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The New Discovcry. You bave heard your friends and neighbors talking about It. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal expsrience just how good a lliinr it Is. If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friendo, because the wonderful thing about it is, ttiat when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery everafter holds a place in the house. If you have nevcr used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lnng or Chest trouble, socure a bottle at once and 'we it a fair trial. It is guaranteed evcry timp, or raoney refunded. Trial bottles at Eberbacli & Soti's drujrstorp. As soon as ita bacillus was discoverfid "laprippe" went out of bus nes?. - lïinffhainton Republican. Only One Bottle. Fort Wayne, Ind., Aueust 23. 1889. lilieumatic Syrup Co., Jackson, Micli. Gentlemen: Havin; suffered severely for soiik! time with rbeumatism, so that I was unable to work, Mesprs. Dreier & Bro., recommended Hlbbard's Kheumatlc Syrup. Alter takiiig one bottle I was entirely cured. I have recommended your remedies frequently to iny friends with like results. L. C Zoli,inger. We have personal knowledge that the above statement is correct. Dkeier fc Bbo., Druggista. Sold by Ann Arbor druggists. A pin may loose its liead, but it nevor gets stuck on itself. - New Orleans Picayune. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervouaness and d.vspepsia should use Carter's Little Liver Pilis, whlch are made expressly for sleepless, nervoup, dyspeptlc sufterers. Price 25 cents.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier