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SALE OF STATE TAX LANDS Auditor Genekai.'s Office, I IiANSiNG, Mloli., Jan. 27, 1890. NOTIOE Is hereby elven that certaln lands sltuated Ín tlie County of Washtenaw, bld ofl" to Míe State lor taxes of 18S6 and previous years, and descrtbed Ín stateraenu wblcli wiil hereafter be forwarded to the oilioe oí tbe Treasurer of eald County, wlll be sold at public sald Treasurer, at the County Seat, on the first Monday of May next, at the time and place deslgnated íor tbe Annual Tax SaH's, If not previously redeeined or can celed accordlng to law. Sald statements contaln a fuü descrlptlon of each parcel of sald lamls, and may be seen on appllcatlon at the office of tbe County Trtasurer after they are recelved by hlm. The lando truck off to the State for Taxes of 1888, or other years, at ihe Tax Sales Ín October last. wlll be offered subject to the rlght of redeinptlon prescribed by law. HENRY APLIN, Auditor General. ANNUAU TAJK. SAJÚES. STATE OK MICHIGAN. To the Circuit CovH for the County of Waslttenaw, ii Ckancery: The petitlon of Henry H. Aplln, AuditorGeneral of sald State of .Viíctiigan, respect fully shows that the lista of lands hereinafter set forth and marked "Schedule A," contalu a descrlptlon of all lands In sald county of Washtenaw, upon whlch taxes were assessed for the years meutloned thereln, and whlch wcre returned as delinquent for nonpayraeut or taxes, and whlch luxes have nut been pald ; together wltli tbe total amount of such taxes, with Interest computed Ihereon to the time tlxed for sale, and collectlon fee as provliled by law, and the cost of advertlslug and other expenses of sale of euch of sald pareéis ot land. Your petltloner further shows to the Court that sald lands were returned to the Auditor General as delinquent for tbe non-payment i of Fald taxes for said years respectively, and : that sald delinquent returns were made prior to the flrst day of July, 1888. Your petilloner further shows and avers that the taxos, Interest, collecllon fee, costs '■ of advertislngand olber expenses of sale, and ' ihe legal fees for personal service of subI pis na In each oase where such personal service Is actual ly made, are a valid Hen on the several purcels of land described tn eald schedule. Your petltloner further shows that the sald taxes ou the said described lands have reiniiliied unpaid for more than one year from tlje flrst day of July next after thelr return to : the Auditor General, and the sald luxes not : having been puld,und the same belng now duc and reinatning unpaid as above set lorih, your petitloner praysa decree In lavor of the State of Michigan agalusl eacb parcel ol sald of sald lands, for the payment of the. several amounts of taxes, interest, cotlectlon fee, cost of advcrtlsing, and other expenses of i sale, as coinputed and extended In sald schedule, agalnst the several pareéis of land contained thereln, and In additlon thereto of the aniiiuiit of legal fees for personal service of sulipceua in each case where such service Is actually made as provlded In Sec. 53 of Act. No. 193 of the sesslon laws of Michigan of the year 1839; and In defaull of psyinent of the sald several sums coraputed and extended agalnst said lands, that each of said parcelt of land may be sold for the amounts due thereon as provlded by law, to pay the Hen as aloresaid. I And your petilloner wlll ever pray etc. 11KNKY H. AI'LIN, Auditor General. SCHEDULE A. 199. 