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Walter J. Damrosch

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Wnlter J. Pararoscb, the musical con■luctor nftbe Metropolitan Opera who is engajied to bc inarrlod In the iieiir future toone of James O. Ií'aine's daujrhters, Is the subject wo present to onr renden toluy. He w:= born Januarv 30th, 1862. His father, Dr. Leopold Damroeoh, left liis blrthpbice. l'oscii, In Piusssiu with all liis fiimily in 1871. Unrtor the supertIsíoii of'liis tulnit' ■! father, Wnlter made rajíiil in lile acquisition of musical knowlü'lffc and proficieney. VVlien oniy ttfu-en yeiirs of ajíe, he went witli Wlllieliiil on ;i long concert tour as piano iiccompanisC Ín 1881 he was rhoscu conductor of the Newark llurmonlc Society, prodnclng liubinstein's "Tower of Bibcl" imU the "Cliornl Fantasia" of Betboven. He was liis fdlherV íis-isiaiit at the graat musical frhtlviil lielil in llie S.'venth Regiment Ainidiy in I he year 18S1. Three years later, utter the suüden death of his father, he s called by the directora ol the Mctici, ()i;:m t.)icTii lo B88ume the vacunt poBltloD. Duriug bis fütbers brief illness he had eonductfd Beveral of the operatic l erforiuiincef1 witb (íreat s k i 1 1 and ability, whereupon tbe tlucctois declded tbat he should act as hls raccessor uutil the end of the i-easoii. In tlii? san! year he was called to succee;1 his father as conductor Oí the Symphony and Orntorio Sucieties. As a muaiciun, Walter Dajnrosch Is a devoted Wagnerlan. Durinjj the last two seasons he bas glven much time to instructiDg the public in the symbolifin tnd iiiiiïiciil Blíolflcancfl of Wajfner's 'Rlnjt of the Nlbeluníf." He dellvered the lecturea in :il I paris of this country and t he enterprloe proved to be In all reppt-ets a puccessful une. His las! musical success was the production of Grcli's "Missa Solemnis" by the Oratorio Society. Upon tlii-, Hans von Bülow sent biin a renoarkabe letter, in whlcb he expressed his tincurest thanks to the orchestra leader, tor liavins; all'orded him so pleagnnt an evenlng. Mr. Üamrosch isa man of sterling ability and was able to gustain and solidlfy hliuself in the position left him by hls fsther. The newa of his ens;agenieiit hits, of course, caused a Huiler of excitement and perhaps great disappointment uuiong the many beautlful glrlg who have Bung under his leadership in the conceits of the Oratorio Society.


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Ann Arbor Courier