 0) ft to place of beKlnnlng, 1 42 87 06 1 00 2& 0UMS11Y AND l'AOK ADBITION, Bik l.ots 1 and 6, 2 3 33 87 13 1 OJ 5 Lots5andti, bik 19 also triangular pleceofland e of bik J), lylng between the M (' H R and Hurón Klvor c-xcept tho Ulstllleiy lot, 19 3 33 87 18 1 00 5 33 rATItlIXJK ADDITION. Bik Lot 15, 4 2 8t 73 11 1 ni I ÖS Lot , 71 18 03 1 00 1 W CITY Of" VPSILANTJ. Parcel of luna boundeil u by land of A Bennett, 8 by Clilciigo Rond, w by laudofCThompson, e by Sumraltat, G :il 1 33 21 1M 7 93 i'arcel of land bounded n by land oí Sarali Rorison, s by (luengo Road. r, tjylandof AColc w by laDd oí F 1! Kloek, B M i 3S 21 1 00 7 08 Paicfl of land bd w by land cf Hayden, n by llurun Bivsr, s bv un íillí-y e bv landof bñydei. 8 M ' c9 Parcel of huid bd ii by landof Un. Morris, w by lamí di r..l).N,,r. vis, I hy hmd ()f by filverst,0'1 L un oí 28 63 l os l oo 183 B8 OI'.ICINAI, I'LAT. Lot 56, i 79 46 07 1 00 3 8í I OI.I.KTT, 10BLTB AND SKlNNl'lt'S ADDITION. Lot 888, 16 .",) 4 03 62 1 00 21 ir, GII.UEBT'S KASTERN ADDITIOK. Lotl, 7 59 198 30 100 10 87 II. W. I.AKZF.I.EK'S ADDITION. Lot 36, 15 42 4 01 62 100 21 05 Lot BS, 2 7S 74 H 1 00 4 61 MORSE ADP1TION. Lot 40, 1 79 46 07 1 00 8 32 VILLAOB OF CHELSEA. Elk Lot6, 11 6 C5 113 27 1 00 9 65 I. M. CONOUOS'S 2d ADDITIOS. Lot 2, V 2 37 62 09 1 00 4 08 VILLAGEOF DEXTER. Lot 8, "li1 46 12 02 II 100 VILLAQE OF MANCHESTER. COREY'S ADDITIOJJ. lílk Lot 3, 2 6 20 1 61 25 1 00 9 06 VILLAGE OF MOOKVILLE. Loto, blk3nr le 37 09 01 1 00 1 47 VILLAGE OF SALINE. Town A, eovilh of range 5 eant. Sec Ijiind bounded u by Hiirrls, e by toWD line, 8 by Conibs, w by st, i 136 6 38 1 C0 26 1 00 9 30 BBNNBTT'a PLAT. T 3 s of r ." e Sec v y, oí loi is, ÖU 15 43 IJ 02 1 03 1 57 AtfDITOK (HNKHAi.'S OFFICE, ( Lansini;, Htob„ January 27, 18901 Nollco Is iiereby given tliat the State of Michigan luis llk-d in llic Circuit Court for the County of Washlennw, in chancery, a petüion of which the foregoing isa truecopy ; lliat II claims a decree agalnst eacli parcel of land therein duscrlbed for the amouuts specllled respect Ively.and in addltlon tliereto oi theamount of li'üil toes for personal service of subpcetia In each case wnere such service Is actually mude as provlded InSectton 53 of Act No. 195 Laws ot 188!); tliat such petltlon wlll bu broughl on for a hearing and decree at the uext term of sitld Court to be held on the tiift Moudny of Maixh 18ÍX), at Aun Arbor, in sald cotinty of VVashtenaw, that all persons Inlerested lusuch landa and deslrlng lo contt'st the Hen clalmed thereon for such luxes, or any part, thereof, ►hall appear In Bald rourt and 111e wlth the (Jlerk Ihereof thelr objecilon thereto on or belöre said ürst Mondas ot Marcb 1S90, and that In default thereof a decree will be taken ns prayed ior In sald pelition. Notlce Is also hereby glven that on the flrst Monday of May, 1890, the lands deeerlbed la said pellllon, and lor which an order of salo slmll be made, will be sold for the taxes, lntorect, and charges thereon, as determlned by Bald decree, at me C'nimty Treasurer'H offlce, in the City of Aun Arbor, in said County of Wushlenaw. ilENKY H. APLIrJ, Auditor Oeueral. Morí gage Sale. V.'nKUEAS defnnlt tus hten mace in the condi" liona (jf a ct-rtain m íriguge wtiereby the power o sale ihorcin contalued dh bicorne i pemtive, ixccaled by Qe rjíe E. Dierce and Nettie Bierce. hls wlfe, oí' thc townslr.p ol bylvan, vVasbtenaw cmnty, Mich., mortg i;ors to Thomas Wllklnson oftbe sume place, nvrt;ítigee bearinir date Üecimber M. a. I). 