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SALE OF STATE TAX LANDS ' Auditor Qxkeral'b Offick, ( Lansino, Mloli.. Jan. 27. 1S00. f I NOTICE Is hereby giveu thal eertain lands sltuated iu the Counly of Washtenaw, bid off to the State for taxes of 1886 and previcms years, and descrtbed In statements which 1 will herealter bo forwarded to the ollice of tlie Treasurerol eald County. wlll be sold at public said Trpasurcr, at the County Seftt, on the flrst Monday of May next, at the 1 time and place designated for the Animal Tas Sales, II not previously redeemed or canceled accordlng to law. Sald statements coutaln a fnll descrlptlon of each parecí of sald la mis, and may be seen ; on applicution at the office of the Couuty Tn asnrer after tbey are recelved by him. The laiuls struek offtothe State for Taxes ] of 1886, or othcr yeiirs, at Uie Tax Sales In October last, wlll bo ofïercd subject to the riyht ol redempllon presciibud hy luw. HENKY APLIN, Auditor General. AKIÍUAt. TAX SALES. STATE OF MICHIGAN. 'Jb the Ctreuit Court for the Counly of Waihttnuw, in Chancery: The petltlon of Henry H. Aplin, AuditorGeneral of Bftld siiile of lchigan, respect fully shows that the UstH of lands berelDafter set forth and marked "Schedule A," contaln a descriptlon of all lauds In said counLy of Washienaw, upon whlch taxes were assessed for the years meutloned thereln, and wtiich were returned as delinquent for non-paymeht of taxtj.s, and whlch t;ixes have I not been paid ; totgether witli the total amouiit of ROon luxes, with Interest compuietl thereon to the ttine flxed ftr Haje, mid I colleciion fee as provlded by law, and the cost ol atlvertlslut; and other expenses ol sale of each of sald pareéis of land. Toar pelllluner furllier shows to the Cotirt thiitsaitl laiids wen returned to the Auditor General as deliuquenl for tUe noo-payment of raid taxes for saiil years respectlvely, and thal sald delinquent returns were mude prior to the llrsi day of July, 1SS8. Your petltiniit-r ïmtlier shows and avers that the. taxes, interi'sl, colleciion fee, oosts of adTertlsing BUd otber expenses of sale, a tul the legal fees lor prsonal service of subpuena iu eaeli oase wberö such personal 6rvlce is uclually made, are a valid lien on the several pareéis ot' land desoribed Iu sald schedule. Your petltioner further shows that the ald taxi-s on the said dcscrlbed lands have reinaincd unpaul for more than one year from ] Uie ilisi d iv oi July next after tlielr return to Ihe Auditor Ueneral, aml the sald taxes not, bavmg traen pald,and tlie same bclng now due and reraalnlng unpnld as above st lorth, your pt;iitioner prays atlecive in lavor of the I Suite of Michigan aalnst each parcel of said of said lands, for the puymeut of the leveml amoti ils of taxes, interest, collectton lee, cost of advertisinp;, and other expenses of sale, as compuled and extended in saii sclit-ciule, agalnst tlie soveral parcele of land containetl iherein, and ín addltlon thereto of the amount. of legal fees for personal service of sutipuMia In each case where BUOb service is uciimlly made a provlded in ec. S3 "i Aot, No. 19G of tlie sesslon laws of Michigan of the yi-ar 1889; and in default of pynh-nt of ihesaid several snms oónipQled and extended agalnst said lands, that ftaob oi said pareéis of land may be sold for the attioants due thereon ns provlded by law, to pay Lbe llcn !is atorcsani. And your petltioner wlll ever pray etc. HENRY 11. APLIN, Auditor General. SCIIEDULE A. Toivn 3 touth oj ranye .