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Catarrh origina tes in scrofulous talntHood's Sarsaparilla purltics the blood, and tuus permunently cures catarrh. Nitrate op Soda.- Over 50,000 tona oi Chili Siilt-Petre or Nitrate ot Soda was u?ed in Europe last year for manure. As yet it is little knowti in this country. It is admitted to be the unost powerful of all fertilizers and the cheapest and best source of Nitrogen. In Harris' Kural Annual lor 1890, full and reliable directions are giveu íor its use on farm and garden crops, small fruit?, greenhouse planta, roses, etc It will be sent krek lo an.v of our siibacribers who send their llames to JOSKFH IIarkis Skkd Co., Moretón Farm, Monroe Co., N. Y. Frume your pictures at RundaU'a for half price from rcmnnnts of moulding tliia month. Remember thnt we retail " lied Star " OU, the best in the market, :it 7 cents per gallon. 3 Iba. LooseMuskatel Haising for 25 ets.; 8 caiis, Tóftiatoes for 20 ets.; Granulated Sugnr at 7 ets. per lb.; Gasoline at 10 ets. per gallon. 44 S. Main at.. DEAN & Co. i LOW PR1GBS mui UB cm ï FEBRUARY SALE! New, briglit, frcsli Goods. Purchased for the early spring trade. First ofTerlng in new Drcss Goods. Pretty effects in sliadc, style and weaYe. One lot 3 1-inch Henrlettns. 36 in. Wool Suitings and all Wool Tricots, all to go at 25c a yard. One lot Glenwood Snitings in plaiu and .strip es, at 35c a yard ; worth 50c. Ono lot .Vi-indi all Wool Ladics' Cloth SuitiiiKs, new spring shades, at 5Oc a yard. One case 30-incli fancy and sfriped Beiges wtvtli 25c, to go at 15c a yard. BLACK MOHAIRS === = AGAIN TO THE FRONT Simply becanse no Dress Fabric has ever been brought out that surpasscd t K'in in elegnnce and durability. Ladies, wc are gning to give yon a bcnetlt by selling 3S-inch pure Black Mohalrs at 4Oc a yard. i()-incli pure Black Mohairs at 50c a yard. 52-inch Black Mohairs at 65c and and 75c a yard. They cannot be niatched for tbc money. 35 pieces colored Mohairs full 40 inches wlde, In new Spring Shades and Mixtures at 40c and 50c. SPECIAL OWIRIMS ■■ = IN WASHDRESS GOODS 50 pieces Apron Check Giugham torun at 5c a yard. !Ï5 pieces clioice styles Dress Glnghams at 8c a yard. 5O pieces best 12 l-2c Glnghams to go at 10c a yard. One case Challics and Fancy Beiges to run at 5c a yard. 45 pieces choicc styles Light and Dark Priuts all at Ge a yard. 18 pieces new Outlng Flanncis extra irldtb at lOc a yard. LAÜIES' JERSEY STREET- =JACKET5 IOR SPRING 100 nowon sale at $2.50, $3.00, $1.00 aud $3.00 cach. We liave opencd 50 pieces new Dress Triminings and Fringes. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. scsubeb & mille1! :::-::;; of :::;:::::::; 22 SOUTH STATE ST. Próvidas Inatruollon in Voice Culture, Physical Culture, Kindergarten, (English and Germán, A.VD LANGUAGE: a) The Elemenrs of Expressive Speech. b) Germán, on the Synthetic Plan. ORÍN CADY, PRINCIPAL. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NICJHT OXLV. FEBRUARY 14, '89 Special engagement of the dlsllngalshed Irlsh Comedian, BIK. JDSEPH MUBPHY Supported by the Talented Young Leadlng Actress, MISS BELLE MELVILLE ! And a ar ifully selected Dramatic Company, In theereat Irlsh Drama, 12 SEASO2ÑT 12 Tho companlon Draraa to Kerry Gow, and meeting wlth eíual Huccess. ACT! - Driven from Home. ACT II.- There's Your Lease. ACT. III.- They've Gone Swimming. ACT IV.- The Bogs Cloared Away. IMJICES, - $1, 75 and 50 ets. Resorved sents can be eecured at Wahr's bookstore, thrce days In advance. GRAND OPERA HOUSE om: night, FRIDAY, FEB. 21st, INCAGEMIi.M' EXTRAORDINAHY ! 2 : RENOWNED STARS : 2 IN ONE GREAT PLiY. Aint .'i'ica'a Popular Character Actor and Dia lucí Comedian, DAXTXSX. A. KELLY And tbe Beautlful Etuotional Actrcss, XXenniette Berleur, Iu special support and a splendld compnny (il Ihst-class arlists, in tbe thrllling aud HealUtic Melodrama, After Seven Years I or, The Mistery of the Willows, Under tbe management of ED. RUG. Tronounced by puhlle and press of two contln nis as tbe most Kealistlc Drama produccd for yeara, wlll be latroduced bere wlth all the original scenery aud calsleutn llght effects us used In NEW YORK and LONDON. Dun KéUu infour distinct characters. Both Start wiil poiitively appear, Seats now on fjale without extra charge for thls Two Star attraction. I3T3ECURE SEAT3 EARLY.- PRICES, - 35 50, and 75 cents. 1890 DIARIES FOR POCKET AND DESK USE. LARGEST STOCK CUNTID LOWEST PRICES. l.l lllil.l IHR, Books, Stationery and Wall Paper, J. J. GOODYEAR No. 5 S. X4IN SI. DRÜGGIST lt wlll be to your advantage to culi apon hlm before purchaslng (DCRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEVICIMES. PRESCRIPTIONS ! accurately and carefully prepared by Ihe most competent Pliarmaclsts. THe flnest line of kooiIm In all department, to be foitml in a ilrn store. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest ageney In tha city. Established over a quarter of a een tury ago. Represeutlng the iollowlng flrst-claas companluB, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Asset. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. OIRAUD INS. CO., of Phlladeljhia ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and OLOBK. WASHINGTON FIRE and MAKINK, of Boston. Rates Low as tUe Lowest, Loases Liberftlly AdjHsted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN.


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