1831, iifknuwledfcd December 3d, A. D. IMS.I. and morded in ihe oilice orthe Beglater of Deeds fot Wanhten: w county, .Michigan, on the 4th day of December. A. D. Iññ'S, in Líber tífZ of Mortgagen, on pnge (id ; wiiich mortgat waá duly íipsi:iicd by i?aíd Thomas Wtlkinson to Junius E. lieal on ihe : I day of December, A. D. 1883, which assíifnineiit waa recorded oi December 4ib, A. D. 1888, In the Register of Decds office lor Ihc county of Wnshienaw, State ot Michigan, in Ltber 8 of A88inmenta of Mortgfiges, on page 154. On whicli mortgae there is claimed to be due at the date ol this notice tbc sum of ($ 1,50) thirty-flve hundred and flfly dollars, and ro actions or proceediiigfl at Jaw or in cquity have been instituted to recover the debt secured by sald mortgsgeor any part tliereof. Noltce is h; n:by given thnt by virtne of the power of eft'.e coDtained in said mortgaffe and of ihe atiitute in such caee made and provtded, the eaid mortaaiic will be íoreclosea by sale oí the mortg'gi-d premiwes iht-rein described, which eale wili oe made at the wet door of the conrt hoase. In the city ol Ann Arbor, in the county of Waehtenaw, Siatn of Michigan, that belnt' the place of holdlut; the circaltcivirt Tor said county, at public auclion, liy tlie shertffof eaid county, on Satnrday the l'Jth day of April, a. D. 1S9J. at 10 o'clock in the ïorei-oon of said üay, to satiefy the amount whlch etall Uien be due on said mortgage. 'J he premises rtcfcribed in pald mortgage to be eold né bove specified ure : The west hatl of thc northwest qnarier ot' eection 11, also the south sixty acres of thc east half of the northeast qnarter of sectlon 15, beinar all tbat part of s;ild lot that lies south of Mili Crcek Uiten, running through the ame, lao a strip of laúd iwi roda wide r.long tlie cast sïde or the west half of the sonlbwi-gt quarter of sectloa II, Trom the territorial road noitii of lbo iiorth line oi said lot, all in the townnhlp of Sylvan, connty of Waslitenaw, Siate of Michigan. Ann Akbok, Mich.. Jan. 21, 18itO. .lUNIUS K. liËAL, Asslgnee. S.VWTEB & KnowlTok, Attorneys. Mort gage Sale. DEFAUI-T HAVINQ BEEN MADE IN THE conditloro of a certnin mortgage exraited by Luvi JohntOD and Mary Ann .Jolinton his wlfe, to Uboic Ddw, dated the twenty-thtrd day of February A D. 1884 rad n-conU-d in llie i fllco of tho RegUler of Deed for the Connty of Washtcnaw State of Michiean on the twenty-tatrd duy or Febïuary A. D. 1SS1 in Liber 83 of mortgages on page 02, which ïaid mortgnge was duly neuU'ned by dcud of asaigomsnt by the nd Chase Dow mort;:igee to Kicbard J. Zebbs on ihu ik'ht day of Di mber A. Ii. 1888 whlch (ald otsJsi ment of aaid mortgage is recordé i in ihe offlcc of the Kegfeter of üceds for eaid County in I.ibcr ld of nsslgcmonts of mortgasea m page lOO, by wh'.ch said deliiult the power of aale cooialoed in aid mortír'id baa bocoiue opera'iveandnoproccdingu in law or equlty havine been insiituted to recover the debt secured by eaid morigïgt! or any part thcreof, and the enm oí ono hundreil and sevciity dollars belDg now claimed to bu dne on gueh m ngjt;e. Notice is hertby given tliat Ihefaid mrig:ie wlll bc forclosed by a sale oï' the m irtg iged ir mtaea iherein described or f ome part tnereof vlz : Lot nninber twenty-elght a ml tue north hali of lot uumber twenty-nine iu Brow and Bach' Addition to the City of Ann Artor Wanhtcnaw Jounty Michigan according to the recorded plat of said addition at public vendue at the cast door ofthe Court Iloufc In the city of Ann Arbor lu taid Coanty (that being the place of hokllre the Circuit Conrt for said Couutv) on the tweuty-fourth day of April A. D. 1SÍX) at ten iiV'd k in the forenoon of that day. Dated Jannary 23rd. 1:). U1CUAKU J. ZSBBS. AsBijnee of Morlgagee. J. F. Lawubvck, Atty. lor Assignee. Mortgage Sale. DKFAULT HA VING BEEN MADE IN THE conditions of a moitgage exeouted hy Evemrd II. Morgan and Allee M. Morgan, hls wife, to Janiu K. Heul Field, hearing date the "rd day of May A. I). 