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The United States Senato was not in session on the lst. In tlm klouae tho Btormy scènes of tlie past fow days woro repeated, but Speaker Reedfirmly maintaincd his position, and iinally sevoral arguments in the contested olection case of Smith vs. Jackson, of West Virginia, were made. NaTIIAN '. li.UHUSTT. SliC.rt't.urjr aiac vc vtêorgia, died on tho 2d at Atlanta in the ilüth year of his age. At Kenosba, Wis., two largo buildings, the water curo and tho Gorman church wero burned on tho 'Jd. Total loss, SI '25, 000. Tin: three smis of .lames Bright, of Kirkland township, I:ul.. were found dead in thelr bedfl un the; 2d. They had been ill with influenza, but when thoy. rotired the previoua night their condition was not thought to bo dangerous. Thk Soars bulldiijg, ono of tho finest in Boston, was burned on the Sd. Loss, $250,000. Six men were killed, two fatally injured and sovcrul others hurt on the lst by an explosión of gas in a coal shaft at Wilkesbarre, Pa. At Louisiana, Ma, on the lst Joseph Bacon, a negro boy Vi yeara oíd, killed his sister, 0 years oíd, and his bother, 3 years oíd. At Winnsboro, La., Alien Buye and Duncan Thompson, bojs of 15, (iarrelod on the lst, and young Buye stabbed and killed Thompson and then killed himselí. Mexico on the Js1 offlcially recognized tho United .Statos of Brazil. A TRAIN with ono thousand negro emigrants on route from South Carolina to Louisiana and Texas passea through Bírmingham, Ala., on the 2d. Eaki.y on the morning of tho 2d a fire in a tenement house in JJoston causcd the loss of ten livcs, and seven othcr persons were badly injured. A.N' incondiary ftre on the lst at Elwood, Ind., destroyed ejght stores. Mus. Ai.k i: üi.aim.-Coi'imním:!!, eldcst daughtcrof tlio Secretary of State, died oí congestión of tho brain carly on tho tnorning1 of the 2d at her father's residence in Washington. Sho was about 80 years of ac and leavea a husband and two little childron. FlVEblocksof buildings at Panbury, Conn., wcro burned on the 2d. Loss, 300,000. The statement of the public debt issued on tho lst showed the total debt to be $l,611,2Sl,ls:i; cash in the Treasury, 081,894,200; debt less cash in Treasnry, SI. 040, 707, 010. Dccrease during January, 812,245,896. Decrease sinco June 80, 1889, 35,ÖS9,6C5.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier