Real Estate Transfers
Wm. Wagner to C. L. and F. Plstorlous, Ann Arbor $ 7 Ella H. Guest to George C Page, Dexter 451 L. D. Norria to P. E Graves, Ypstlantl 4,500 toary McFarlan lo M. McDongall, Bridsewater 1,500 J. O. Alber )r ex'r to John George Alber.Saliug 9G0 H. Mason by ex'r. to Ruby D. Mason, Ann Arbor 1,200 E. P. Mason to Besty A. Masón, Ann Arbor i Besty A. Masón to Ruby D. Maon, Ana Arbor i Thos. Blrkett to R. "W. Laklnu, Dexter 800 II. W. Rogers by heirs to Eliza A. Rathbone, Ann Arbor 1 R. K. Fellows to Kmily E. Fellows, Shiiriiii, 7,500 M. A. Burtto Ann A. Keiley, Milán.. 100 Roger Pettlbone !y heirs to Edwin Pcttibone, Superior . 200 Roger Pettibone by hairs to Edwin Pettlbone, Superior 250 Rogcr Pettlbone by heirs to Edwin Pettlbone, Superior 200 Roger Pettlbone by heirs to Edwin Petlibone, Superior L7J Roger Pettlbone by heirs to Edwin Pettibone, Superior 250 Roger Pettibone by hlrs to Edwin Petlibone, Superior 200 Roger Pettlbone by helrs to Edwin Pettlbone, Superior 250 W. M. Whtte to B'd ol Supervisors, Ann Artor i Jeremlali Walsh to Mathlmas Elrais, Northfield ; 1,200 Thos. S. Sears to Fred'k Kapp, Northfle'.d 5,000 J. G. Heydlauff, adra's to Catharine .uhii, Lima 1 Bernard Alfrlng to Jay Everett, Sharon loo Ellen Pratt to Augusta Pratt, Augusta 50 Albert Pratt to B. F. Lombard, Augusta 1,000 Lena Broker to Lena Frederlck, Ypsl1 ti l,0C0
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
William Wagner
C. L. Pistorious
F. Pistorious
Ella H. Guest
George C. Page
L. D. Norris
F. E. Graves
Mary McFarlan
M. McDougall
J. G. Alber
John George Alber
H. Mason
Ruby D. Mason
E. P. Mason
Betsey A. Mason
Thomas Birkett
R. W. Lakins
H. W. Rogers
Eliza Rathbone
R. K. Fellows
Emily E. Fellows
M. A. Burt
Ann A. Kelley
Roger Pettibone
Edwin Pettibone
W. M. White
Jeremiah Walsh
Mathimas Elmis
Thomas S. Sears
Frederick Kapp
J. G. Heydlauff
Catharine Zahn
Bernard Alfring
Jay Everett
Ellen Pratt
Augusta Pratt
Albert Pratt
B. F. Lombard
Lena Broker
Lena Frederick