ï easf. xr. V K S - 1 d 1 i-:-:? IJ'M S w J4 of s w ü 5 4u a G9 97 15 1 00 5 81 l'owíi 2 south of range k cast . Ne Kof '8 10 S 50 !tt 14 1 ' K W & ol 18 32J 7 12 1 S5 28 1 UU 10 25 Town 1 south of range G east. S e ü of s w fl li, 6 SU 3 32 8G 13 1 00 5 31 Umlividea l-'J ofs w VÍ of n e Ji, 21 4U 52 13 2 1 CO 1 (7 Town k south of range 7 ca.?. E 14 of n e lii 25 80 20 32 5 23 81 1 00 27 41 5 i-O 20 32 5 2S 81 1 00 27 41 Reginning 82 rods w of n e cor. of w %ol neJi,thence 8 KM) rotis, t henee w4S rods, tlience nlUOrods. thenre e 48 rods to pluce ot bcginnlDe, 2ti 3U 2 88 75 12 1 00 4 75 Se üofswjL. 34 40 6 85 1 79 27 1 00 9 91 Nw'íolnwií, 3t 39 21 05 5 47 84 1 00 28 30 CITY OF ANN AKBOlt. Rik L,ots8,Dand 10, 4ur4e, 563 1 47 23 100 833 BJoflotl, 4nr5 58 15 02 1 00 1 73 Lot 3, 5url4e 2:48 58 09100 389 Lot (i and 7, 6 n r 14 e. 50 15 03 1 CO 1 78 Lotsl,2. 3. 4. 5 and 21 lltik.HOll II S ,." lot 8, bik 4s r2e excpt rlght of way of toe T, A. A & N M K K, 4 8 r 2 e, 7 44 1 94 30 1 00 10 08 Lot 5, bik 5 s r(i e. except 4 rods and 0 rtaffn end and 2 rods otf w end. of lot 8, 5 s r ö e, 29 00 7 55 1 10 1 00 3S 71 Lots 3, 4, 5, 4 s r 7 e, 30 1( 7 &5 1 21 1 00 41) 22 Lots J, H and V, tn 4 s r 4 w 0 00 1 5( 24 1 00 S SO The nndlvlded % part of 27 ft of lnndou wgideof Mal n Kt, m ft deep, bounded h by BOblpacasse, w by Wall and Kltaon's laud, e by Main at, 1 W 45 07 1 0:) :j 21 Land bouudedeby Wlldl's land, s by Ghnbb raad, w toa point, n by Haralinst, 1 Ui 43 07 1 00 3 21 Lot bounded e ly State si, n by Coverts, w by Swattiel'g add, s toapoint-, 8 34 S7 18 100 5 Zi Lot liounded e by Klizabeth si, n by Fullerst, w ty an Al ley, s by Willis' land, li Bi 174 L7 10) 0 07 Land bounded n by Hotchkln's land, e by Broadwny, s and w by Uenuis, 7 10 1 81 28 1 0!) 10 22 BACII AND BKOWN'S ADDITION. Lot 30 and sjof lot 21), 2 .ij 60 09 1 00 4 01 J. H. IIBOWK'S ADDITION'. Lot 12, 4 04 1 20 19 1 00 71 KIÍ0WN" AND FULI.F.K'S ADDITION. Bik N w 24 K ft In wldtb oft's e 4C ft m leugui oí mm' n eUOftiu widlh offlot 1, 8 s si 73 n i co es Land beginning 22 ft 8 w aloiif; Broadway, from 8 e cor, lot 1. hik 7, thences W-iJ ft nlong Broadway to store N .":, Itience n w W) ft, thence n e lirullel witli Bdway 22 ft, s e (10 ft to place of boKlnning, 1 J2 37 Oli 1 01) 9 85 OltMKItY AND 1'ACiK AIO1TION. Bik I ,. 1 s 1 and G, 2 8 9 1 87 IS 1 o i Lots6 and 6, bik 19 also trlansular ltece of lnd e of bik l, lylnu be. tween the M C R H and Iliinm River except tho ilislillery lot, 1 :: 83 87 ia 1 00 5 33 rATlilDOK A1UUT1ON. lilk Lot l.r,, I 2 84 73 11 1 in 1 68 Lot, ü 71 18 08 1 00 i KI CITY OK YPSILANTI. Parcel or lnml bounded n by land of A Bennett, s by Chlraijo Kond, w ly land ol ( "l'hmnpson, o )■ Stimmltst, . :i 1 38 21 1 00 7 93 Parcel of land bounüed n by laud of Kiiniii Korlson, by ( lolcago Rond, e by land of At ■:-. w by land of F B Kloek, 5 4 l 88 21 1 00 7 93 Parcel of land lil w by land of llayden, n by JliKon Klver, s by itn nllfy. e by liind oi i'H.vilcn". Si -:i 0.1 1 w i I Pftrcel of ImulI iii n by land of 1 b. Morris, w l land ol L.D.Norris, s by Iadü of Mrs, Wnylmn, u by Eli verst, J"? M ai 93 i OS 1 00 UB B: (IRICINAI, PLAT. Lol W, 1 7!) 41) 0T 1 00 :! 3J roi.i.i:rr, JOSLYB .u SKINRBB'8 ahihtion. Lot5(W, 15 5) 4 03 02 1 00 ül U On,BIRT'a EASTKRS unilïlOX. iMt 1, 7 59 1 i 30 1 00 10 87 It. W. LABZKüKB'8 ADDITION. Lol 86, 16 42 4 01 02 1 00 21 05 Lot SS, 2 7S Tl 11 1 OU 4 61 MORSE ADDITION. ot 40, 1 79 40 07 1 00 3 32 VILLAGE OF CIIKI.SKA. Bik ..ot fi, lt 6 05 1 7.! 27 1 00 65 I. H, COSGDON'S 2d ADUITION". Bik lot 2, 4, 2 37 62 09 1 00 4 08 VILLAGE OF DEXTEK. Bik Lot 8, 3U 48 12 02 1 IK) 1 00 VILLAGE OF MANCHESTER. c ■iiHKY'S ADDITIOX. Bik Lot 3, 2 6 20 1 81 25 1 00 9 00 VILLAGE OF MOORVILLE. Lote, blkSnrle 37 09 01 l 00 1 47 VILLAGE OF SALINE. Town 4, soult of range 5 easl. Sec Liiiul bcnnded n by Harris, e by toWD line, s by Couibs, w by ht. L 1 26 G :!S 1 66 20 1 00 9 30 BEU Ml' l'.S PLAT, T3sof röe Sec WJol lot 48, 3ti 15 43 19 02 I 00 1 67 Auditor Gknkrai.'s Offick, LASSINQ, Mieh,, Januaiy 27, 1S90Í Notlce is üereby glveu that tiio sime of Michigan has (lied in the Circuit Court Tor the Oüunty of Wasluenaw, in chancery, a pellllon of whieh the foreijoing isii iruecopy ; that il claims a doeree against eaeh parcel of land thereln described for the amouuts Bpeelfled rt-pecllvtíly, mm m addllion thereto o! i li: amount of legal tees for personal service of subpoena in eaob case where 8Ucb ser vlce iaactuaily mail" aa provlded hisectiou :'■', ot Act N. 19.5 Laws ol 1889; that eiicli petlÚOD wUl brougbt on for a hearing and il1cree at ilu uexi term if salil Court to be held On the Iiil. Momlay or' Uarcb lï'JO, at Aun Arbor, in saiil oonnty o( Wasbtenaw, Unit all persons lulereftted in snch lands and doslriug ïo oontest the Uen plalmed theieon for such laxes, or any part thercof shatl appear in jald fourt and lile wlth the Clerk ttiereof their objtïctlon tberetoon or before said flrst Monil iy ol Marcb 1800, and that iu defuult (bereof a deoreé wilt be takeu as prayeU ior in sald petitlon. Nol loe is also hereby glven Uiat on the flrst Momlay of May. 1SSW, the laads described lu snia politlón, and for wblch au order of sale shall be made, will besold ior the taxes, Ínteres t, and obargea thereon, íw determinad by salddecree, al ihe Conaty Treasurer'somce, iniheClivof Aun Arbor, in Batd ('ounty of Washlenaw. HKNKY il. APLtN, Auditor Ueneral. Mortgrae sale. W'ii kükah ditluiilt h is heen matte iu the condU tiona if i, crrtaiii moriffage wbereby the power o Bate iherdn comnlnt-d lii become openrave, exe cniiil y Q re K. Biurci: and Nctlie Bicrce. hls wiic, ol t!ic township oí Sylvan, Vvsehtenaw C'nrity. Mfch, moiigigOfB to Thnni'it Wilkiaeon or tíif same placa, murteagee bearlofl tlaie Decenibr I r , A. U. 18S1. iicknuwletlged December 3d, A. D. 1883. and recorded n ihe ollice of the Ki ■!;'■ ter of Deeds lor Wlïtihteli ;w coumv, Micniffiin. on Ihe -ith uay oi' Deoeniber, A. 1). 1888, in Ltbot 62 of Morigaiies, or :ige Gil : wblch mortgasfe wad ouly d by said Ihunvis rtllkiuson to .ïunius K, Bral on ihe :! I day of Dacember, A. D. 1883, whicb a-sinnieiit was recoriied on December -lih, A. D. uu; Register of Dccds office lor the county of W )ishren;iv, State of Michigitu, in Líber 8 of Aaatgnmenta of MortRt'Si on Vti" !' -'n wblCD mortgase there is c!;iimt'd to be due at the date of Ihit notici; the urn of ($t)50) Ihirty-flve hundred and tifry dollar?, and no actioos or cecuint's ai luw or in oquuy nave Deen lnsllinieu to recover Iba debt sucured by yaid mortgageor any part thereof. Notioe is li' r-by eiTWI that by virtne of tbe power of pa'.e co; tained in said mortgage and of thettatnte in rurli ctí mude ud provided, tho sald mortia_'e wiil he toreclouert by ;ilc o öc morrgigtd premisos rherela described, wliich gae wil! !. made ;it tbe weel door of the court house, in tb' ril v oí Aun Aibor, in the county of Washtenaw. State "f Michi:an, that heilig the place of holding circuit conrt for aald connty, at pnb'iic aucllon, bj th sheriff of said county. on Saturday the IStth day oí April, A. 1). 188). at 10 o'clock in the lorenoon of paid day, to s.itipfy the ainount whlco eball toen be dus on said roortgage. 'ihe preiuieii de.cribed in t-uid in krtgage to bc eold ü t#bov(; gpec'fled ure: Tbe west halt of the northiiaiter ol section 14, aliio thesouth alztT ncres ol' the ist half of the northeast qnarter of Bectlon 16, bettuj all tliat part of sald lot lhat Hes BÖnÜi c,f Mili Dreek Dltch, runninj; throiih il' game, aleo a strip of Inr.d iwo rods wide along the eaei slde of tbe wesl half of the aoalhwesi qaarter ol s'-ciüci J I, froio territorial road nortii oftiie nortli linuoi said lot, all in ihe townvhip of Sylv;ii:. county of Washtenaw, state of Micbidn Ann Ahbok, Mlch.. Jan.ïl, 1890. JUNIOS S. BKAI-, Aesignee. Bawtxb ft ,'N, Attorneys. Moríijage Sale. DKPAUrr Q4VING BBEN MADE IN THE coadttlona of a certaln mortgage execaied by LevlJohneon and Mary Ann Johuaon hi8 wifo. lo Chae Li. (litc-cl the twunty-thlrd day of l'ebruary A D1884and recorded in tbe i fflee of the Keg isier Of Deedf for the County of vv'aah'cnnw Sate ot' Micbisn on the twenty-ihird day of Kebruary A. D. 18S4 in Llber65 o' m irlgageá on page 62, wiiicli said mortgsge was duty aiL'ned by dend of asffgom nl by lh aid Chase Dow mortgagoe to Kichard J. Zebba on Ihe ik'ht dny oi Deo mber A. 1). 1888 whlch eaid a?efi:l m ut l suld imrtgago Is n-corde In Ihe office of tiie Rcglíter ol Di'eds for eaid Connty in Líber in of ataigi menta f mortgages on pgè ICO, by wh'cll süiil detanlt the power of sale conmine 1 in il nortgflga ha? becomo operative and no procedlngB In lawor equity huvïiik been insiituted 10 recover ïln dfbt eecured by_ Hitil mortg igö oi' any purt thereof, and the Hum ol one üandred and BevrDty dollare bclQg now rlniined to he doe ou auoh morigajje Noiii-e la hereby glveu that the --aid m nig ge will he forclosed by a eale oftbe mnrtg uted prt mke therein deacribed or somo pari tbere il viz : Lot nuinber twenty-eight and the norüi lul! ut lot nnmber twenty-nine in Browa and Bach'g Addition to the City of Ann Arbor Washtenaw Jonnty Michigan according to the recorded plat of taid addition at public vendue at the e;st door ofthe Oourt Ihmse in the city of Ann Arlior In aid County (that beiug the place of hokilic the Circuit Ci.nrt for said Couutj) on ine twi-nty-iotiitn aay oí Apni a. u. ioyu i wu o'dock in tlie foP'iioon of that flay. Dited January 2"rci. 1890. KICUAUL) .T ZKBBS. Ah6 guee ui' Mortgagee. J. F. UvriiEWE, Atty. lor Aes.gsee. Mortgage Sale. 7KFAI7LT HAVING BEKN iMADE IN TIJK J conditione oí ft mortgsge exeuited hy Kvi;r,ii(l II. Morgan nul Alicc M. Morgan, hl wlfe, to Juniiis E. Beul Field, bearing date the 3rd day of May A. l). iS-l, aad recordad iu the offlce oi the