'J'own S eoiith o range .", east. i ;f.'ll:'ï;;l:l i I I I % l l 5 l S w Ji of s w já 5 40 3 69 97 15 1 00 5 81 J'own t south of range I, east. Nioft8 160 3 58 3 14 1(1) 5 Si W H ol 18 J 7 12 1 85 2S 1 00 10 'L Toxon 1 soulh of range e easl. S e Ü of s w fl Ü, 6 5U 8 92 m 13 1 00 5 31 Undlvlded 1-9 of s w % of n e ü, 21 40 51 13 2 1 CO 1 67 Town u south of range 7 eatt. E y. of n e !4, 2-5 80 20 32 5 23 81 1 00 27 41 W Jof se ü, Í5 f0 20 32 S 28 81 1 00 27 41 Beginning 32 rods w of n e cor. of w yof ne!4, thence 8 100 roei, thence WÍS rods, thence nlUOrods thence e 48 rods to place ot beginning, 20 30 2 88 75 12 1 00 4 75 Se J4ofswKi 34 40 0 85 1 79 27 1 00 9 91 NwofnYli, 30 89 21 05 5 47 84 1 00 28 30 CITY OF ANN ARBOB. Kik Lots8,8and 10, 4 n r 4 e, 503 1 47 23 100 8S3 E Mof lot 1. 4nr5e, 56 15 02100 173 Lot 3, 5nrl4e 32 58 09100 8 89 Lot and 7, on r 14 e, 66 15 W 1 10 1 73 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 22 links otra s of lot 6, bik 4 s r 8 e except rlght of way of tbe T, A AJLXM Kil, 4 8 r 2 e, 7 44 1 94 30 1 00 10 68 Lot6, bik 5 s r6e, except 4 rods and 6 ft off" n end nnd 2 riMls off w end of lot 8, 5 s r 6 e, 29 00 7 55 1 16 i 00 SS 71 Lots 8, 4, 5, 4 s r 7 e, 30 16 7 85 1 21 1 00 40 2i Lots J, H and V, In 4 8 r 4 w 6 00 1 56 24 100 880 The nndlvlded & part of 17 il oi' land ou w slde of Mala st, 66 ft deep bouaded s by Schlpacasse, w by Wall and KltHon's land, e by Main st, 1 li'J 45 07 1 0J 3 21 Land boundedeby Wildt'a land, s by Chubb rond, w toa polnt, u by Harnlinm, 1 nu 45 07 100 3 21 Lot bounded e by State n by Covert8, w by Bwathel's add, a toa polnt., 8 31 87 13 1 00 5 84 Lot bounded e by Ellzabeth st, n by Kuiler st.wby an Alley, s by Willis' land, 6 GO 1 74 27 1 0) 9 67 Land bounded n by Hotchkln's lund.e by Broadway, s and w Dy Jii-niiis, 7 10 1 84 28 1 00 10 22 BACH AND BllOWK'S ADDITION. Lot 30 and s % of lot 29, 2 32 60 09 1 00 4 01 ] J. II. llKOWJt S ADDITION. Lot 12, 4 64 1 20 19 1 00 7 03 BROWN AND FL'LI.EK'H ADDITION. Bik N w 24 M ft In vldtb Qffl M ft 1d leDgth of tue o e 60 ft In wldth offlot 1, 8 2 81 78 11 I CO 1.N Land beglnnlngi'J ft 8 w alona,' Broadway, from s e cor, lul 1. hik 7, thences w22ft along Broadway to store No 8, theDce n w 60 ft, thence n e parallel Wllll Ü.1way 22 ft, s e 60 ft to place of beglnnlng, 1 42 37 06 1 OU S 85 OltMSHY ASD I'AOE ADDITION. Bik Lots 1 and 6, a raí S7 ís i üj o as Lots 5 and 6. blk 19 also trlauKUlar plece of lmxl e of bik I), lylng be. tween the M ( ' K K nuil Hurón Klver except tho dlstlllery lot, 19 3 83 87 18 1 00 5 3.1 IMTRIDOB ADIITIO!Í. BIk Lot 15, 4 2 84 73 11 1 II) i 8 Lot 9, (i 71 18 03 1 00 1 92 CITY OF YPSILANTI. Parcel or land bonuded n by land of A Benuett, 8 by Chicago Rond. w by land oí C Thompson, e by Sumiiillst, 5 3J 1 38 21 1 00 7 93 Parcal m land bounded n by , liinil oí Saraii Rorlson, g by (Jhlcago Road, e by landof ACole, w by land of F B Kloek, ó 34 1 88 L'l 1 00 7 93 I'aruel of land bd w ly land of Hnyden, n by Hurón River, s by an nlley. e by liind of Hayden. SI L'J ir. 101) 2 C9 Parcel of huid bil n by latid of Mis. Morris, w by land orL. I). Norria, s by lamí of Mis. Waybuu, iby Hlver st, 102 04 ai 53 4 OS 1 00 133 65 ORIGINAL IT.AT. Lot 50, 1 