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Union College has 870 students, and the Rochestef University 174. The Univeaslty Glee and Banjo Clubs wil] go to Dundee Friday cvening, Feb. 23th. Mesars, Hir.chardt and Winans have baen appointed to conduct the quizzes in the law department. People are coming from Jackson, even, to hear Madame Adelie Aus der Ohe this evening at University hall. Fond mother - George vvrites he is acquiring a most liberal education at college. Father - It seems so, I sent him an extra $300 to-day. Slis. Babcock, motber of C. E. Babcock, of the Beta Theta's, returned home to Chicago Monday, after a visit of three or four days witli her son. Dr. Angelí has prepared a memorial address upon the late Dr. Frieze, a subject that certainly should be an inspiration to the pen of one like Dr. Angelí. The next meeting of the Schoolmaster's Club, to be held at Grand Hapids, March lst, will be enlightened upon '-College Latín," by Prof. Kelsey. The lecture of Miss Edwards will probably give an ímpetus to the new course to he glven this semester upon ancient Greek art. Magie lantern views are to accompany it. E. F. Gay, of the present graduatlng class of the literary department has been made an honorary member of the Choral Union for bis very efficiënt service to the Union tliis year. These words from President Warren, of Boston Unirersity are grandly true: "Tlie 6trength of every great eilucational institutlon is in the love and active loyalty of her alumni." The oldest living college gradúate in the United States is said to be Amos F. Parker, of Fitzwilliam. N. H., who graduated from the Universlty of Vermont n 1Ö13, and ia now 98 years of age. The Hon. John M. Thurston, of Omaha, addressed the students this afternoon in University hall. He is the orator of the west and those who missed learing him lost a treat. - Curonicle. On Saturday and Sunday afternoon?, 'rom 2 to 5 o'clock, stuaent3 will be made welcome to the reading room of the Tappan Guüd, (the old school of tnusic) the west wlng of which has been fitted up f or this purpose. Kx-Gov. Pillsbury has juet completed a ncw building for the Unlversity of Minnesota at a cost to himself of $175,000. That's western generosity. It is too bad Michigan hasn't ome generous wealthy man. College belle, to freshman, who has ust been introduccd: Are you a brother of the Mr. who was in college a 'ew years ago, whom I knew so well ? I think you resemble hlm. Freshman - He was my father. Prof. Worcester gave the "Webster Parmer's Club an account of his trip to the Phillippine Islands, on last Thursday evening. Those present speak very lighly of the talk. Capt. Allen had agreed to be there but could not get ïome in time. In the last Chronicle there is an appeal to the students for aid and to complete the S. C. A. building, signed by Prof. ö'Ooge. It is desired to raise about $2,000 to complete the structure, of which $450 was pledged by the students of the association at a recent meeting. Program for Adelphi, Saturday, March lst, 8 p. m.: Mucic Mrs. Prof. Kempf Bssav E. H. Edwards Heading ..A. T. Raudal 1 Vlusic Mrn. I'rof. Kempf Debate, Resolved, Tbat the late ruling oí speuker Keed was rlght and Justlflable. Aff. G. E. Mlller. Neg. M. B. Hammond. General Debate. Muslc Mrs. Prof. Kempf About 150 studeuts went to Detroit on the special train last Friday to attend the banquct of the Michigan Club. President Waples got off the train at Ypsianti to send a message and the train went oir and left hlm. But he made his way to Detroit on another train aud came u before the services were closed. Another election was held Saturday for the Chronicle board, this time the oposition not interferina; with it. Messrs. W. F. Hubbard, EL M. Frost, G. R. Brandon, A. H. Covert, B. P. Mossman and H. C. Buckley, all independent?, were chosen. The first three are to serve untilJuly next, the last three uittil Feb. 15, '91. An effort was made last week to obtain from the Khode Island Legisl ature consent to remove the religious test applylng to the president and trustees of Biown University. It was opposed by many 'rlends of the institution, on the ground that the removal of its Baptist prestige would make it simply a Rhode Island college instead of a national institution. The Glee Club boys returned Saturday nlght from their trip to Hillsdule and Monroe very enthusiastic. At Monroe especially the people turned out in large numbers and gave them a royal welcome. At Ilillsdale thcy dld not havu a large audience, but the marnier In which Landlord Dlckson of the Smith Home treated them made thcra fuel glad that they were there. The law department boys were very successful this year in obtaiuing a speaker for the 22d, the Hon. John M. Tliurston, of Nebraeka. At about 2:30 p. m., University hall was fllled to overflowing to listen to the eloquent speaker. Prof. Henry Wade Itogers in a very courteous and neat marmer, introduced Judge Thurston. Presidenta Moultrie and Henry of the senior and junior law classes presided; the Chequamegons furnished muslc. The address was only about a half hour long, but it completely captivated the audience, and the Judge is almast unanimously considered one of, if not the most eloquent man who ever spoke in University hall. His subject was the Blessinga of Equality," a theme that he handled in a grand aud patriotic mantier.


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