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Al is. Fred A. Howlett is quite seriously II. Dr. J. N. Martin is out once more we are pleased to state. Dr. BrowD, of St. Paul, is visiting hia oíd lióme for a time. .Miss Mary Frencli, of Kalamazoo, is a guest of Miss Breakey. Miss Grace Miiinis, of Jackson, is visiting irlends in the city. Miss Studle3' hns returned froui visiting her sister in Isew York. Miss Addie Ladd went to Detroit yesterday to spend several weeks. Ernest B. Perry was home on a flying visit from Bay City last Sunday. Iouis D. Taylor, of Chicago, was in the city over Sunday visiüng liis motlier. Mrs. Cramer is to give a ladie's reception Prlday, p. m., frorn 4 to 0 o'clock. Mrs. Louisn Sackett has presented the Presbyterian churcU witli an elegant piano. Mifs CUra Vogle, of Grand Rapids, is visitinjc Miss Sirnli Kuehule, of West Hurón et. llcv. Mr. Heneen, of Detroit ZoarAsy. Huí), vlslted Prof. E. Baur and family In-t Friil.iv. Mrs. J. .1. (oodyear was ia Detroi Monday epending the day with Miss Auna Frotlilnghani. Mr. and Mrs. White, of Port lluron ure visiting Mrs. White's mothcr, Mrs Jones, in the flfih ward. Mrs. J. M. Stafford was called to the home of her parents in Ohio yesterdaj by the illness of lier mother. Miss Nellie O'Brien, of Erooklyn, N Y., is visiting at her uncle's, l'ostmaster DiiflyV, for a couple of weeks. Roberc L. Warren left last Monday for Kansas City and the west prospectini with .1 view to future re9dence. Amos T. Slader, one of Howell's busi ness men, was a visitor in the city Mon day last, and u cal Ier attliis oiSce. Miss Mary E.. Dufiy returned yester daj' from Brooklyn, N. Y., where ehe has been visitinjt relativos for severa months. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Hosack, of Fred crlckstown, Olilo, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Kempf, on N Ingalls street. Among the Ypsilanli visitors yesterday were Bro. Smithe, of the Ypsilantian Mossrs. Wortley, Ford, Boutelle, Mori arity, and OLhers. John R. Miner, Jas. R. Bacil, Rober Culhbcrt and Sam Lingsdort' have gone to their club house ut .ukey Lake, for a day or so fïsli íhítMrs. Maloney and daughter Lena, o Fountain st., leave for a month's viiit in Zanzeville, Ohio, and witb Mr. and Mrs Wlll Pnrcell, i" Toledo, Ohio. Mis. Congressman Allen and daughter and Miss Mama R. Osband left Mondaj for Washington, where they will gpend Iha balance oftheseason.- Ypsilantian. Mrs. H. J. Brown was called to B ildwinsville, Onondaga Co., N. Y., yester day, by the serious illness of her sister Miss Jaycox, who is quite well knowi here. Several of the young people of this city will attend the weddiug at Detroit on to-morrow evening, of Miss Rena Bowlinjt and Chas. William?, of Char lotte. Miss Bowling was formeily at Vpsllantl res-ident.


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Ann Arbor Courier