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Epitome Of The Week

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IN thi i; i huis v.rrc introduced tq unend I i act and to ostablish in - -1 .- - 01 tbo several 8 cultural depository. to be unddr the oontrol "f tho Tn'iisury Department In tho House the tinu' was oocupled In bállotlng tur u sito for the world's fair, Chicago belng ehosen us tbc plaee on the ëighth ballot, tl ■ Chicago, 157; Now York, 107; St. Louis, 86; Washington. 18. ON the25th abill was pass'd in 1lie Senato granting a pensto oonthto the widow of Major-General Juitson Kilputrick. A bilí was introduce;! to provide for a general systtmi of reservoirs for Irrlgal iar the arld l&nds of tho West In the House bilis wi ;iuthorizing the director ol the mint to perfect and beautlfy the exist ius; constltuting Minneapolls :i sub-port for the collection flistrict of Minnesota: to discontinue the coinage of the $1 and 'i :■■! pieoos and tho threocentnicklr; Tted appro prlatlng tSB.000 for a monument to William Henry Harrison. grandiather oL President Harrison, at North Bend, O. Twexty six pension and private bilis were passed in the Senate on the 96th, and the lilair educational bill was turther disoussed In the House h' nrgenoy deílcieney bilí (C38,850,818) wa reporteii Bills were introduced revivtóg the gnule of Lieutenaat-Oenerftl; to prevent the adulteration ot tood and drugs and bartering of food or drus in and botween the States and Territorles; providlng that all tbc waters In the Dnited States slniü bc used for purposes of Irrig&tion. A eiltj was p&ssed In the Senftte on the 87th uit. appropriatlng 975,000 for a monument to Christopher Columbus, to be ereoted in ington. Tbc bilí to declare unlawful trusts and combinations In restraint oi trade imi produotion was oonsldered in the House the contested eleotton oaseol Atbinspn (Rep.) versus Pendleton (Dcm.), from Wesi Virginia, was declared in favor of Atklnson. A bilí was duced to aniend the world's f;iir bill so as to require at least two of tho board of control to be women. Senator Inoalls was eleoted President pro tem. of tho Senate on the 28th uit.. Vice-President Morton being absent. Tlio dèpendent pension bill was dlscussed. The House bilUfor the appointiiH'nt oí dele [atE ■ " the Madrid international industrial ( vas passed. Adjourned to the 3d....ln the House the drilciency approprlatlon bill (194,690,000) was passed, and the ar priatlon bill ($4,558.230) was reported. A biU was introducid authorizing a ponto n 1 ridgs across the U fiippi at Davenport, la. At tbc evening sossion forty-lhc pension bilis were )r DOMESTIC. Tr:-' v isiblo Bupply of wheat and corn in the United States on tho 34th was, respeetively, 39,618,581 and 18,736,587 bushels. The streams were Bwollen at Howling Greon, Ky., on the 24th by heavy rains, and tho flood from Green rivet had driven many families Croin their homes. At Hopkinsville abont 1,000.000 pounds of tobáceo liad beun destroyed. Charles C. Cabpbntbr, manufacturar of rubber goods, etc, at New York, failed on the for 8100,000. Hk.vkv LleweLLEX, a young farmer living near Columbus, Ind., killed liis mother on the 25th because sho would not deed him the farm upon which both lived. Neae Montgomery, Minn.,on the 25 tb. Thomas Yindra sliot and killed bis former (lancee, Miss Lizzie Washa, fatally wounded hiS rival. Frank We and then pui a bullet through hls own brain. Gbeat damage had boen' clono on tho 25th in Indiana, Illinois, Obio, Missouri and Kentucky by swollen streams, bridges, housea :md railway tracks having been swept away. A mi:;:i( am: on the 25th at Gainesville, Tex. , wrecked the court-house, the Mansonic hall and twenty othor buildings. LlGHTXING Btruok the barn of Washington Chapman near Shelbyvillo, Ind., on tho 25th, and it was burned with its contents, inoluding six hoi It was said on tho 25th that an I5nglish syndicale representing L5,000,000 was making an effort to form a schoolbook trust in this country. The court-house and jail at Vancouver, Waah., witli most of tbn oounty records, were burned on tho 25th. On tho 25th two Halians had their eyes blown out by a premature blast in a Eooky Ilill (N. J.) quarry. A ïoKXAiio on the Ö5th at Carson, Nev. , ieveled many housos and trees, and vessolson Lake Tahoe were sniashed to pieces. Awoman named Ilall and her threo ohildren were drowned on the U6th in Martindalo Oreek, near Cambridge City, Ind. Ax express train on the Evansville & Terre Haute road went through a bridge on tho 25th near Vincennes, Ind., and tho onginecr and fireman were killed and several passengors were injured, none fatally. Tiih lirm of A. ('.. Leonard & Co., boot and shoe dealers in Chicago, failed on tho 25th for 8160,000. The peoníations of thtir superintendent caused tho f allure. : Fifty mulos were suffocated in a burning mine at Shamokin, l'a. , on the 26th. 1 The temporature feil to 45degrees bolow zero on the 26th at Bowlder, Mont., freezing to death a herd of 1.00 cattlo in the stock-yards to tho Milner Cattle Company. Many buildings were unroofed and several were destroyed in a oyclone at lirownsville, Tenn. , on the 2(5th. 1 Thb entire rubber business in importing and manwfacturing branches was formed into a trust couipany in New York on tho 26th. AliFBBD CÁBBOTTOH, tho S-year-old son of a farmer living near Sedalia, Jlo., died on the 26tb from drophobia. Tuk old observaiory and a numberof framo houses at Hot Springs, Ark., were ■wrecked by a tornado on the Ü6th, and in the región round about a number of farm houses were destroyed. Joiix Jacob Astok's v.ill was filedfor probate on tho 2(Jth at. Xew York. With the exception of STöO.OOO in charitable and other bcii'sts the ent ii'o esta togoes to his son, William Waldorf Astor. ObOkok Cr.AKK was hanged on tho 20th at Waynesburg, Pa.-, for tho murder of a drover named William McGausland in 18S7.


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