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Swects to tlie Sweet - Fenwick - Allow me to congratúlate yon, Eil. Tliat yonnp lady of yours hus the sweetest dispositiou In tlie wotid. Ed - Wtli, I shouid hope so. K costs me $; per week to keep her la cunfectioncry. - Keamey Enterprise. ÏTct a Pimple onBaby Baby one year Old. Bad wltii F.ozemu. llnlr :ill jfitni'. Sialj ■■ i-.d wilh eruptinuM. Carrd l 4'uticura. Ilalr sji ii'iui id and nul a iim pie ou him. Curod by Cuticura. I cannot say enouíjh ÍD praise of the Ccticura Uk ki) ks. My boy, when ono ycar of age, was so bud wiih zoma that lie loít all of his bair. Mis s .iil wa ram-red ith rruplion, whlch ihe dociors aild was pcnll-head, and that his hair wotiM never (rrow again. Deepalrine or a care from t-hyeicians, I betfiin the nse of the Cuticura Kkmrdii h, and, I am happy to noy, with thf mest periect succes. Hls hair ia now cplctidid, Ld therc h uot a pimple on hlm. I recorameud the CVTIcUBi KIMIDiBS to nuthersas the most Bpeedy, economical, and cure cure íor all ekin disuasea ol Infante and chüdren, and feel that every molher who has au aflllcted cblld will tdai.k nic for so doinsr. Mus. M. E. WOODSUM, Noiwjy, Me. Fever Sore Eight Years I must extend to you the thanks of one of my maromera, who haa been cured by uaini; the Citicura Hkmkdikv, of an old sore, cauged bjr a lon spel) of sickness or fever eight years airo. lie was po bad he wrts fcarful he would have to have his lag ampotated, but is hapny to bhv he is doiv entliely well, - sound as a dollar. He requests me to use his name. which is H. H. Cason, merchant. JOHN V. MINOR, DrujiSist, Gaiuesboro, Tenn. We have been selling your Cl'ticura Remediki for years, and have the firBt complaint et to recetve from a purehaser. One of the worst cases of öcrufulu I ever enw was cureil by them. ÏAYIX)K & f AYLOlt, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent The iiew Blood and Skin Purifier and purest and best. of Hutof Komedies, (nternally.and Cuticura, the yreat Skin Cure, and Cuticura SoAP.n exquisito Skin Heiuitifier, rxiernally, speedily, and nTiiKuiently, and economically cure every disease and humor of tbe ski o, eclp, and blood, with loes of hair, whether itchinc, imrniiiL', flcaly, pimply, ücrolulous, hereditury, when all other remedies rail. Sold everywhere. Price Cuticuba, iOe.: Soap, 25c.; Rksolvest, $1. Prepared by the Potter Dkuo and Ciiemical Corporation, Boston. ipf Send lor " Ilow to Cure Skin Diseases," W pages, 50 ill'.istr.itioiis, and 100 testimoniáis. D A R V'Q Skin ñn sï'l'P preserved and hcauDnD I O tiü.d by Cuticura Soai AImolutely pare. 2 EVERY MUSCLE ACHES. vnífíBK Sharp Achefl.Dull Paina, Strains and ynflV, Weukiiussca relleved in one mliiAíiiíA n'0 by the Cutlcnra Anii-l'iiln vu IMaster. The flrst and only instautaneOQB pjiin-killing strenLthening piaster. 25 cents. Notioc. t cfeditors. STATH OK MICUIQAN, County or Waehtcnaw M. Notice is hereby glven, that by an order or the Probate Court for the Connty of Washtemw, made on the 28th day of October, A. D. Iffcji, six months trom thatdate were allowcd tor creditors 10 pri;scn t their clnimB aainat the eptate of Charles N. jlaincs, late of enid uunty, deeeased, and that all creditorn of said deceased nre required to present Ihcir claims to said Probate Court, at the Probat Office in the city of Ann Albor, for cxamination and allowance, on or hefore the 28ih day of April next, find that such ci'iinn will bc heard beiore said Conrt, on Tnesday the 28th day of .lannary and on Monday the 28th day of April ncit, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said daye. PatLd, Ann Arbor, October 28th, A. ü. 18N. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Judse of Probate. CuiiiinissioiKTs' Notice. OTATBOFMICUIGAN, County otWashtenaw. The undereigncd havin been appointi'd by the Probate Conrl for sald Connty. Coinmiísioner to receive, examine and adiust all claims and demaods of all persons DgiinBt the eptate of John Geddee, late ol eaid County, deceased, herely glvc notice ttaat fix months from date are allowed, by order o s;ii(t Probate Conrt, for creditors io preüent thuir claims ii::ain.-l. the eetate of said deceasedt and that they will meet at the Ann Arbor Saviugg Bank in the City of Ann Arbor in said County, on Monday Ihe tenth day of March and on Tuesday the tnth day of Junu ne.xt, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated December 10, 1SS9. WII.I.IAM D. HAKKIMAN, )„ , . CUARLK8 E. JHSCOCK, ' Commlssiouers. lïotlee to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wasatenaw, se. Notice is hereby ffiren, tbatby an order of the Probate Conrt for the County of Washtcnaw made on the 2"th day of November, A. D. 1S89, six muntha from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claim against tbc estáte of Julia M. Porter, late of gaid county, deceased and tbnt all creditor of eald dcceascd are requlrec to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, forexamlnation and allowance, on or befre the twentyscvcnth day of May next, and that snch claims will beheard bet'ore sald court, oh Thureday, the twcntj-eevunib day of Fcbniary, and on Tueeday, the twiMity-savcnth day of May next, at ten o'cluck in the forenoon 01 eaCD of snid daye. Uated, Aun Arbor, November 27. A. T). 18S9. J. WILLAUD BAIÍB1T1', Jiule of Probate. OUTING An Ii-i.ustkated Magazine of Sport, ÏUiVEL, AND lll!Cltl.AT[uN, "OUTINO isas wholeeorae iulits spirit as tlie brealh of a piue forest, and a coosUinl Insplrerof a loveol nature.- New York Tribune. TIiIsJIk tlie only Illustiated magazine excluslvely dovoted to Sport and recreatlon. lu all lts branches. Iu special features are: Adventure, Fox lliiitin. Anliir), LawD 'IViuun, AtHlctlcH, LarroMHi', Amateur lluntins, Pliotograpliy, Polo, ItahK'liall. Rauini;, Ilia1lns, Kldlns, lti.wli.i-. Ml.aliim. t'Aciin, MUootiiie, iiiMM-in-, l'riivcl, FciK'illK, ViK'liliim. M-IiIuït. Tlie h 'i ioutball. It Is af.imlly periodical, pure, bilirht and healthful. Each numbercontalns a story. Kvery Issue cootalns an artlcle on Sport for Ladles. SEND FOR CLUBBING LIST. Sample Copy sent on receipt of Ten Cents. $3.00 PER YEAR. - 25c. PER COPY. THE OUTING CO,, LTD,, 238 FIfth Avenue, N. Y. SCND FOR OUH PRICCS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, 1NDIANAPOLIS, INO. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, vn Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on bood, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retail Trade. We shall aleo keep a Bupply f rtwnrr & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn' Ciold Diisl Flour, Buckwlicat Flour, Corn Nval, Fced, Etc, AtWholepale and Retail. A general stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Congtantly on hand, whir.h 111 be sold on as roasonablc terms as at uny other honec tn the city. Cash paid for BUÏTER, KGGS, and COUNTRÏ PRODUOK generally. Goods dclivered to any part of the city without extra charge. KIXSKY & SEABOLT. GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE 1 $29,000,000. Securlty held for the protection of the policy holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the followlng first-claps compantes, of whlrh one, the Jitna, has alone paid Í5B,I)00,000 nre losses In slxty-five years : iEtna, of Hartford f y,lit'2,ö44 Franklin of Philadelphia 3,1 18,713 Oermania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,06ö,0(8 London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,67e National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,159,036 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issued at the lowest rates ol premium. llSltf Ia the oldoHt and most popular Bcleñtlflc nrd mechanica! paper puullshed and has the lanrost nri'ulm n ui of miy paper of Us clans in the wurkl. Fully lllustrated. Best clasa of Wood KiiltiivInKs. ï'uiiiiMhi'd weokly. sumí ror nwotman .''rice W a yr. Kour months' trial, tl. ML N.N & CO., PUBLZSHEKS, 3ol Jiruaüway, W.T. ARCHITECTS& BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A ftreat success. Kach Issue contatns cnlnred HthuKruphic plat es of country and city reside rices or public buildings. Numeroni unuravinga and ruil plan? and speciflcations for tlie ute 0Í suchuscontempJiite building. Price $2.M)a year 25cta. acopy. ML'NN & CO.. PCBUflBXAB. DATERTCü ■ fl years' experionce and have nnult over ■ lOO.tXNJ appUvutions for Amertoan and For eiKn patenta. Send for Ilandbuuk. Corrcspondence atrictly cuntidciitial. TRADE MARKS. In cae your nmrk ts rot rcKistered In thp Piiteni Office, apply to Mcsn & Co., nnd procure tmnicdiale protection. Seud tur llaudbouk. C0PYRK5IITS for books, chaits, Uiups, etc, qulckly procured. Addresu IttUNN ifc CO., Patent Solicitara. ttJENBUAL OFriCK: SS1 IlllOAUWiï. N. V INSURANCE RiiAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Block. Partles desiring to buy or sell Real Estáte will fliul il to thelr advantage to cali on me. [ represant 15 flrst-clRss Flre Insurance Comíanles, baving an aggregate capital over f80,000,000. Kates Low, Lcssea llberally adjrgted and promptly pald. I also lssno Life and 1 vcntment Pollcles In tie New York Mutual I-lfe Insnranoo Company, Asaetts, $75,000.00. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly pollctes wrltten for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets i8sued at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Offloe hours from 8 ai m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. Michigan PÍentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time tibie taking effect November 17. 18S. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. - i i& j& 4 i Y A. M. A. W. r. M. A. M. I'. M. F. W. Chicara. .I.v 755 103i 3 10 10 10 9 25 Kalamazoo 18 5-5 245 6 58 7 10 3 35 2 27 Jacknon. 3 3'i 4 47 8 52 !i 3." (i 15 4 45 Chelsea 117 10 16 7 10 527 Dexler 4 30 1027 727 541 P. M.P. M. P. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. Ann Arbor 4 52i 5 45 941 1043 7 50 6 00 Ypallanti 5 lñ 5 57 9 53 10 55 8 08 6 17 Waynejnnc 543 u ja 8 3.Ï 643 Detroit.. ..Ar 6 35 fi 50 10 45 11 50 9 2J 7 8U DETROIT TO CHICAGO. 1Mm I $& gá % fifi s A.M. A.M P. M. TM. P.M. P.M. Detroit.. ..Lv 9 10 8 00 120 3 50 800 10 15 WayneJnnc... 950. 4 30 838 1055 Ypailanti 1011 847 205 4 55 900 1118 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.1P.M. P M. AnnArbor 1025 H 5a 220 517 9 15 1135 DcxtLT 10 4) 545 9 43 ChelBea 1058 610 967 Jackson 1145 1000 3 18 650 1045 12 49 Kalimazoo 3 50 12 13 5 07 45 120 3 07 Chicago.. .Ar 7 55 i 35 9 00 7 00 7 46 O. W. RUGÓLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P. & T. Ageut, Chlcaso. Aüt.. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Norfli Michigan Railway. TIMB SCHEDULE. Tuking effect November 25th, 1889. Traína run by Standard Time. - I Qoing Norih. I zi il ad 11 STATIONS. p II P. H. A. H. P. M.l P. .M. 3 25 6 00 Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 1 10 4 17 6 47 Dundee 10 18 12 20 4 35 7 03 Milán 9 5S 12 04 4 46 7 16 Urania 9 45 1162 4 53 7 22 Pittsüeld 9 34 1142 5 07 7 33 AnnArbor 9 22 1130 5 31 7 50 Leland 9 07 1115 5 47 8 05 Whitmore Ijake 8 55 1102 6 28 8 45 Howell 8 17 105 7 15 9 35 D 11 rand 7 10 9 35 8 65 10 5?l East Saginaw... 5 55 7 45 ITöö ïïnö owuBso..... 77777 TTss ïïÖ5 07 II 45 Ilhaca 5 32 7 60 10 15 12 45 Mt. Pleasant 4 3.5 6 45 .... 3 10 Cadillac 10 80 .... 4 40 Copmieh 9 05 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Going South. South Iiy)n Brancli. NORTH BOUND STATIONS. fOUTH BOUND. Train 18 Train 17 A. M. A. M. 0 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 fl 40 Wordene 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 n. W. ASHLEY, Qeiieral Mananer. A. J. PAISLKY, GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD, Gnn'l. Pass. & Ticket Aeent. Local Ai-rnt. Coinmlssloners' K'otlce. QTATKOF MICHIQAN.County O Tho undersigncd liavlng been appointed by the Probate Court for eaid Ctunty, Commlssionerp to rcci'ivo, examine and adjust all claims and demande ol allpersons aj.-alii.-t thoi'xtaicnf Willium W. Dean lato of aid countv deceased, hercby eive notlce thttt flx months írom date are sllowed, by ordcr of said Probaíe Court, for credltors to present theír claims agalnst the estáte of sald deceaecd. and that they will meet at tbe store of Dean & 'o.. 44 8. Main Btrcet in the city of Ann Arbor, in said connty, on Tueeday. thc 25(h diiy of February nd on Monday, the 2(ith day of May next, t ten o'clock A. M. ofcachof said days, to receive, exainipe and adjust said claims. Dated, November '2r, 188. FRkSeTKICK BLEBRKAUN. CommlMlon THIS PAPERari? ■ III V I ni ftall UoWKLL A CO'S Kcwapaper Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spnica Street) .wheread ■■■■■■ mntr tlsingcontractomay MliMf YIIKK be mode lor it la Hklf I UFIIX i:iu;i[iiicn ec sosin, % arbor hi:i.i, iiiiiih i' t a tttt'c! try dk. i-aduk's " peJ-JJU.UJ.JllO HlODlC'AL" l'ILLS from Parle. France. Eatablisbed Ín Kurope Id 1849, Canada in 1673. For Sappressionp, Irrcgularltica, and Monthly Deranffcmeuts. A reliable monthJy medicine. They always relieve. Any druegiat. ♦4. American Pili Co., Proj)rlctor8, Spencer, Iowa. Kobert Stophenoon & t'o., Wholesale asentí, and all other drngglata Ín Aun Arbor' Theae pilla are warrunted tu uriur on toe "chango. "


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