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"My daiightor," and his volee was stern ; "You raust settlils matter rlght ; W'liat time did tliat sophoinore leave til house, Whosent In hls card last nlght?" "Hls work was pressing, father dear, And hls love for lt Is great, He took hls leave and went away, Before a quarter of elght." Then a twlnkle carae la her bright blue eye, Anti herdlmple deeper grew. "Tls surely no sin to teil hlm tliat, For a quarter of eiglit Is two." - IDInl The Glee Club have practice every evcning. The Junior hop programs will bo vcry elabórate. Therc are 140,000 volumes in tlie llbrary of Prlnceton. A fine new srymnasium building bus been erected at Vassar College. H. R. Dewey wlll be the managlng editor of the Argonaut the coming semester. Perbaps Mr. Kennan can be induced to leave that convict suit to the Unlversity, in liis will. Tlicre are 7G0 stadents attendlng Princeton thisyear, against 607 last year. A sain of 103. At the (Jniverelty of Pennsylvania tlm faculty bas forbidden "smoking in and about the college buildings.'' A gentleman named George Gabriel left the Yale library $10,000, and the Uivinity School $5,000, by will. Very pleasant parties were gtven by the Delta Tan Delta and Alphi Delta Ph fraternities last Friday evening. Ex-Postmaster General Dickinsoi i expected here Feb. 22J, to lecture before tlie studente of the law department. Miss Adele M. Garrigues bas an excellent paper on the University of Miehiuun in the Feb. issue of Belford's Magazine. ï. Mogi, senior law, of Japan, proposes to write 13,000 words in hls tliesis on "Capital Punishment," and Uien have the same published. The Chicago Contingent of the class o! ?86 are to glve a grand celebrntion at the Café Red l!o?e?, 57tb atreet Chicago, on the eveuingof Feb. 14. Tlie Engineering society's publication, thaTechnfc, will be edited this yearby E. M. CooHdge, Messrs. Freitajr, Sabin and Walker of '90 and Laniont 'Ül. The Pennsylvania College at Gettdysburg has been given $5,000, and the theoloeical semlnary a like amount, by Wiss Thedosia Weiser, of York, Pa. Regular election of the Chronicle board occurs next Saturday in Room A, at 10 o'clock a. m. It will be hard work for the boys to improve upon the present board. Rcfrent Draper was in the city Monday, and in compmiy witli liegent Whitmuii disftiisscd the plans fur the new hospital bunulng presentecl by a Boston architect. As yet notlihi definlte has been fixnl upon. An invitation has been received by Judge Cooley to dpllver a course of locture before the Yule law school upon " Inter3tate Cominerce Law." It is thought tliat the invitation will be cceptcd if the Judge's health will permit The (late of Miss Amelia B. Edward's lccture bcfore the Student's Lecture Asgociation bas been changed from Friday, Feb. 2Sth to Suturday even ing, Feb. 32d. Miss Edward's fame in her spvcial line of work is very great, and hunureda of peopie will want to hear her. At Piinceton the authorities give forty prizes durintj a 3fear, the highcst amounting to $500. And there ire 78 scholarsliips of $1,000 each. The trustees desire to raise tlie scliolarsliip fund to $150,000 per year. If the U. of M. hnd those inducemcnts, what a college she would bc! elil Tliere has jnst been placed tn the mechanical laboratory of the University B larjjc aerew latba weightns about 5'_; tons. It is one of the Inroest machines of the kind made and has a bed 23 feet lonr. The dcpartinunt will bo pretty wi'll flxed I thank you, now when they get a gear wheel tooth cutting machine. Program of thn AJelphi Literary Society, B:itiao.y, v,,,. 3, ]$90: Muslc t.b. ITprr Essay Miss V 1 1 lousn by Talk Prof. Tuft Muslo P. 15. Herr Debate. Resolved, That prlvnte property In land shonld be abolislied. Mr. A. W. Smlth, A ff. Mr. II. T. Harkins, Neg. Uencral Debate. Muslo P. B.Herr. All irc Invlted. James N. McBride, of Ojvosso, has been selccteü as census supervisor for the district comprising the coiinties of Livingston, tíhiawassee, Eaton, Insbam, Clinton, Ionia, Uratiot, Montcalm, Midland, Isftbttlla and Mi'costn. He will have about 300 enumerators to nppoint. Mr. McBride is a grtidunte of the university, lit 'S8, and one of the brijrhtest of bis clas3. líe is now also county fchool examlner for Shiawassee county. Tlie sénior literary class baseliosen l!ie following officers: Poetess - Miss Iíarrah. Historian- J. A. C. Hlldner. Secretary- (iossmaii. Treasuror- Q. tí. Walk er. SiMii(r reception coramittess: Heception - Angelí, Chalrman, Coolldge, Maxwell, Hann , Herr, Bailey, Mlss Helmer, Misa Brlggs, Miss lMman, Misa Arnold. Invitation- Kerapf, Chalrman, B L. Miller, W. Page, Eiempstead, Miss Powell, SIlss Dowdlgan. Arranoeinenls- Manuing, Chairman, Mott, Milliman, Vanderöluls.- Cnronlcle. On Monday evening the Republicnn Club met in tbe law lecture liall and elected B. Wiiples, of thiscity, as president; W. D. Kelly, of Oliio, vlce-president; W. T. Ilubbard, of Michigan, secretary ; and A. J. Owen, of Indiana, treaaurer. Inspiting speeches were made nnd niuoli enthuêlasm prevailed. An executive coininittee representlng all tlie different departments was elected and a cuinmlttee of' five were appolnted to make the necessary arrangements to altend the banqnet of the IiepabUcan Club at Detroit, on the 21st iust. On Saturday eveninjr, Feb. 8th, Prof. Stanlpy is ti give an organ recital at tlie Congregatlotiail church, the proceeds to be devoted to the flttinu; up of a room in the Student's ChrisMan Assoclation building to be known ns the Prof. Morris MemotiaJ room. Thefjllowing program ia announced: Toccata, ia G major Dubols Touata In A minor Op. 9S Rheluberger (Kounded on a Gregorlan Tone.) Allegro Moderato. Intermezzo. Ctiromatlc r ugue. Sclection Mrs. Dr. Hoff Ydaigo- (rom L'Orgau Sonata, Op. 77 D. Buck Si ÏÏK"lvmaJOri ..Helnrlch Hoffman Maren In E flat Salome Selectlon Mra. Dr. Holl' a, Ándate Haydn I). "Lohenirrln" Kanlnsie Wagner-Rafl' Overture, Wlllinm Teil (by request) Ro.ssini "An East Siberian Mine," as pictured to bout '2,000 people in the University hall last Frlday evening by Geore IOnnan, the great Russian traveler, was anyttiiug but ohiirmiug. In fact it does nol M'cra possible that such attrocities and cruel ties can be parotleed by aDy {rovernment on tlie face of the globe in tliis civilized sj?e. The day of retributionwill certiiinly come, and tlie iion band of tlie Russian govcrnmcnt will be paltaed, and tbe crimes agains huiiianity will be washed out with blood. Keiinan is not eloquent, lils raanner upon the staïe is not even pleasin, but he impresses hls audience by the earnestness witli whlch he enters upon bis subject. 11e went through hardships and dangers to obtain the knowledge he possesses and bis whole soul seem to be fired with a zeal to créate against despotic Russia a feelinof that will some day tend to unnerve the Czir's grasp of iron upon the people of that natlon. May he live to see the day that his efforta mny be realizad.


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