79 46 07 1 00 3 8! FOI.LETT, JOSLYX AND SKISKEK'S ADDITION. Lot WM, 15 5) 4 03 62 1 00 21 15 OILISBRT'S EASTERN ADDITION'. Ix)tl, 7 69 1 98 30 1 00 10 S7 H. W. l.AEZELKR'S ARDITION. Lot Ml, J5 42 i 01 62 1 00 21 00 IiOt 38, 2 7S 72 11 1 00 4 61 MORSK ADDITION. Lot 40, 1 78 46 07 1 00 3 32 VILLAGK OF OHBLBBA. Blk LotO, 11 6 G5 1 73 27 1 00 i) 6T, J. M. COyODON'S 2d ADDITION. Blk Lot 2, 4, 2 37 62 09 1 00 4 08 VILLA.GEOF DEXTER. Blk Lot 8, 36 46 12 02 1 00 1 t;o VILLAGE OF MANCHESTKK. fORF.Y'S ADDITION. Hlk I)tJ, 2 6 20 1 61 S5 1 00 9 00 VILLAGE OF MOORVILLE. Lotj, blk 3 n r 1 e 37 09 01 1 00 1 47 VILLAQE OF SALINE. Town 4, south of range C eatt. Sec Land bounded n by Harria, e by Combs, w by st. i i z fi as i 66 21; i oo 9 so BKNNKTT'ri l't.VT. T 3 8 of r ." e Beo W VÍ of lot 1.1, 36 1". l:i 02 1 03 1 57 Auditor Gexerai.'s Okkice, ( Lansino, Mlab„ January '0, 1890 Nollce is uereby glven that the wtaie of Michigan ban üled In the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in chancery, a pelitlon of which the foregoing isa true copy ; that H claims a decrce aulnst each parcel of land tberefn descrlbed lor the amounts specllled respecllvely.aud in addilion therelo of theamount of legal lees for personal service of suhpoeua in each case wltere such service isactually made as provided in scrlton 53 of Act Nu. 195 Laws ot 188!); that such petlt ion w 1 1 1 be brought on for a hearing and decree at the next term of sald Court to be held on the ñrft Monday ofMareh 1890, at Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, that all persons Inierested in such lands and dcslrlng to contest the lien claimed thereon for such laxes, or any part thereof fimil nppear In said court and file with the Clerk thereof thelr objciion thereto on or before sald flrst MondHV ui March 1890, and ihat In defitult thereof a decree will be taken as prayed for In sald peliliou. Notlce is also uereby glven that on the flrst Monday of May, 1890, the lauds descrlbed In said pelitlon, anil lor which an order of sale símil be made, will be sold for the taxes, Interest, and charges thereon, asdetermined by sald decree, at lbo County Treasurer's office, InlheCliyof Aun Al-hor, In s:i:d Connty of Waslileuaw. IIIJNKY H. AI'I.IN, Auditor Ueneral. Sïorfgage Sale. W'iiküeas dcfault li is heer mide in Ihc conditions uf %. ct'rlain m r'gige wbereb; the power of Bale ihereiti containt'd nii8 bt-come t peratlve, executed by G jrge E. Bierce and Nettle Dierce, his wile, ol the townehip ol jylvan, Wanhtecaw Cüunty, Mlch., morlg iKors to Tbom is Wilkiüsou uf the ."amo place, mrtLHgee bearlns; Haie December lt, A. D. 18sl, acknuulodKed "December 3d, A. D. 18H-!. and recurdcd in ilie offlee of the Reglfter of Uecds for Washtunsw connty, Michigin, un the 4th aay of December, A. D. 1S83, In Lilwr 02 of Mortgagea, on page ÖU ; whicb mortage wad duW aiined )y aid Tbomas Wilkinsuo to Janius E. Beal on ihc .11 day of December, A. D. 1883, whicb atsignment was recorded on December 4h, A. D. 188:!, in the Register of Deeds ofllce lor the county of Wash'ennw, State of Michigan, In Llber 8 of Aggignmcnts of Mortgageg, on page 1M. On wbich murtgae there ia claimed to be due at the date of this notice the gum of ( l 50) thlrty-five imndred and fifty dollar?, and no actlonB or ceeaiDKS at iaw or m equity have been Instituted to recover the debt aecured by said mortgdgeor any part thereof. Notice is hireby given that by vfrtne of the power of eale cortnined in tald mortgage and of the etatute in such coses made and provided, the eaid nuirtftire will be íorecloeed by sale oí the mortgigod premisos therein descrlbed, which eale will oe made at tbc weet door of tbc cmn-t house In the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw. ötatc of Michigan, that beinjf the place of holdlni; the circuit conrt tor eaid county, at public auction, by the sherift'of sad coitDty, on Saturday the 19th day of April, A. D. 1Ü9, at 10 o'clock in the ïorenoon of said day, to satlefy the amoant which tfhiill lUvn le due on suld morti;age. The premif-es decribed in said mortgdge to be fold as bove specified are : The west halt of the norlhwest quarter of section 14, alao the aonth sixty acre of the eaat half of the northeaet quarter of scctiou 15, being all that part of eaid lot that lies eouih of Mili Creek Ditch, runniü throuh the game, aleo a strip of land lv rod wide long the eat alde of the west half of the eouthweat quarter of pe ei ion 14, f rom the territoria! road iiorth of the Dorth line ot Raid lot, all in the townnhlp of S 1v.m, county of Washtcnaw, S-ate of MIchigAU. Ann Arbor, Mlch., Jan. 21, 1890. .lUNIÜS E. BËAL, Asaignee. Sawter A Knowltjn, Attorneys. Mortgage Sale. DKEAULT HAVING BEEN MADE IN THE condilions of a cerruin mortgage execated by Levl Johnson and Mary Anu Johnson bis wife, to Chafo Ddw, dated the twenty-tbird duy of i'ebruary A D. 1884 and rccordort in the i fflce of the Kegister of Deeds for the County of Washienaw State of Michigan on the twenty-third day of February A. D. 1884 in Liber iió of nvjrtgages on page 62, which eaid mortgnge was duly acuitfiied bydeed of asslgnnvnt by tue aid Chasd Dow mortgapee to Richard J. Zebba on ihe tlght day of Ueo mbsr A. D. ÍÜ8S which eaid aL'i in-pi)t of sald mongage la recordé i in ïhe office of tlie Relpter of Deeds fcr said County in Liber 10 of assigGmentfl of mortg&ges on pnge 100, by wli'ch said aeiault the power of sale comained In ald mortgge has become operative and uo procedings in luw or equity having been instituted to recover the debt Becured by eaid morigigc or any part thereof, and the ettm of one handred and eevt-nty dollars being now claim - ed (o be due on such morlgaire. Notice is hertby given that ihe raid mortgnge will be forc!oted by a sale of the in )rtgiied pr mises thcrein deacrlbed or tome part thereof viz : Lot nnniber twenty-eight and tbe north balf of lot number twenty-nlne in Brow and Bach's Addition lo the City of Ann Arbor W&shtenaw County Michigan accordin: to the recorded plat of eaid addition at public vendue at the east door oftbe Court House In the city of Ann Arbor In said Connty tthat being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said Oonut) on the twenly-fourth day of April A. D. 1390 at ten o'ciock in the forenoon of tbst day. Dated January 23rd, 1S90. R1CHAKD J ZEBBS. Assigaee of Mortgaffee. J. F. Lawkesce, Atty. for Assigaee. Mort ir a ge Sale. DEFAULT HAVINO BEEN MADE IN THE conditlons of a morteage executed by Everard H. Morgan and Alice M. Morgan, i wlfc, tu Jauius E Beal Field, bearlng date the -'írd day o I' May A. D. 18S, and recorded io the office of the lieglster of Dreds for Washtensw County, Michigan on Ibe 3d day