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Washtenaw Pomology

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The lccture by Mr. F. C. Newcomb of toe U. of M., was illustrated on a chart and so well stated and explainocl tliat all present were greatly beneiited and a vote of thanks te mie red Mr Newcomb. The principal points of the lecture were: Applicitions of tbe Bordeaux Mixture just at the proper time as soon as any appearance of reddlsh-brown spots under the leaves 18 detected. The mixture is ulso preventive of the downy mildew (peronosponi vitícola.) Proportion of the mixture: Sulphate of copper six pounds dissolved in fiUï gallons of hot water; lime tour pounds dissolved in four r:illoiis of cold water. Mix the two volutions well and when desired for use dunte to twenty-two gallons of cold water. The J.ipy pump which stirs the solution diii i i ïir ipplication is offcred by the Columbia Brass Works, 1210 D. Street, Washington D. C, cost $31. Another pump iqually as good as the Japy is the Eureka, manufacturad by Adam Weaber, Of Vinelanil, N. J., cost $21.05. Warm and damp weather lavors the diseise, dry weiitlnr is aitaiB't its spread, üurn in the l.ill the trimtniugs and diseased leaves and gr.ipes. Mr. (jinzhoin stated that his vines planted in the rows of his apple orclüird were nut attackcd by the black rot, while 75 percent, were destroyed by the rot in opon culture. He will try bagííing of the clusters and the application of lime. Mr. F. S. Elwell, president of the Detroit Paper Novelty Co., who was present by invitation, was called upou by the president, Mr. Baldwin to show and explain the folding paper beiry buskels. Mr. Elwell, a very intelligent and well appearlng (;entlemau, stated that there must be somethinr in bagging arrape clusters from the fuct that one grape-grower from De'inison, Texas had given him an order of ü",000 waterproof srrape bags at $1.12 per tlioii-aiiil. His 24 quart crates tilk-d with baskets costs 22 cents, but Inthinks they can be made for 17 cents ui'it year. The berry basket is made of heavy waterproof manilla with or with out perforatlon. It lias a wlre handle. It was tried by those present whether it would hold a quart and it fully B&ttafled the society tbat it held a quart of beans and there was still some vacant space. Mr. Ellwell gave a written agreement that all orders by members of the society shall be and are bereby protectcd against loss to the buyer by aguurantee that the basket will give satisfaction or shall cost nothlng; that on all orders for their baskets and crate?, where the said crate, in order to be used, replacesany other style or sie of crate, to rebate to the customcr the price of nis crate - per nieasure - on li i's flrst order or on successive orders. The paper basket has a cover on whlcu the name of the grower can be printed. Mr. Elwell received orders from nearly all the members of the society. Mr. Charles Parshall exhibited his bushei berry crates with a new patent lock which will hardly be opened durlng transportation as only those acqualnted with the secret can open it. Hls crates are made of the best material and will suit those that use the wooden baske', The undersigned was the only exhibitor of apples and pears. Mr. C. C.Cl&rk exhibited peach buds developed in water. This experiment proinises a great peach erop as the twigs were full of buds and each bud perfect. The meeting was largely attended. AU fruit-growers will lind It very benetlcial tojoin the society. Selflshnessdon't payEmil Baur, Cor. Sec. One day Edna cut her flnger. "Ilurry up with a rag, mama I" called the little gin, " it's running over."


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