Keglster of Di-edt lor Washtenñw Connty, Michigan on Ihe 3d day i-l May A. D. lssi at 3 o'clock p. m. of tbat day, ín Lib t tii of mortgages on page 310, hy whlch defiult, tlie power of ale oontalsed iu gaid morlg ge bcCMne operative, and no snit or inct:uuing8 1" law or cquiiy baring buun institnted to recover the ticbt sccnrco by faiti iniiriLr:iuro, or any part tbereof, and Ihe sum of HS6Ï.7J at ihe date of thi notice bemc claiined to be dne on said mnrtgage, and Ihatat thedaie ofsaU mortgaga the i'ull amo of the wiid mirtL'"goe, was Jaulas ff. lïfal b'ield; that after ëüiil mijrigage wis made and executed, laM nortgagde appusd to th: i'robate Court, for suid C'ouuiy of Waajütoiiaw, In wrItiDK.In pureuanco oí the ttatufe in inch case mide and provided, and on thu 26io day of Jol; A. u. lss!, lie obtaincd au order ol Bald Probate Ooarl chamnng his name from K. Baal Field to .lunlus S. Beal, as i?i and by the records ol said Probate Court in that matter, reference being thereto had wlll man' luilv and at large appi ar. Now therefore nota-e i herebj giren, inat a lid in jrlgage will be loreclosed by a sale of the mprtcaged premlses therein deacribed, orsome pari ihereot', and that the premiaes are deecrlbed in said Bi'irtgage a followa, towit, all tbat certain piece or parcsl of land situated and being ii the Towmhlp of Pittslleld, iu the County of Waahtenaw, and Mato of Michigan, described as follows, towli: Bcijiunlng at a polnt In the weit side of sectiou nuiniier foor (4) in eaid Townhl nlnteen (19) chalns and seventy-nlne (79) ln,k Iroiu the northw?t corner of said sectlon line, thuuce uorih e:ghty-seveu (S7j degreet and fliiy iSC ) minutes east lüree (:J) chtiin- ai.d th rty-six (-'i'ii linke toa ötake one ciiain and tweniy-seTen (Ü7) links: Irom a clierry tree ten lncbve iu diumfter, which bearssiiiith elgbty-seven VS1) degreee wet, lhencesontBlwo(2)degreeeeai'tniry-fonr(UJ lmkn, thencesouth eiuhtv-nine (8) dogreea and ten (10) mlnntee eait elx iü) chaln and eighi-tlnlit (88) link to astake thlrty six and a huif Wi) links froni au apjle tree flfteen Inches In üiumeier, which bi-ucf oiith Iwenty-olghl (S) degrece weet, tluncu nonth eixiy-eiglit (8J degreee 'ast ou ehaln and elshiy seven (87) links, thence pouiii eighty-foar (SJ) degreos cast lour chaina umi mik to the intenecUon of two dltchea, tbence sonth bIz [0) degree east eleven (il) chaiiis anil twenty-two t.22) liuka to the recognlzed t-"i"t and west qnarter Une thence weat tlie quarter line eventeei (17) chalns and twenty ('JO) liuks to the rocognlïod qnarter stnke, theuce north m thu social! Una thirteen (l:i) chains and liity (.T(i) links to the place ol' begiuning, conlainiii!.' Tundue, on Cuaradiiy the flrat day of May 1S!, .-u noou it the iMirth front uuor of tbe Oonn Huuso in tbe (.'ity ui Aon Arhir, in nul Countr, that bcing Ihe pjice 01 holding tne Circuit Court in ?ald Coiility'. Duted Jan. ín.h. A. D. 181 .IUN1US E. BBAI-, Mortgaffoi Formerly Jimias B. iicul Field. A, J. Sawyki:, Atty. lur Mortgnijee. rSEE TO F.A.M. Bonutiful Enfr:iig f ML gtaylt'tC Micieut Muwmic Scwn, mtio Urp ML l.lus rt-. CnUl.gur wi Uil tbti MMOBÍC gOOdí y Ji:, bc-oki. Unit lírico In Korth t8L JF A]socrndDewlt)utnited wrtrV A?t. $Hi w-k .,.,1 u,,w.r,;. .,-1. liliUUl.WJ Cwfc,


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