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Scarlet ani! jet aic the öhid WeateyüO University colors. A law school has been established at Dickinson College. Alpha Epsilon Iota 19 the hame of a new society organized by several lady medies. D. B. CLeever is the new president of the lit junior class, and W. W. WillharU secreta ry. Bowdoin lias challenged Corneil for a boat race. By the way, how is the U. of TI. boat club these days? Tlie Wellesley girls have about settled upon their "Yodel," which is to be a "wild, lyrical cry." Don't cry, girls. The Courier office has been getting out some handsome new three-sheet posters for the University Glee Club boys. Mr. Richards one of the law students, unlted with the Presbyterian church last Sunday1, and two of his children were baptized. At the 'Wasliingtoa nnd Jcflerson College 12 students were bounced last week for "cutting" the Lat in recitatlon. They should have boltcd It, Union College lins been presented with a vnluable collectlon of books on American history, and also a valaable collection ot fossils and specimens. It takes over live tons of paper to print the University Calendar this year. Tiiere wlll be 12,000 copies, and the publiouUon wlll consist of about 250 pages. A fiiend of Syracuse University lias provided a fund for the purpose of litting up un athlctlo pround for tho students with facllities for base-ball, foot-ball ind track sports. The Chroniole, with lts liustling new Independent editor, W. F. Hubbard, comes to the front with an offer of the new song book, " The Yellow and Blue," to every subscriber giving $1 from now until .Tune. Thnt's business. L. E. Torrey, senior lit, bas gone to Chicago to take a position upon the Chicago Tribune. Journalisin has been the oiie alm of Mr. Torrey in his university course, and he takes with liiin the best wishes of many.friends bere. Max O'Rell, whose real name is Taul Blouet, who is to lecture at University ïall on Friday evening, March 14tb, is considered at the head of the platform ,o-day, and his many brilliant and witty sayings are everywhere quoted. The 18 members of the junior hop committee made handsomely out of that affair, and on Friday niglit spent the pro" ceeds by attending the theatre in Detroit and having an elabórate banquet at the Wayne hotel. And the gym. fund still anguifhc?. The Monroe Commercial man doesn't speuk in very complimentary terms of tlie Gleo Club concert given in that city. As other people who were present are oud in their praises, it is posaible that the opinión of llic editor of the Commercial niay have been warped somewhat jy the nes et of the manager to "see1' llm witli tic'tets. Tlic Unlversltv Olee antl Banio Club ooys w 1 siiiL.' uml ]ly nt Bay City, on Frlday, Mircr, 14M; on Siturday, March iritti ut K ist Siginuw; Friday, March 21st at YpsilmHl; Mooday, March 24th it. Detroit opera house; Saturday, May 19th, i:i CV-iitiil [usic Hall, Chicago. G. lí. Haviland 3 very busy just now makiiiK LTie necessary airan pernean. Adelplil Hall, south wliig1, thlrd lloor ol' Uterary buildinff, ro;rnni for Marc'i S, at 8 p. m. All welcotne. Muslo "Star of tbe Moro." Mis Lols Baxter. Kss-iy- " I'im; social and Politlcal power or t!ie MeJical l'rofesslon." Miss Vida A. LaUiam. lís:(i;iiK M1S3 Krouialj. Steveus. Miislc- 'T5 .!liv mu K ull tliose endoarlug youii'i Charms." Misa Lols Baxter. Debiite - Resolved, That tlie átate sliould estabUáú plAoeii fr ainusetuetit 011 Bundiiys... AU"., Uuo. O. Hlgby ; neg., J. 1). E. Daaoan. 3pncral I)abate. Muilu-"lluullns four-leafed Clover." MlssLols Baxter. G. R. Haviland, of Ann Arbor, lias been in STpgflanti making arrangements for an entertaioment to be given by tlie Jücliigii) Unlver?it}' Glee and Banjo Cilios. Many xpsllantlana will remember tlie entertalnments given by the club here. Since llieir appeaiance tliey itnvo been relnforced by cight banjoists making a very lively combinatloin. The Chalr and the bat ilrill will be given, and rollickiiii; college songs will contribute to multe tlie program interetUng, - YpsiIflntl Commercial. A nuinbei' of students at Kalamazoo College took two of their professors, Ferry and Trowbridüe, on Suturday nlglit last and carryinp tliem to a corufield, bound them hand and foot and left them. One of thein maiiiiged to get the banda loose enough so tliat he got a kuif e out of liis pocket and cut the rope that bound hiin, otherwise they mlght have been compelld to have remained there all night and frozen to death. Tlie escapade was cruel and brutal on the part ot the boys, who will doubtless have to pay ilear for their so-called "fiui.'' Had such a thing happened at the University, what a hiillab iloo one of the Detroit evening papers would have kick.ed up over it. The following story is told of Yale's celebrated professor in chcmistry: Prof öilliman was going to experiment witl laughlog gas, when he overheard a stu dent say that under its intlaence 110 one was responslble for wlut lie said, and he would tiike advantage of thls and teil Silliinnu v;liat he tboagbt of him. When the class met, Stlliman quietly said he woulJ like, for the purpose of lllustra tion, to administer the gas to some member, and this student volunteered. Wlien the leatlier bag was connected wlth I113 mouth he pretended to be very much excited and began to abuse and swear a tlie professor. Silliman let him go 01 awliile, and then said he needn't be so irresponsible, as the liadn't been turnet on yet. The applause wliicli followet niay be efttothe Imaginatlon. Evangelist Harry S:iyles who h is been couductlng a series of revival meetings at Chelsea for the past week or more detennined to do some red letter work for religión in tbat village, so notblng was more natural than for him to cali on the U. of M. to aid in carrying out hls prnj eet. Consequently last Friday evening found on hand at the Baptist churcl there a quartette composed of B. M Keid, II. N. Goddard, F. II. Brown ant C. P. McAUister of the S. C. A. These were followed Saturday by V. E. God dard, B. W. Burlelgh, G. E. Mcllwaln and Misses Esther Van Dieman and Ida Mlgell. From the time they arrived ther Uil tlieir departure on Mouday, they al lowtd themselves little rest, but worket with a spirit and nobleness characterlstic of the {rtat work in which they were en gaged. Hunday forenoon, W. E. God dard occupled the pulpit of the Baptis cliurch, B. W. Barlelgh the Congrega tionaland Jt. E. Mcllwain tlic [etliod,ist Ia the afternoon a men's meeting was held at the opera house and a woman's meeting was conducted at the tlonal cliürcli by Misses Van DietnnUntul Migell. The services of these two ladlea were partlcularly prai&worthy. A grand nass meeting al the opera house aiul an overflow meeting at the Congregatlonal hurch closed the day. The qnartette made itself particularly Useful and bboü at six meetings Suntlay. The crowded sjatherings left no doubt as to the nnprecedenteil succes md lusting cflects of tlieir work, whlle in retnrn the reception and fine treatment accorded the w.irkers y the good people of Chelsea has made a lasting impression upon them. SO LOCD THKY M Kl:i:. The profesBor's lirow wns sail.tiio protnaoi'l soul was vexcd. And darfely looked lie at tin' -Uts and diirltly at the tpxt . 'Tbls noise," qnoth lie, "dlstorbi us; ray lentency'8 abuseU ; The man wlio inakes the nolse ngnln wlU have to be excuseci. " Then hnshel the busy clnsj-room lts wonted uuderlone, Yet sllll the sound proceeded wltli a dreary, doleful groan, From a corner where, all blushes, sat J. De8mithers Jones, With hls $20 trousers, newcst ent and loudest toues. Then p rose Jones, ombarrased, and Uien wlilspered low ; 'Heg pardon, pro-professor, i L's me trousers, uon't yer know." The good professor paused, tlien sald with witherlng glance, Ve"ll excuse Ihose tronsers, Mr. Jones: whenyou come agaln wear pants."


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