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TI isilSfi: DIRECTOR!. A. ss Akhok Commandeky, No. 18 meetg first fuesday of ench inoiith, C. K. Hlscock, K. O.; John II. Mlner, Recorder. VASHTBWAW Chapter, No. 6, R. A. M.- Meets nrst Monday each month. J. L. sume H. P.: Z. Koath, Hecretary. BU6INE SS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. ÍHSKASKS OF TIIE EYE, EAK, NOSE AND THEOAT. OrriCE AND RES1DENCE, 26 SOUTH DI7ISI0Ï STREET Hours: 1 to 4, and G:."0 to 7:30 P. M. YOGEL & KERIT IIK.M.KI: IN ALL KIXDS OP FRESH AND SALT MEATS POutlry, Lard,rtc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O I-:. Aun si., Anu Arbor. W. W. M('iIOI, DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ánn Arbor Savings Iiauk, Opp. Court lli'iisc Square. VITALIZED AIR Adrnlnietered. It íb agroeablc and caey to Uke, and no proatraüng ettects foliow, while teeth are extractcd without pain. WILLIAMÍ IIERZ, Houso, Sig'n Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calcimlnlng, and work of evory descrlption done in the beet Btylc, and warraníod to give eatiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washinecton St., Ann Arbor. o. im:. iLJLi&TTisr, 'DEALEK IS CLOTH CASKKTS, MITALIC And Coramon Cofflns. Calis attented to Day or Nigbt. Kmbalmlng a specialty. Btoreroom on E. Washington Street. Kesidence C!or. Liberty nd Flfth. TIip Püffflñi"!' h UwfiiW fia ni? CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLUS $7,000. Adfliüonal Llatílities of Stockholflers $5O,OOO. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) BANKING DEI'ARTMENT, Office of the Commlssioiiers. J Whereas, by satisfaotory evldence presented to the underslgned, it has been made to appear that the Farmers' and Medíanles' theclty of Ann Arbor, In tbeCounty of Washtenaw, State of Michluan, has complied with all the provisión of the General Banking Law of the Htate of Michigan reiulred to be complled wlth before a corporation shall be authorlzed to con tinne the buelnessof Banking. Now tberefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, Commlsslonerof the State Banking Department, do hereby certlfy that by that the Farmers' dk Medíanles' Bank, aforesald, is authorlzed to continue the business of banking ns provlded in sectton 60 of the Gen'l Banking law of the State of Micblgan. [L. S.] in witneBH whereof witness my hand and seal of office at Lanslng tbia 82d day of June, 1889. T. C. SHERWOOD, Com. of the Banking Dept. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Bant havlng flled their certifleate with the State Banking Department are now authorized to do inislnosH asa Havings Bank, and in pursuance tliereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savlngs department on all depo8lts of 81 and upwards, Interest pald June lBtand Dec. lst, of each year. The savlngg department is open Saturday nlghts from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan in surasof 25 to $5,000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securitles. DIRECTO KS-Reubpn Kempf, Chas. K. lireeuc, K. Dully, Ambrone Kearey. Wm. O. stevpns, W. F. Breakey. I. K., John Hura, D. F. Scliairer. R. KEMPF, Pres. E. DBFFY, Vlce-Pre. F. II. Kil, si K ('uNhh-r. Ia The Greaiest Blood Purifierfë KNOWN. f I Thl8 Great Germán Medicine Is thc#., II Rlicapestaml best. 128 doses of SUL- II PIlUKKITTKKSfor$1.00,lessthan# L III one cent a close. It wlll euro ttivW 6j U □ worst cases of Bkln dlsease, tromW m a common pimple on the tact-M f Lg Iflto that awful (liscase Scrofula. 5T HI8ULPHDB BI1TK1ÍS Is thejf ■!■ t ■.- t medicine to use In allF "" III cases of eiich stubborn and#yonr III I liU't'P seated dlseasee. lo#neysareoutll Ulnot ever take #of order. Use III BLUE PILLS #SUL1M[UR0 Ior mercury, they are dead ÊJT. l'}X J' V ly. Place your trust in#Xrwh' tafia IB SULPHU R B1TTKHS, #matt,cf„w llat al'B II the purest and best# 3ro11' " medicine ever made. #gjpj„r Bitters ! III Ca wllh a yellowstickynon't walt nntll yon íü Isuliia'nce?l8yourBreunabletownlk,orll breatb foul aud#areflat on your iKuk.l II offensWe? Yourwbut get somo at onre, lt III stonmeh Is ont#wlU cure you. Sulphurll of order. Use#Blttcr3 is aöSu KRsThe Inyaltd'g Friend.K IImmcdiately#Xhcyounpr,thoaf?edand tot-SS Í8 your l'r-#ítLrliií are soon made well ly II Ine thlck.Ftts use. Kemember whatyouHI ropy, clo-read herc, it may save vuur II uuy, orMüte, lt has saved hundrcds.ll g. #Dou'twaituntilto-morrow, f g Try a Bottle To-day I □ I S" m Are you low-splrlted and wcak.Ijj II 3 Mor suffcrlne froni the excesses of In III #y"uth? If so, SUL.PUUK BITTKKSlJ 1 Vwlll cure you. Send 3 2-cent biiiiup to A. I'. Ordway & Co., Bostou.Mass., for best medical work puüllsheil? W, F, LODHOLZ IS OPFEttlSG BABGAINS TV BUI AND JWISIS LOOK AT THEM 5 lbH. GUOD JAPAN TEA Sl.OO 7 B8r L1UNDRV SOAP 25 UIM 1IU 'II.TKSTOIL, il-r iflll. O7 BEST WATER 1VIIITE, " " O8 3 Can CHOICE TOH.VTOKS L5 3 Vam CHOICE COKS 25 ïi;i.l,()W PEACHE8, nurlli ï.ir per Can, for 18 PIE PEACHES, per Can 15 I ll., Ml XII KOA8TED COVFEE, per Ib 85 Ol'B BEAUTV" SIIOKIM; TOBACCO, per 1b 20 HI.ST IIAKl.Mi I'OWOKH, In 1 lb. Cane, per lb 25 JIIXED CAN1V, per lb 10 ALL QOODS FRSSH KD WAEANTÏD ! -W IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH - VT. F. &ODBOLZ, 4 & O IIIIOAIIUMV, A. AUIIOH. 1530 ImilCn I IwCnd ihli popcr,of obtnn eitimatei on advertising spce when In Chicago, wlll find it on filo at 45 to9 Randolph Kt, QK 0 TUAIIAC


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