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Epitome Of The Week

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The direct tux bill. whicb approprlates somo 120,000,000 to pay to the States and Territories all moncys collected ander the direct tux levled by act of Congress in lHtn, was passcd iu the Senate on the aíth. A memorial was presented ior the establishment of a repubUoan form of government in the Slat" of Mississippi - In the House a bill was pasrd providlng that in cases of pension olaima of d penden1 parents it shall be necessary nly (o Bhow to the pension office that the parettfs are without othor means of support than manual labor. A bill was reported to provide for the isue of clrculutiug notes of National banking usoolationa. A eilIj was introduced in the Sonate on the Mth for tho erection of o monument to Abraham Lincoln on the Gettysburg battle-tield. Mr. Mitchell spoke in favor of the bill for the free coinage of silver. The Houso bill granting honorable discharge lo the sailors and marines who have lost thelr oertifioates of discharge ■waspassed In the House the elcction oase of Smitn versus Jackson f rom the Fourth West Virginia district was taken up. The Democrats generally refused to voto and made the point of no quorum. The Speaker, however, countcd the members refusing to vote and declarcd a quorum present. Tliis ruling caused a long debate. The bill instructing the superintendent of census to gather Information regarding mortgages on homes and farms was passed in the Senate on the SOta Bit. Mr. Vanee (N. C.) spoke on the negro emit.ration bill in answer to Mr. Ingalls In the House tho time was occupied in wrangling over the ruling of Speaker Reed that members present but not voting shall be counted in order to make up a quorum.' The Republicans sustoined the ruling and the Democrats denounced it. The Senate in cxecutivc session on the 31st uit. conflrmcd the nomination of John M. Clark as collector of tho port of Chicago.... In the House another mangle took placo over the ruling of Speaker Kecd. but he was sustained at all points, and tinally quict was restorèd and the committee report of the Smith-Jackson oontcstcd case was listened to. DOMESTIC. An 8-ycar-old colored boy was sent to the State prison at Nashvillo, Tenn., on the 27th to serve onc year for larcony. The Congrogational church at Danvers Center, Mass., was burned on the 28th. The church was a historie one, being tho successor of the ancient church in which the witchcraft trouble began. In a quarrol on the 28th at San Antonio, Tex., Tony Wilson, agod 12 years, stabbod Robert Miles, agod 15 years, with a knifc, killing him instan tly. A BNOW-SLIDE en the 27th crushed a house at Logansville, Cal., two of the inmates being killed. The strawberry erop, which promised to bo large in South Carolina, was injured by frost on tho 2Sth, and the supply would be limitod. The explosión of a still in the Standard oil works at Hunter's Point, N. Y., on the 28th caused a fire which destroyed property worth S-00,000. By an explosión of nitro-glycerine on the 28th near Alton, Pa., William H. McIIenry and Alexander Conner, two well-known men, were blown to atoms. At tho session in St. Paul on the 28th of tUo National Association of lïuilders it was decided to treat tho eight-hour day as a local issue, and to get around it by hiring and compensating labor by the hour. At Marión, Ind., the Pan-IIandle freight and passenger depot, in which was located the Adams Express, was destroyed by fire on the 2Sth. At the Treasury Department in Washington on the 28th it was sta tod that tho Government lease of Castlo Gardon, Now York, would termínate March 21, and that suitablequarters for emigrants would be secnred on Governor's Island, which would be entirely under Government control. Nf.ab Cascade, Cal., tho tracks of tho Central Pacific road wero on the 28th covered by snow to the depth of fifty feet. APBEMATDBE 11 ast on the 28th near Sunbury, Pa., killed five men and badly injured a dozen more. WniLE experimenüng with oxygen in a school at Lexington, 111., on the 28th Prof. J. Jess liad both eyes blown out and four scholars wero probably fatally injured. Over one thousand employés of the Birmingham rolling-miü at Birmingham, Ala., went on a strike on the 28th, an effort to forcé the mili into tho AmalgamaUd Association causing the trouble. In session at St. Paul on the 29th the National Buildcrs' Association elected John F. Tucker, of New York, as president. A motion that eight hours shall constitute a day's work was rejected. Mns. Bonos, living near Wavorly, O., was attacked by a vieious hog on the 29th while crossing a field and fatally injured. Wii.liam WooDHOUSE, a farmer living near London, O., and his wife were shot and badly wounded on the 29th by Kenny (iraham, anothur farmer. An old grudge was the causo. Three persons were killed on the 29th In a railway wreek at Owego, N. Y. The Pan-American delegates were on the29th officially invited to visit Montreal. Tite annual session of the Bench of Bishops of the Afriean Methodist Episcopal chiu-ch oonvened at Charleston, S. C, on the 29th. Secrktaky WiMioMon the29th issued a second cali to Kational banks for the surrender on or before March 1 of ten per cent. of their public deposits. Advices of the 29th say that a family of eight persons namnd Hargrave, near Point Pleasant, V. Va., wcro poisoned by a negro woman, and four of the eight died. VbJlSK l'n.i.KY and Ben Atkins were killed by a boiler explosión on the 29th at Beebe, Ark., and Joo Wright, Morgan Hoover and ]5ud Mullins met a liko fate near Charleston, W. Va. At St. Joseph, Mo., Thomas Jenner, aged 10 years, was acoidentally shot and instantly killed by Frank Sullivan, a playmate, on the 2ÜLh. On the 29th ex-Vice-President Hannlbal Hamlin headed the subscription list for the Grand Army Memorial building at Bangor, Me., with a gift of 84,500.


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