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MASOXn: itlBECTOKV. A. v: Arbor Commandery, No. IX raectH flmt Tueaday of eaob month, 0. K. Hlscock, E. C; John Et. Mlner. Recorder. Wasutbnaw Chapter, No. ti, R A. M.- Me.iis tirst Monday ■ ■:i-!i month. J. L. Hione. II. P.! Z. Etoatb, scretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISKASKS OF TUF. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THÜOAT. OFFiCE ASD RESUENCE, 26 SOOTfl DI7ISI0N STEEET Houks : 1 to 4. and (i::!0 to 7:30 P. M. VOGEL & KBBÑ DBALKK IN ALT. KINDS OP FRESH AÏÏD SALT MATS Foultry, Lard% etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN j No. O K. Aun 8t., A nu Arlwr. U . XV. NICIIOL.S, DBNTIST. Rooms Over Anti Arbor Savlngs Hunk, Opp. Court House Square. VZTALZZED A.XR AdralniBtered. It is agreeable and easy to Uke, and no prostraliug ellects follow, while tceth are estracted without palp. WILLIAM HERZ, Houso, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, GUzIdr, Gilding, and Ualcimïnim?, aad work of cvery description done in the best Btyle,and warrantod to givc satiufactiou. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. o. :mi. i&ji&rnTix; CLOTH CASKÏTS, METALIC And Ooramon OofHns. Calis attented to Day or Niglit. Rmbalming a Hpeclalty. storeroom on E. Washington street. Kesideuce Cor. Liherty and Klftti. flip Pümsw' h MñpluniV?' Hínlf CAPITAL $50,000. STJSPLUS $7,000. Aflflitional LiatUlües of Stockholflers S5O,OOO. STATE OF1 MICHIGAN, ) BANKING ])E1'AI1TM1:SI, Oölce of the Commissioners.J Whkkeas, by satlgfactory evldence preHented to the undersigned, it has been made ti appear that the Farmeru' and Medíanles' Bank, in the city of im Arbor, in theCouuty of Wahii:iiaw, state ot Michigan, has complied with all the i)rovislont of the General Banking Law of tïie State of Michigan reqntred (o ba oomplled wlth beforo a Corporation shall be autuorized to continue the bueiIicssol lirink illlT. No therefore, I, Theodore C. Sherwood, (ïommlssfoner of the State Hanking Department, do liereby cerlify that by tliat the B'arnn-rs' & Mechanlcs' liank, aforesaid, Is authorized to contlotlQ the business of banking as provided in Beotion GO of the Gen'l lïitnlving law or the siate of Michigan. [L. B.] In witness whpieof wltness my hand and Keal of ollicu at Lanslna this 22d day of June, 188. T. C. SHKRWOOD, Com. of the Banking Dept. lllo MWolü & lUülilldlllbö JjcllllL liavlngilled thelr certifleate wlth the State Bauklng Uepartmetit are now anthorlzid to dobodneaa as a Savlogs Bank, and in purnuance thcreof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In tlie savlngs department on all deposits of Si and upwards, interest pald June lsl and Dec. Ut, ofeachyear. The savlngs department is open Saturday nlEhta from 7 unttl 8 o'clock. Money to loan in sinns of $20 to $".000 secured by unencumbered real estáte or approved securllies. uiltKTOUs Itrnlii'ii Kemnf, Cha. K. reene. B. Dufly, Amliroan Kearey, Wm. v. Stevens, '. F. Hroakey, J. K. Beal, Jolui Ilurj;, D. F. Sclialrer. U. KKIH'K, lri-H. E. DUFFY, Vlce-Pre. F. II. itKl.M il Casfaler. IV. EVER MADE. Leystcro, aud mako your eklnlll 4 klclean and umooth. Thosel I "VHkipinipleB and BIotches m % t ', $ijLwMch mar your beauty w 3 %. O, i VvV.aro caused bv inipmxM ■ „. f ,% blood, and can bc III . V 4 .OÍÍXLreniovedlnaslK.rtl I % V.%'oSyíLtline' lf yu 8n;l I 5 tfh Athe grcatl H SM!! The Dose iX-V f% % S I f Mi..uful. ItUtho o % " I II bost and cheapetX t,fj.r I I Imeilicine. Tiy ft, and'OA - %„ I Uct lt of your Drugglst. Vcv, ÏS Q DON'TWAJT. GETITATONCBk " Jg If yon are euffcrlng from KWW I II thv biaease, and wish to live to loíd age, use SUI.PHUU BlTTEIiSI Ijl T hcy liever lail to cure. III Senil 3 2 rent stam)) to A. F. Ordway Co.. liustou.Mass.. tor bet medical work puOUshed? W, F, LODHOLZ IS OFFERIXG BARGAINS IN IWIBS AJÍD jWISIS LOOK AT THEM 5 lbH. iiOD JAI'AX TEA Sl.OO 7 Bars Ltl.MtltV SOAP Ü5 itiivr ui rn. iisioil-, pit ti. or ltKSX WATHIl WHITE, " " O8 :t uu hok !■: ion vioes 25 3 Cana CHOICK COKIV 23 % i: I.MMV PEACHESi wortli 25c per Can, lor IS PIK l'i: ACIIKS, per Can 15 FI.VK, '11 Vlil IIDIMIIl COFFI.H, per lb 25 "Ol ic m;in - siiofii. TOBACCO, per lb O HINT I!K1M. POVVDKK, in 1 lb. 'hum, ier lb 25 MIXED CAMtV, per lb 10 ALL CQODS FBESH AND WARRANTED! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH -W VT. F. LOSBOLZ, 1 A I IIKIItllWAV, ATSfi AltllllU. 1530 jRlCDTrCD6 oroti9ri,who wish to examiné 1HU ■ Cll I I wCIlw thi papor, or obtain ettimatei on advertising tpac whon in Chicago, will find t on file at 45 to49 Rantfolph St , np TUAUBC thAdvitingAgencrof LU UU tt I IIUIIIRWC


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