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Prof. H. S. Carhart spent Saodny i Evanston. Willia Bllss and wife, of Jackson, spent Sunday in town. Geo. W. Millen and wlfo have been :.t Manchester during the weck. Dr. W. S. Studley leaves to-dsy for a brtnight's trip to Colorado and Utah. Miss Minnte Rus?, wlio was vlsltlng Mrs. J. J. Goodyear, has gone to Florida. Gilbert Blfs?, who has been sick (n the past six weeks or more, is on the mend. Mrs. Eugene E. Beal lias been visiting ïer father, X. Kei tb, ut Dexter, during he week. Dr. H.C. Allen has gone to Cliic;ign. and Mrs. Allen and famlly ezpect to folow soon. Mrs. Loveü of Rattle Crcek is vlsltlng ïer sister Miss Myra Beach, In the lit. depnrtment. Miss Lucy Shadfoid, who lm? been In Ypsilantl for the past two or three weeke, ïas returned home. Mrs. W. "W. Nichols and daughter Annn, are visiting rclatives at OWOKO or a con pie of weeks. Mis. O. F. Webster, who has been visitlng at her father's, returncd home to Owosso last Thursday. Bishop Newraan, while in the city the ast few daj'P, has been cntertained by r. Winchell and faniily. Bessie, the twelve year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Winslow is very slck, and recovery is doubtt'ul. Dr. H. F. Thomas and famlly, of Allegan, who were called here recently by ;he death of Mr?. Thomas' mother reurned home Monday last. Will C. Carman, of East Saginaw, has been visiting at Qeo. H. Tond's for a day or so during the past week. Ottmar Eberbach went to Grand apids Monday, to attend the meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy now In 8ession there. Miss Lizie Baiiey, of Midland, who ïas been spending some little time with friends !n this city, leaves to-day for a short stay with friunds in Detroit before returning home. Thos. J. Shea, Assistant Chief of Transportation División of the Census office at Washington. Is In the city visiting Prof. llunry C. Adams on official business connected with lus división. Mrs. Watermann, of this city, s u s io Europe this summer to remain during the education of her daughter Mariuerite. Her two sous one in the University and the other at Orchard Luke, will spend the summer with thein, return ing in the fall for school.


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Ann Arbor Courier