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Nobody Knows What I suffered for years witli tliose terrible racking sick headaches. Life was onlv a torment to me; if yon are so troubled, I would advise you to use Sulphur Btttten, for they cured me. - Clara Beixs. BIüs Waiited. Proposals for removing the buildings Dow Incaled upoii the fair grounds of the Washtenaw Co. Ag. & Hort. Society from tlieir present location to the new grounils of tlie society, wlll be received up to Fridiiy Feb. 21st, 18Ö0, at noon, by the superintenüeut F. E. Mills, Arm Arbor, Micli. liids shotild be m de for remoring eacli buildiiijc separately, and the society roserves the right to reject any or all bids. P. B. BRAUN, Geo. II. Pond, rreaideut. Secretary. 2wr The Bttendance on the pliystcal culture classes at the School of Expreseion, advertised in this issue, is so larffe that thrce seetious are rcquired, each meeting twice a weck. The work in the Kindergarten and language classes is made more attractive and complete by the engagement of Miss L'iura Hominger for conversational Germán, to assist Miss Ball. The Two Snrns have another chanjfe of ad. it by all mean.. 100 more of those dollar plctures received this week at Handall's. Wlll be sold at 50 ets each. During Floral Festival Week. Half-fare round trip tickets (contilning ndmlssion coupon) will be sold for regular traína on all railroads centering in Detroit. The tickets will be good to return the saine or following day. The Floral and Mu-ieal Charity Festival, for the benefit of the 23 Detroit cbarities, wlll'open at noon on Tuesday, April 22d, and continue day and eveninjr until inidni'lit, Prlday, April 25th. The plans are upon twice the fcale of last April, and the floral exhibition and the musical program will far exceed anytliinx previously atteinptcd in MlchUan. Ilundreds or Ditroit's fairest ladies will people the 23 floral bootlis, which, this year, will be built in the architecture of 23 different countries. As several eastern Orchld hou-cs will compete for the 10 costly "special" premiums ofïered for Orchids, a fíraml exhihition of these costly and wonilerful plants is tlius insured. The Detroit Jouraal, which organizad and Is managing the exhibition, la drvotiug a írreat deal of opaoa trom diy to Oay In descrlbing the promiseü attractioMS. 'Is nianioge a failure?" afked the ïlderly Spilkins of a former 11 ime, who md been a party in a May and Decem Dt inarriage. "NO," ehe replied with a glaiice toward ier bigband In the next room. "Not a tnilure. Only a teraporary embarrassment.".- New York Ledger.


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