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GENERAL vork Wiinted hy a young woman wltli baby T montiis oíd, borne more of an object Miau trages. Inqalre ni Arllngton Houn.-. MRÖ. GABDINBB. CW. WAONKR has one of tae new . Laclles' Bafeiy Bioyeles and 11 teaob any lmiy to rlde Hiu wliuel at ttio ekatlng rpUBULAR WELLS. I have bad twelve 1_ yenvs sleady experlence in Well Drllline mil Drlvlng, Setting and Bepalrlmt orPampa! All work wuiranted. N. K. PBÜDDEIÍ 30 North ís tute Street. E OH SALE.- Two very deslrablo houses in the best part of the city. 'I hlocks irom Unlverslty. Terms easy. Kuqulre ;it 65 s. II hst. it FOR BALK- Oue half mile south of Salem station on the Detroit & Lauslng Ruilroad. 50 acres of tlmber. Inqulre of löOÜ EliNEST ü. BENWICK. BEPCBLICAX CLUB. The Washtennw Co. Republlcan Club wlll meet at Thk Coukieb ollice, Aaa Arbor. Tuesday, Feb. llth, at 3 o. m., to, select delégales to the annual meeting of the Michigan Hepublican Leaue to be luid in Detroit l'rulay the21st, Febrnary, to make arransementsfor obtainlng tickets to the baoqaet that evenlng; for the annual electlou of otncers, and socti othor business as may come before the meeting. l?y order ol tho President. UEü. C. SMITÜE.Sec.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier