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Bridgewater has a barber shop 'lis said. Fred Morton, of Chelsea. has gotie to Detroit, in an insumnoe office. J. H. Bortle planted 25,000 brook trout in streams about Saline recently. Albert Dolí, a young man highly esteemed at üheltea, dic;l on the 4th inst. Last year it took 42,899 ncres of land in thl.x couDty to yield 42,790 tons of hay. During 1888 the yield of potatoes Ín thls county was 170,298 bushels from 1,975.33 acres. John Arma, of South Lyon, will venture in the cucuinber pickle business ajíain this year. Over at Brixhton they put pretty pirls up at public auction and sell them olí' to the highest bidder. Bro. Chilson of the South Lyon Picket has his rest hroken nlglits by the üealthy lungs of a 9tt. boy. John Schiifer, of Saline, is having a tubular well put down in his bar-room. Queer proceeding, eh? The ladies Of Stockbridge and vicinity are to meet Friday, the 2Ist to organizo a Woman's Relief Corps. Last Thursday evening Mr. Bevt Kenney and Miss Huttie Phelps, of Webster, were united n niarriage. On Sunday, March 30th, confirmatlon lectures will be held in the Germán Lutlieran cliurch of Chelsea. The Musical Union, of Saline, are preparing to briuit out the cantata of "The Hiiyniakers," in a short time. Salem is said to have a cow boy band that Mtertains residents with horse-fiddles, dry goods box choruses, etc. The Corporation tquirt-gun was out for exercise yesterday and proved to be in appie pie order.- Saline Observer. The Y. L. S., of the Saline Lutheran church wouM llke to raise$75 with whicli to parchase bllnds for tlieir churcb. In Washtenaw county there we re 2,782.50 acres of clover seed harvested duriiig 1888, yieldiug 2,927 bushels. Rev. Fr. Considine was pleaaantly surprised by a present of $50 In gold recently from the ladies of liis Pinckney parish. David Lindsley has sold hls 40 acre farm ncar Bridgewater station. The reminiscences there are probably uot pleasant. An exchiinge says Unit mnch farm machinery lias suHercd so far tliis winter because not enough snow has fallen to protect it. Rev. J. Edward Reilly was mnrried to Miss Lyra Hatch, of Chelsea, on Feb. 13thi Revs. Kirkpatrick and Builey tying the knot. Farmers, e.peciaHy should not forget the lessons tuu!iht them tliis winter by the horrible roads. Better roads are alinost a necessity. Dr. H. E. Brown relieved Frank Ward of about 400 feet of worm last Tuesday night and now Frank is happy. - Stockbridge Sun. A correspondent tulla us that Mrs. James Stefiby of Munith is 80 yearsofage; that Bhe has 27 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.- Stockbridge Sun. Eleven out of 27 milis and elevators in ,his county report the sale of 20,865 Hishels of wlieat d uring January, and 78,603 bushels marketed since August st last. The livestock of this county as comared with an average comlition isgiven is follows in the Februury orop report: lor&es 9? per cent., cattle 9G, sheep 90, wine 96. Dr. Eleger Hall, fortnerly a pioneer of Saline, (lied at the house of Iiis son Geo. W. Hall, In Traverse City, on Feb. lOth, aged 83 years. He attended the medcal department of the University in 1866. Misa Mnrate Gilbert and Miss Carrie Martin, of Cbelsea, were run away witli recently and badly scared but not inured to any great extent. The horse vas injured some and the buggy a total vreck. Tlie (1 i rectors of the Livingston couny Agricultural society will meet Monday. X is tliought that $200 will pay the back )remiums and other indebtedness. - ilowell Republican. Ex-Alderman Bernard Kirk of the third ward, jii9t as he reached home Saturday eveninf;, slipped and feil upon the walk, jreaking one leg in two places just above the ankle. - Ypsllanti tíentinel. One of our good farmers a short distance from the villaje has been trylng to fjet used to the flavor of a quarter of beef put down in sal-soda. He grot the preservation in town and supposed it was salt-peter. - So. Lyon Excelsior. Two Northfield boys were tined $7.50 for killing rabblts on a man's farm. We wou ld feel more lifce giving sevenfifty to have them all killed off unless they desitt from feeding on the bark of our young fruit trees. - Observer. The Chelsea Kecreation Park Association will be oftlcercd as follows for the coming year: president - G. W. Turnbull; secretary - Jas. Taylor; treasurer - H. 8. Holmes; di rectors - Win. Judson, H. S. Holmes, O. H. Kempf, W. J. Knapp, Walter Dancer and Jas. Taylor. The talk of a wind-mill and watering tank is again benig revived, but whethcr it is anything more than au election issue we are unable to state. We eau state, however, in good faith, that the town needs "water-works,"' and money can be spent In no more useful ivay than by erecting them. - Dexter Leader. A number of youngsters about town met with a severe misfortune (,?) Monday. They had unknown to the owner, gained eutrance into Bilt'a hall and litted up therein a club room. A stray gleain ot' light gave the snap away and the boys, after a whotesome lecture, were unceremoniously "flred." - Dexter Leader. F. M. Lumbard received news from hls niece, Mrs. Molly Hall, of Chicago, that his oldest and only sister living, Mrs. Subrina Hurlburt had received a paralytie stroke and lies in a critical condition at last accounts. Sim is the oldest f tu r iin.hi.rri fjuniiv of fourteen, while Mr. Lumbard is the younecst. - tso. Jyon Picket, VV'hitmore Lake Cor. Ifpeoplc wben coming to town in veliicles would take more pains in driving square up to the hitcbing posts there would be less "kicking" done by thelr neighbors. It is a noticeable fact that about half of the teams are hitchcd ao that each team occupies several posts. - Pinckney Dispatch. The farmers don't seem to be very well posted on that subject some way. The Chelsea fair association contemplatea holding a sprint; fair, hoping thereby to make enough money to get the society out of debe and start the regular fall fair with a clean balance sheet. Ve doubt the fensibility of spring f airs, In thls section, at least. Farmers at that season are too busy to stop for the fairs aud without the farmers our fairs must surcly fail. - Saline Observer. A gentleman who rides much, wishes to know if persons have the rlght to obstruct two-thirds of the road by placing rails therein. It is our opinión that, should any accident take place by reason thereof, the party placing them there would be liable for damages sustained. - Chelsea Standard. The Standard is right in its conclusión. Any one who obstructs a public hisjhway does so at his own peril. Lieut. Jno. P. Finley, who has gained quite a reputation from his works on nieteorology and military signaling, has been awarded tlie tirst prize by the American Meteorological Journal for the best essay on tornadoes. The contest was one of unusiial interest to sclentific circles, and comprised competitors from among the leading men of the United States and Europe. Lieut. Finley is on an inspection tour through New England and the luidle Atlantic states, and his wlfe and daughter are spendlng the winter inWasliington. - Washington (D. C.) Evening Star. Lieut. Finley is au Ypsilanti boy. John B. Clinton, of Penton, got drunk on Launing house whiskoy and lay out in the frost. He therefore lost a le-r. Wtien able to get arouiul he brought guit against ttie man who sold him the liquor, and was iwarded a judgment of $2,000. The supreme court ordered a new trial and the jury increased the judgment to $3,700 and the supreme court afflrmed the iinding. To get the money Clinton had to sue the whisky seller's bondsmen, and the supreme court hasjust lixed things so he'U get his money. Tliat's how they sometitnes settle business at that suburban town. - llolly Auvertiser. In most of the largo cities they have humane societies, the members of which see that liorses are not abused, and from reports often published we have no doubt but that much good 8 done by tliem. liorses are often left in cold and wet weather without blaukets, or, often the blanket is not securely put on and the fust gust of wind or movement of the animal throws it on the ground, often have we suen liorses stand shivering from cold and glancing wistfully at a warm blankut lyinjj upon the ground. Overhead check reíos are also a source of great discomfort to a horse. We have seen horses suffuring from such tortures and others more serious, and would gladly have relieved thetn but here inMancheste we have no humane society and to inter fere with our neifhbor's tiorse his ox, o his dog brings curses upou you. Hav you not seen men strike a horse with th whip when tliere was no cali for it? In cities the humane society takes the whi away from cruel drivers, but the countr Lorses are oblige to stand the cruel lash adininÍ8tered by angry brutal raen. - Manchester Enterprise. All that the Presbyterlan libérala wan is a fair "elcetion."


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