1SS1, and rcoorded In the office of the Kegisier of Deeds for Washtcnnw County, .Michigan on the .'id day of May A. D. 18S-I at 3 o'clock p. m. of ihat day, in Liber 61 of montages on page 310, by which defanlt, the power of fale contnined in said mortg:ige becnme operativo, and eo suit or prOCeeolDga in law or cqnlty haring been iustttuted to recover the debt securcd by paid mortgaíc, or any part thcreof, and the eum of fUti.7 at ihu date of thla notice belug claimud to be dne on faid mortgape, and that at the date of eaid mortgago the fnll noma of the eaid mortffagee, na Juuitis B, Beal Field; that after t;iid ínorigaiíe made aud executed, said motftiitee applied to the l'robate Coort, for aid Conuty of VVasbteMiw, in writinsr, in pursuncco ot' the Matute in such cape made and provided, and on thu "!h day of July A. U. 18S1, he obtalned an order of suld Probate Ortnrl chnncing his namo fruui Jim E. Beal Field to .Jiiniu K. Beal, as in and by the record ot eaid Probate Courtlu that mniter, relerence beinc thereto had will more fully and at large appear. Now therefore notice is hereby ííiven, tliat s:iid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale ot' the luortt'aiied prt-misea therein desetibctt, nrsdiin! pailthercof, and toat the premisos are described in said va-yrtggQ ai follows, towit, all that certain piece or parel of land eituited and beliix ii liieTownship of PittsBeld, lu the County ofWashtouaw, and state ot Michigan, described as follows, towit: Beglaning at a point in the west side of srcíioü nnmber lotir (4) m eaiu rowntnip uluteen (19) chaina and seventy-nine (79) links from the northwest corner of sald eectlon line, thuuce north cighty-seven (STjdegreesaad flfty (5(1) minutes i-ust ihree (.'i) chuín and Üllrty-alx (SH) liuks to a Btake one cüain aud twenty-eeven (27) links Irom a cherry tree ten lncbcs in diameter, wbich beara south elgbty-ieven (b7di'grees wet, thirnce souih two (2) dagraet ast flf iy-tour (54) liuks, theuce south eiKhtyniue (8!P) degreei und ten (10) minutes cast six (6) chaina and eight}-blglit (88) links to a stuke thirty cix and a huif (.36' .;) links irom au apple tree fifteen lnches In diameter, whkh bears south Iwunty-eigbt (2.S) degrees west, Ibenoe south sixty-ciRht (üs) dfiin'cs i-ast on chain aud cljhiy-8even (K7) links, thence eouth eighty-four (H4) degreea east Tour chiiins and flity-lour (54) links to the lnterser.tlon of two ditihes, tlience south tix (li) derees eaxt eieren (11) chains and twenty-two (22) links to the recoguized erint and weel qiiMrter line thcice weat tue a-iarter line BeventeeL (17) chains and twenty (L"0) Imka to the recogctzad qoartei stake, thenco norm en ilie MOtton line thirteen (13) chuin" "' wty (SU) link ui the placo or beginuliiK. coniaiiiinji twnly-une acrciof land more or less, at public veudue, uu ThunUy iba ilrst clay of .May ÏS'JO, nt uouu al thu north Iruut aoor of the Court llouse in the City of Ann Arhor, in eaid Countv, tbat bylog the place ol'boloict; '"-' t:ircuit Court lu siiiü %urliJ.1,,-29thA.DijsEBEAi Aloitgageo, Formerly Juuine K. Ucl Field. A. J. SAWTBBi Atty. lor Mortgagee. RÚES TO T.AM, lïiatitiful Engwïng of M prnj.tiic snrient Uuunie Su, Uo larg ,_ _p TlllimraU-d CUlojuof uil ttiit MmodIc gooiiê &g j''tl Lowtt Drices Id North Amerx. JS, JjBk AUri(trna uw IlluUrftteJ werk for Aeculi. jU


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Ann Arbor Courier