of May A. D. 1ÍK4 at 3 u'clock p. m. of luat day, Ín Liber I of rnortgagcs on pago 810, by which definlt, the power of iale contalned in said mortgige becamo operatlve, and no Suit or procceoinga in law or cquity havlnj? been in8tituted to recover the debt eecured bj said mortgaze, or any part thereof, aud the tumi of siitil.74 at the date of this notico beine claimed to be due on said morlgage, and tnat at tbe date of said niortgaffe the l'ull name of the eald mortagee, was Junius K. Beal Field; that after uaid nurigai;e w ih made aud executed, eaid mortgague applied to thn Probate Coort, for tjuid Couuiy of Wasnteiaw, in writing,in paruacco of tbe siatnte in soch case made and provided, and on tbe 25th day of July A. L. 1881, he obtaiued an order ot d&ld Probate Court chaning bis ramo from Junlus K. Bcal Field to Junius E. Beal, as in and by tbc records of said Probate Conrtln that matter, reference beine thereto had will moro fully aud at larec appcar. Now therefore notice is hereby given, that satd morigage wilt be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises therein duacrlbed, or gomo pan thereot', and tüat tbe premises are described in said nortgige a follows, towit, all tbat certain piece or pardl of land sltuated and biiu' la ilicTowuship ofPittifleld, In the Coanty of Washteuaw. and sute ol' Michigan, dc.ocribed as followa, towii: Begiuning at a poínt in the wc4t eide of section nnmber four (4) In said Townshlp nlnteen (19) chaina and seveiity-nlne (7'J) links from ihe nurthwest corner of sald section lint', tbence norlh eigbty-seven (STJdegreesaBd flfty (50) minutes wist ihree (3) chains and th-rty-six (3K) link to a gtake one ciiain and twcniy-seven (27) liüks Irom a cherry treu ten lncbes in diameter, whicb beare aomh elghty-m-ven (Xi) degreee west, thrnicsoutbiwo(L)dei;reii?i-a.t ilfiy-iuur ( il, links, thence eoutb eibty-nlne (811) degrees undten(lO) minutes east six (.8) chnins umi eigat-iigbt (88) link to a stake tkírty eix and a halí (■1il'J) links from au apple tree flfteen lncbes In üiameter, lm h bears aouta twenty-eiglit (2S) degrees west, thence soutb sixty-eigbt (t&) degrees cast on ch.iin and cljrhiyseven (87) links, tbence south etghty-four (SI) degrees east four chulus and fliiy-lour (64) Imks to the intersection of two dit' hes, thence soutb slx ) degrees cast eieren (11) chales and twenty-two (22) links to tbe recognized east and west quurtur line thence west tinquarter line seventeen (17) chains and twenty ('0) liuka to the recogui.ed quarter stake, thence norlh on the aeclion Hoe tbirteen (13) chaina mul fllty (5U) links to the place of beginnlug, containing twenty-one acres or laudmru or less, at public vendue, on Thursday tbe Ürst day of May 1ÍW0, at noon at the nortn front uoor of the Couri House in tbe City of Ann Arhor, in said Countv, iliat being the place of bolding tho Circuit Conrt in faid County. Dated Jan. 29th A. D. 1891 JÜN1US E. BEAL, .MoitKagef. t'ormerly Junlns ft. lieal Field, A. J. Sawtkr, Atty. lor Mortgagee. Rr.E TO F.A.M. BeAiiltful EngTtvlng of ft m r'yLlc ■■i mijíc scu. tio r$ ML hing rtpd culopj of nll tbs Mvnie gwdi ft Pautl bok. Lowmi prltH 1b Norlh Amtric. Jk ÊF Alao rrtiiJ Dw li;uitrAlJ werk fur Aruti. l'4 iW . -k .„.1 upwrja n.t. KEPDIMU i. Co, T ,i Br-l.,N. Y.rk.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier