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ÏTct a Pimple onBaby Baby on e year old. Bad wilh Eczema. imlr :ill ei Mralu covered wlth cru il ons. inl by Cnticurn. Hair Npleiidid and nol a pimple on Iiini. Cured by Cuticura. I cannot say cnoush in pralsc of the Citticura Remkdiks. My l)oy, wheo one yenr of age, was sobad with eczema ihat he lost all of his hair. Hts scalp u comed with miptions, wlilcb ihe doctors eaid was scall-hcad. and thut his bair would nevcr j;row again. Despalrlnit of a cure from phypiclans, I bei;an the use of the Cuticura Kemkdis, nnd, I am happy to say, wilh the most perltct BDccess. Hls hair íb now eplcndld, and tln-ri' is not a pimple on him. I recommcnd the Outicura BlMIDIKa to nuthuraas ihe mot speedy, economical, and surc cure lor all skin dtscases ol Infante aud chiUlre, ar.d feel that very molhcr who has au nftlicted child will thai.k me for so duiiiii. Mks. M. E. WOODSUM, Norway, Mc. Fever Soro Eight Years I maat extend to yoo the thenks of one of my ruMii'im-rs, who ha beeu cured by iistni? the Cutiii'k.i l.'i vi.DrK, f au old sore, cftused by a long spel) o[ iekiie.s or fevcreigbt years aLo. He was po bad ha wa fearlul he would have to have hls Ice: mnputated, bnt In happy to suy he is now entitely wi'U,- sound :is a dollar. He requesW me to se hi muñe, wblcb is H. II. Cason, ïnerchaut. JOHN V. MINOR, üruiiist, (iaincsboro, Tenn. We havo been selling yonr Cuticura Remediks for yofirn, and have tne first complaint jet to reii: i from ii punhasor. One of the worst cases of scrolula 1 ever gaw was cureri by them. TAYLUS & fAYLOK, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent The new Hlood nnd Skin Purifler nnd purest and lx st of o' Remedies, internally.and Cdticuka, tiiu mrest Skin Cure, and Cuticura Sojp, un . qnlsito Skin Uexatifler, pziemally, gpeeilily, and piTiiiuneiitly, and ocunonúcally cure every diseaec ;md linmor ot the skin, scilp. mul hlood, with loe of huir, wheihcr itcblnff, bnrning, srnly, pimily, iCioluious, orhereaitirv, wheii ü uther remedies rail. Sold everywhere. Price Cuticuba, Wc.j Soap, '2ÏW. Rcsolvint, 81. Prepared by the Potter Dnuii mi CbbbioalCorpobatiom, Boston. f& Send lor " How !o Cure Skin Diseaucs.1' 64 piiges, 50 illiistrations, and 100 tcsiluioni Is. RADV'Q sk'" "'"' Scilppreservcd and heauDnDI O tiü.d by C'UTicUKi Soai-. Ahnolutely pure. ig& EVERY MUSCLE ACHES. Cj5jplj Sharp AChea, Dull I'ains, Strains JvMJf nIHl Weakneaaes ri'Iloved in one f lïStA mlnuie by the Cntteua AntlIViR Hain IMiiMti-r. The flrst and only J- instantiineous paiu-killingstrentheiiing piaster. 85 cint. Soticc lo rreditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw M. Notice la hereby liiven, thnt by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the Ü8th day of October, A. D. 1S8S), six montlu irom that daw were allowed for creditors to preeent theirclaims ai,raiutt the eetate of Charles N. Huiiu's. hite of said u)inily, dereased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present iln ir claims vo snid Probate Conrt, at the Probatv Oftice in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination aud allowance, on or before the 28th day of April ncxt, and that such clainiíi will be heard belore said Court, on Tucsday the 28th day of January and on Monday the 2Sth day of April next, at 10 o clock In the forcnoon of each of said daye. Dutcd, Ann Arbor, October 28tb, A. D. 18K9. J. WILLARD BABBITT. Judüe of Probate. Conunissioners' Noticc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot Waahtcnaw. The untlersigncd havinpr been appointed by the Probate Oourt for said County. Coinmissioners to receive. examine and adiust all claims and demands of all persons against tne estáte of John Geddes, latí' 01 sriiil County, deccased, herehy glve notice that six months from date are allowed, by order o 8l(l Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims iiL'iiinet the estáte of said deceased, and tlint tbey will meet at the Ann Arbor kví.iK Tiantí ín thi' .'jr of Ann Arbor ín s:ild County, on Monday the teuth day of Marcb and on Tuesday the tetith day of June next, at ten o'clock A. M. of e:icïi of eaid days, to receive, exnmDe aud adjust said claims. Dated December 10, 1889. WILIJAM D. IIAUKIMAN, I rnrv,m, , CHARLES E. HISCOCK, ( comml88loner8. Notïce to CrcíIItors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasntcnaw, 88. Notice Ís hereby givcn, thathy an order of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtcnaw made on the Ü7th day of November, A. Ü. 1889, eix moiiths frora that date were allowcd for crcdltors to present their claims againet the estáte of Julia M. Portcr, late of oaid county, deccaaed, and that all crcditors of eaid deceasedarerequired to present their claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probate Ofllcc, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examlnation and allowauce, on or befo re the twentyseventh day of May next, and that such claims willbeheard before said court, oh Thurnday, the twenty-tevenlh day of February, aad on Tueeday, the twenty-feventh day of May uext, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of nald daya. Uated, Ann Arbor, November 27. A. D. 1889. J. W1LLA.ÜD BAIÏB1TT, Judire of Probate. Estáte of David W. Noyes. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw SB. At a session of the Probate Court for the County oí Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in thw City (tt'Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the eleventh day of Fehruary, ín the yar one thousand etght hundred and nmty. Preeent, J. Willard liiibbitt, -Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of David W. Noyes, deceaeed. On readingand fllingthepetltion, diily verified, of Michtiel J. noyes, executoir praying that he mar be llcensed to acll the real eta-te whereof Baid deooasod died selzed. Thereupon it ie ordercd, that Tneedcy the eleventh day of March next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, bu asdigned lor the hearing of sald petition and that tlie devisees, leñatees and hi irs at law of eaid deceased, und all other persoim interested iü said etate, are required to appear at a seesioti of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, lu the city of Ann Arbor, and nhow caue, il' any there be, wliy the prayur of the pctitioner ehould not begranted. And it ím luriher ordered, that Baid peutiontr give notice to the persons interested in said eytate, oi tlie pendency of aaid prtition, and the hearing thoreof, bs caoslng a copy of thin order to be publisbed in!AniiArborCon'',nnewepaper printed and drCQlated in said couuty, three sacceHHivu weekn previoas to aid day of hfarlng. (Atruecopy.) J. W1LLAKD IiABBITP, Judse of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. JHortgagc Sale. DKFAÜLT HAV1NG KEEN MADE IN THB conditions of a certuln mortu'ageexecuted by Chanccy W, Ritrffs to Kowana Híjíjíb, dated the Uth day of Kebruary, A. D.188U,and rucorded íu the OmCe "f tin HeL'istcr of Deeds for Ihe County of Waahteoaw and State of Michigan, on the 8th day f Ociober, 1880, in Uber 53 of Uórteáffes on page 6j2, and whtch yaid mortgage was duly assigr.ed by deed of asstgnment, bv the said Howana Riggn, mortgagfi', to Clara H.fíiggfl, ju the 18th day of April, 185, which eaid aJgi)ment of taid mortgage is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds In ntd Coonty o; WashtenAw, anl stuteof Michigan in Liber H of Aflflgnment of Mortagen, on page 472. by which said delauH the power of eale contained in said mortííagt; luís b;come opuratlveand nOHUlt or prooeedïnjts, in law or equity, having been InsUtated to recover the debt secured by pftid mortgage, or any part thureof, at:d the eum ol ÍÜ75.00, at the date of this notico, beinL' cliimed to be due on eaid mortgage, notice is tberêforfl herebv glven that naid moitgige will beforeolosed, by a ale of the mortgaged premisas tbereln defcribed, r some part thereof, and that tbfl premlees are descrlbed in sald mortgage ns foiiows, towll All ih it certaln piece or parce] of land aituated in tbe Townêhtp of Bylvan in the Couuty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and decrlbed as lolowa, to-wit: The Bontneast quarter {}) of the KOatb eaat quarter ol" section thirty-one in townshfp nomber two south in range threc e&Pt, ir publc vendue on the Löth day of May, 189Ó, at noon oi aaid day, ar the north Iront door ol" Ihe Court House in tbe City of Ann Arhor, in said County; Tuut belng the place of holding the Circuit Court in tiafd Oouii y. lated Fub. llth, 189'. CLARA H. RTGGS, A. .1. SwYElt, ABeigüee for the Mortgagec, Att'y for Aeeignee. Rowana Kiggs. SEND FOR OUH CATALOGUE. PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. RINSEY & SEASOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Stare. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por WtaoicKale and Ttetall Trade. We shall aleo keep a snpply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Oaborn' Gold I)uit Flour, Buckwlicat Flour, Corn Meul, Fced, Etc, At Wholesale and Kutail. A general stock of GROCERIES anfl PROVISIÜNS Constautly on hand, which vi!l bc eold on ae reaeonahle tcrms ae at any uther honse In the city. Cash paid for BUTTEK, KGGS, and COUNT1{"Ï PRODUCE generally. Goods dellvered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ! $29,000,000. Sccurlty held for the protection of the policy CHRISTÜN MACK Represente the followlni? first-clasa companic! of which one, the Etua, ha alone paiü $56,0UÜ,0ÜU üre losgeg in slxty-ttve y care : Etna, of Hartford f 9,l!)ü,ö44 Franklin ot' Philadelphia 3,118,713 Germania, N. Y 2,700,729 Gerinan American, N. Y 4,065,908 London Assurance, Lomion.. . 1,410,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,750,036 Losses liberally adjusted and nromptly paid. Policies issued at the lowest ratcB of premium. 1191tf Ia the oldest and most popular BOldntlflc irod meclmnical paper pobOshed and hs the larmt circulBtion of nny paper of it claaa n Ihn World. iully illuatriitorl. liüst ciiiH of Wood Bni n ■- Ings. Puhlisliod weekly. Funil ldr specimen Si'f.ï;,1 r"J1 W !l "onr niiinths' trinl, f 1. MUNN l Cu., l'uunsnEits, Stil Uruudwuy, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BÜJLDERQ Edition of Scientific American. V A creat succeas. Kach Issue conlalns colorad llthotíruphic pintes of country mul city realdeaces or public buildings. Numerom iiiltjh and full plan? and speciHratiutis Tor tlic U8fl ot uchaacontciuplute liiiildiiiü. l'rici! tM :i n ar, 2Scts. acopy. MUNN i CO., PDBL18BKB8. ■ 40 Tjura1 exporienco and have mmlo over ■ ino,(XX) apiHcations for American aod '"rm eicn putents. Henfl for Ilnnübouk. Correspondeoce atrictlf coiifidontta). TRADE MARKS. In case your mark is not repistcred in the Patent Office, Bpiily to MDNM .v Co., and procura tmmediate protection. tíend or blaildbook. COPYRIOUTS for t kt, oharte, map, etc, qulckly procured. Atfdraaa MUNN k CO., I'iui-nt Solicilors. tilNKKAl. OïFICB: 1 liKOAUWAY. N. V INSURANCE BiSAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, Hamilton Blook. Partlea deslrlng to buy or Bell Real Estáte wlll flnd lt to thelr aitvantaye to cali on me. I represant 15 örnt-clafis Fire Insurauce Compnnles, havlng an aggregate capital over Í30,000,000. Ratea Low. Lossea Uboraüy adjrsted and promptly paid. I also issue Life and lovestment Policios In tlieNew York Mutual Life Insurance Company, Assetta, $75,000.00. Persona deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yearly policles wrltten for tbem orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets Usued at Low rates. Money to Loan at Current Rates. OtBce hours from 8 a. i", to 13 in. and 2 to 5 p. m. ALEX. V. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. Michigan (Tentral " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect November 17, 1889. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. ■ 1 Ifl Í éj 5 P A.M. A. M. P. 31. A. M. P. X. P. M. Chicago.. I.v 7 86108 3 10 10 10 9 25 Kalamazoo 12 55 2 45 6 58 7 10 3 35 ü 27 JncksoD 88U 4 47 8 52 9S3 15 4 45 Chelees 4 17 1015 7 10 527 Dexier ISO 10 27 787 541 1". H.p. ■. P. M. A.M. A.M. A.. Aun Arbor 4 5215 45 9 411U43 7 50 00 Yimilanti 518 5 57 9 5 10 55 8 08 6 17 WayneJnnc 543 11)3 8: 648 Detroit. ...Ar 0 Só (i no 10 4.r. 11 í(i 9 20 7 3U DETROIT TO CHICAGO. SIMONS. I d gjJ V H H A.M. A.M P. M. P.M. P.M.ip.M. Detroit.... I.v Dio 8 00 120 3 50 800110 16 WayneJunc... ■ 9 50. 4 30 8 38 10 55 Ypsilanti 1011 847 205 4 55 900 1118 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.IP.M. P M. AnnArbor 1025 s 5i 2 20 517 915 1135 Dexter 10 43 545 943 Chelsea 1058 6 10 957 OTaekson 1145 1000 3 18 650 1045 1249 Kalamazuo 3 60 19 ÍS 5 07 9 45 120 3 07 Chicasw...Ar 7 55 4 35 1 9 00 1 7 00 7 45 O. W. KUOGLES, H. W. HAYBS, Q. P. & T. Agent, Chicago. At.. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Aun Arbor & Jíorth Michigan Railway. TIME SCHEDULE. Taking effect November 25th, 1889. Trains run by Standard Timo. Ooing Korlh. STATIONS. Í I P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. 3 25 0 UO Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 4 17 47 Dundoe 10 18 12 20 1 :).-, 7 Oí Milán 9 68 12 04 4 4 7 lii Urania 9 45 1162 4 58 7 22 Plttetiold 8 34 1142 .-,07 7 .i: Ann Arbor 'J 22 11 30 5 31 7 80 Leían ó 9 07 1115 B 47 X 05 Whitmore Lake 8 55 1102 6 2 8 45 Howell 8 17 10 25 7 16 9 85 1 Dnrand 7 10 9 35 X 55 10 flül East Saginaw 5 65 7 45 ïTïhï In 10 Owoubo (i 85 ! 05 9 07 1115 Ilhaca 5 32 7 50 10 16 12 43 Mt. l'leaeant 185 6 45 .... 3!0 Cadillac 10 SO .... 4 40 Copcmleh 9 05 5 40 Ar Frunklorl Lv 7 50 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. Goiny South, South Lyon Brancli. NOÜTII 11OUND. STATIONS. 6OUTII BOOND. Train 18 Train 17 A. H. A. M. (i ( Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 ti 40 Wordeng 7 SU 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 H. W. AS HLEY, General Munaeer. A. J. PAISLEY, GEO. U. HAZI.EWOOD, Gcn'l. Vílbu. & Ticket Atrent. Local Atteut. Commlssloners' otlec. STATEOFMICHIGAN,ConntyofWa8htenaw,flB, Ttio andentgned bavliig been appointed by Om Probate Court for said Coumy, Commltttooen to recelve, examino and adjnft all claims and demanda al all persona agalnst the estáte of Willlam w. Dean late of sald eountv, deceaMd, hereby ííívo notice that slx monthfl trom date are sllowed, by order of iiüd Probate Court, for credttora to present Ibeïi slalmB asalnsi the eetate of maid deceancd,and that In y wil! me6t ut the store of Dean & Co., 44 S. Main street tn the city of Ann Arlwr, in said Muni.y, on Tueflday, theS5thday of Febrnary and :n Monday, the múi day of May next, at ten Vclock A. M. ofcachof saïd dayst to reccive, eximii'u and adjiist snit) claim, Dated. November SC, 1SS9. FUDEKICKBT:EBKAUN. Commi.8loDer8. THIS PAPER SM"?Illlv B nm kil kowixi. & Co's NcwspapeP Advcrtlsing Bureau (10 Spruco PtrcoD.whpri'mlvcr. BFUf ifflRI bo iSaüo lor tt ihHCIff lUlllVa BBBBBAEH .V NOM, AM AKIIOIt IU UKLUW FILIS. T A ■PkTTT'C! TRY i-ADUK's "peJ_iAUIÍjO KIODICAL" I'ILLS from l'ari. Franco. Kstablishcd in Europe tu 1839, Canatla in 1K7S. For Snpprcesions, Irregalariiies, hiiiI Monthly DeraoKements. A roliable monthly medicine. ïhey always relieve. Any Arueuim. $2. American PUI -'otl Proprletors, Spencer, Iowa. Kohcrt Stephenson & Co., wholeoale agente, and all other drucglata in Ann Arbor" These yill are warranted tu urine ou the "chanse. '


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Ann Arbor Courier