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The Jackson Election

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A correspondent of the Cleveland leader, stgnius uimapif "Delta of Vicksurg," sends the following tutcrgsting etter f rom Washington: A fevv facts cited by Senntor Injralls Ín lis masterly speech on the Southern situation seem to me would be deeply interesting to yonr readers. These relate es)eca!ly to tlie election n the city of Jackson, the capítol of Mississippi, on he Oth day of January last. At the requestofMr. Ingnlls the chief clerk read nu extract frotn the Jackson (Miss.) Clarion, printed the 2d of January, 1890, 'our days beforo the election. This aper, roinember, is tbe ollicial organ of he (fovernment of Missi9sippi, and the eading newspaper in the state. The eilief clerk read as rollows: WHO CABES?- THE BOYS COMING. The Yazoo demócrata wlll be here Monday .o Kee there la a fair election. Who cares iflhe McOM men don't like itf The Leilore Timers wlll be liere Monday to seo there is a fair election. Who cares the Mc GUI men don't llke U f The Coplali Kellables wlll be here Monday o Ree lf there is a fair election. Who cares if the McGill men don't like it ? The It-tnklii Kangers will be here Monday ,o pee there is a fair eleotlon. Who cares ïf the Mc GUI men don't like il f The Warren Warriors will be here Monday to Bes Hiere h a fair election. Who cares i the McGill men aon't like it f The MadiHon íiiunls will be bere Monday . Mee there is a fair etpction. Who cares ifthe UcGUl men don't like it f The Bolton Boys will be here Monday to gee tuere In a fulr election. Who cares if Uu Mc GUI men don'l like it f The Kayinond Rifles will be here Monday to se there Is a fair elecllon. Who cares (f the McGMmen don't like U f The Clinton Corps will be here Mouday to see there is a fair election. Who cares ifthe McGül men don't like it f The Terry Terribles wlll be here Mouday to se there is a fair election. Who cares f the Mc GUI men don't like it f The Byram Bulldozer will be here Mouday to see Uiero is a talr election. Who cares if the McGill men don'l like It f The Kdwards Dragoons will be here Monday to see there Is a ralr election. Who cares if the McOill men don't like Ut What are they going lo do about it wuelher they like It ornot? The boys are coming, 1,000 strong. The whole state of Mlsslsslppl Is lnterested in the election. It thall be a demoerat victory. As Senator In al Is says, ''They were all there," but how far did they come? Let us see The "Yazoo Djtnocrats" camo 40 miles. The "Copiali Ueliables" came 40 miles. The " Lcflore Tigers " came 100 miles. The " Hunkin Haiüiers1' came 20 miles. The " Warren Warriors " came 40 miles. The " Madison Guards " came 20 miles. The " Bolton Boys " came 20 miles. The"Rayniond Killes" carne 20 miles. The "Clinton Corps " came 10 miles. The " Terry Terribles " came 20 miles. The " Byram Bulldozers " came 10 miles. The "Edwarda Dragoons ". carne 30 miles. Hut they were all there ju3t tlie same, louded down with revolvers and 10-shootng Witichesters. Senator Ingalls then proceeds: "Ilere is the way it was done. Ilere is the way an election was held In one of the Southern states of this Union tliree weeks ago. This correspondent 8iys: "'It was the most outrageou3 tliing I ever saw. All the toughs, murderers, etc, in the state were here with their Winchester rifles and took possession of the city. The polls were in the possession of an armed mob, and would not allow a negro to come wltUin 100 yards of the polls. The court house was lilled upstairs and downstairs with thetn. The Edwards house (the leailinji hotel) was l'ull of Winchester rifles, two men in eaoli wlndow, with their euns Dointiiisf down at the box. "The other voting place in the North ward was at the llook and Ladder hall Upstairs is the arniory of the state tnilitia That was ülled with men wuo were ready at the word to let them go. The votiag down stairs was done with closec doors, and no one was allowed in there except a voter, and they only one at time They gave it out that the flrst man who attempted to yote - a negro- would be shot down.' "And so on. I have anotlier letter frora a gentleman, known, perhaps, to many memners of this body, from tlie ame city, dated on the Oth of Jannary, 4 days ago, a United States officer, the rejrister of a land office, and lie aays: " 'It was the worst and most open deiance of law I ever saw.' "Jim"Lidlell was liere with liis crowd of "swainp angels1' (for his badge was worn by all ofthera - a green gilk ribbon witli "awarap angel" on it). Tliey were the same men wlio killed the negroes at Currolon's, (0 miles from Jackson. Cattle ïeorge, Senator George's son, was Liddell's lieutennnt, and another younsr son of George's was here in the party with lis Winchester, Yazoo, Madison, Hunkin, and all were here armed to the teeth. !ïow, I wisli to makt; tlils point clear; hev wore badges with "White Supremacy" on thera. The same magie words ïeaded their bandbills and appeals for outside nid. Yet every one in Jackson cnew that the registration closed wltli 240 majority of white voters on the lists. ïfow, wtiere was tlie fear of "nigger rule" his time? It is republican rule they will not submit to." The register of the land office above re'erred to by Senator Ingalls is a brave, one-legged exconfederate who has man'ully battled for the cause of right ever since the day he surrendered his sword n North Carolina. What lie saya may je relied upon as absolutely true in every articular, tor he is a man who dares to ;ell the trutli and defy criticism. Now a word of explana! imi : Jackson has not more than 1,500 voters, jlack and white. One year ago the democracy by force of arms took possession of the city governinent. They did ïot permit a single colored man to cast i ballot. Tliis year a large number of colored voters abáolutely despaired of voting and did not register. This closed the registratiou with a majority of 240 white TOters on tlie list, so that there could be no danger of the blacks electing anybody. But this was not what the "Swamp Angels" and Bulldozers" were there for. 1 bc fear they had was not that tlie blacks would prevalí, but that a majority of the wliites would vote tlie republican ticket and it was to Intimídate tlie white voters hat they were on the ground. Ketnem er that Capt. McGill, who had been the republican mayor for 13 years. and was defeated by force of anus a year as;o, was a candidato for mayor tliis year, and ind that he has a host of white f rienda, le was a gallant confedérate soldier. :Iis character is spotless, and he Is brave as Julius Cícíar. His adininistration of the office of mayor gave the city of Jacksoii the best government she ever liad. The largest taxpayers iu tlie city were his staunchest supporters, and it the white citizens of Jackson had been permitted to ïold an election, unmolested by outside nfluence, they would bave ckoseu McGill br mayor. So you will see, Mr. Editor, that wliile jlack republiciins are obnoxioua, white repnljiicnn f bnoxnns. The coütlict in the Soutli is always intensitlea wlieu tliere is daiiger of a split in the vhite vote. Thls is a menace to democratie supremacv that is intolerable. Remcmber that the governor of the state was present as a witness of these scènes. Retnember that the legislature of the state adjourned to permit the members to jo out and encoumge the "boys." Retnember that both tlie senators frora Uississippi have given their unqualiñed endorsement to the infamous outrages. What are you people of thd North going to do about it?


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier