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HA8ONIC IHKIÏCTOItV. A. NS ARBOR COMSIANDERY, No. 13 meetR ilrsl Fuenday of eaob month, C. E. Hiscock, E. '.: John It. Mlner, Recorder. ffASIITKSAff (ÍHA1TKK, No. 6, R. A. M.- ts first Monday each nioiitb. J. L. Slone H. P.; Z. Boath, secretary. BUSINESS CAR DS. D. A. MacLachlan,M. D. DI3EAÜB8 OK TUK EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THEOAT. OFFiCE AND RESIDENCE, 25 SOOTfl DIVISIÓN STREET Hours: 1 to4, and 6:80 to":30 P. M. VOGEL & KEBN KBAI.KIt IX AI.I. KTNDS OF FRESH A1JD SALT MEATS Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEATand CLEAN No E. Aii il W., Ann Arnor. W. W. NICHOIiS, Rooms Over Anti Arltor Sarfogs Bank, üpp. Cmirt House Square. VITALIZED AIH Adro i nis te red. It ie ugrv.eahie and eay to take, and no prostratliig effect i follow, wiiiio icoth are extrtictod without pain. House, 3irn Ornamental aud FRESCO PAINTER! PapcM-lQf;, Glazin(f, Gilding, and Calcimlnlng, and work or every aescription done In the best ïtyle, and wairanled to glve saliofaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. O. -ML. IMLAJRTIIN", DEALKIt IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIG Aad Ooramon Oofllas. Cullsattented toDay or Night. Rmbalmti iiy. storeruniiion E. Washinstoii slrcet. Heüidencr Dor. Liberty and Fiftli. Tkfi Farmers' l Mui Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUSPLTJ3 $7,000. AiiiüoiialLialiliesofStocöolSers $50,000. STATE OF MICHIGAN, ") BANKING DKl'AKTMKNT, V Offlce of the Coiumlsslouers. J WiiKiiEAS. liy satlsfactory evidence presenteil to the underslgned, It lins oeen made to appear tlmt Uk' Pannen1 and MechaulcH' lï:uik, in theclty of nn Arbor, In theCounty of Waslucnaw, rttate ot Michigan, has comBliicl wltli all Mie provlslonsof tlm (eneral ankini; Law of thn State of MloblgaO renulred to be oomplled wltli before a corporation film 1 1 be BDtdorlzed to continue the IiupIntsK (jf Bftnking. Now tberefore. I, Theodore C. Shcrwood, Commlraloner of the statu Banking Department, do hereby oerlltV thut ly that. the Farmers' 4v, MecbanlCS1 Hauk, aforesald, Is authorlzed to oontlnqe tbe baalnesa of iianking iis provlded la Bectlon & of tlio (jen'l KnnkInglawoi theHtateof Mloblgan. [i,. S.] Id wltness whereofwltneos tny hand and spal of ollice al Lansing tuis 22d day of June, T. C. SHEBWOOD, Oom. of tbe Dauklug Dept. llltj idllllblS öi lUuülldlllLS Jjdllu havlDcdled tholr certifícate with the Slute Banking Department are now anthorlsed to dobusineu asaSavIngs Bank, and In iurmanen thereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savlngs department on 1! deposita of SI and upward. Interest pald Jane lst and Deo. Ut, ofeaohyear. rhesavlnggdepartment Is open Saturday niirlits from 7 antll 8 o'ciock. Mouey to loan In siims of $25 to Í5,000se(Mirií.l i,y DOenoumbeied real estáte or approvedBeoDrtllea. OIKKCTOKS-Renben Kempf. 1ihn. k. (reene, k Diiiiy, AmiroHi K-urm-', Win. v. Stevens, W. F. Breakfy,, J. B. Hial, Jolm Rurti, 1. F. Scliairer. M. KBHPF, Pfph. E. DVFFÏ, Vice-Pre. K. U BKIAER, fTMhlor. I THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ mTRüTHS FOR THE SICK.l III those ileathlyl #1,01)0 wlll lm 1!lillj HlBtlloniSpellgdopeBd torftcasewhei8uTL-IJ lllonSii.nniíliiTTiiKíi PHUH üitteks willlll Jit willcure you. ii"t asslstor cure. lt pa ■,...-„.,;,v....,.l,i. ""■■ f-'il3Pi Ithattlredandallgonc cieanse the vitiateilT reellng; if bo, use hlooil when vou seol I ÏULPHCB Bitters; it3 lmpurtlles lmrst-ll It -III rure yiiu. iiijrthrousli the tknil I Operaliveswhoaru " V' 1'U'l!1Vt"V1'nl I ,■!,, ',.v Knnflnaii In BM SOT0& liely on 1 shops; lcrks,wli.. .lo ;''} ulth Will ioljH not procuro suilicíent III exerolse.andnllwho Sulphur Bitters UI aroconflDedlndOTrs, wiH (.ure LlvcrComl I Sir.rmu ltiTTF.RS : ncaltliy. III itiwcr failKtni'iiiv. bulphub HmKK.sJI pj Dou't lie without a "1 make yoiirlilnodSS SHliottlc. Tr il; you pure, riel) and atrong.U ni will )int regret it. ;mil youriloshhard. Ijl I II "TüüuéTTrTÍTnñüT Try Sülphur iïm I I lllhcalth, who are all tkks tn-night, andlll l i'innlowu, sliould U8ü you will eloep welllll MilSrLiMU'K Uïttkuh. tin! fot'l botter forlt.lU Do you want the liost Medical Work published? Sond 3 'J-rent stamps to A. 1". Ohdway & Co, Boston, Mass. f anü rccelve a copy, frec. W, F, LODHOLZ IS OFFERING BARGAINS HKÜ A"D mm LOOK AT THEM 5 n.v ;.! .i.ii'ax 1 1: si.oo 7 Kar LIIMIKV SOAP M BEST HICB. TEST Olli, per (al. O7 BEST WATEJB WHITE, O8 .'t Canii CHOIOE T!HI TKS 25 ;t ':m rHOICE l{ 115 YELLOW PEiCHBd wortli 25c per Can, lor IS PIK PBA.CHJR, per Cao 15 l'IXK, ItlIXKl ito isriili VMVFKK, per lb 25 "OL'R BHAITV' HHOKING TOBACCO, ier lb 2O BEST IIAKINO POWDKK, in 1 lb. Euuh, per lb 25 MIXED CANOY, per lb 10 ALL GOODS FEESH AND WAERANTED ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH -S W. F. Ï,ODHOLZ, 4 A O ItltnutWAY, A AKIIOR. 1886 Hl' WCIl I IwClIW thit paper, or obtain optimates on advertising paco whon in Chicago, will find it on filo at 45 M9 Randolph St , fkWkfk B.TUtitili%.


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Ann Arbor Courier