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The Mariposa Stage Was Robbed By

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two iiighwii " i : i i! on tna 2otn neor Meiccil. CaL, f the mails and es Bob Pope and his ll-year-old son, "öbnoxiou! "of Hampton County, 8. C, were ho1 id on the tij unknown pui ÖEORGE A. Ul.AI K v. ai i'. tho B6th at Laiaroie, Wy. 'i1.. tor ihe murdei of J: rnett, au ■ oentrio old ranchman, last May. Ai Keathley, Tenn., ;i cyolonp on the 2Ct.h wrecked Winslow A Band'a bank building, resulting In aerioua injurioa to six persons. An upsucceasful attempt waa made on the night of tho27th alt. by an unknown man to assassinate Dr. Alexander Xeil ui Columbus, O. Advices of t 27th vilt. say tb at another victini ol fcud in ld . "1 ncle Joe" Johnson, of Pikeville, who was oalled to the door of his house and shot dead. 1 1 . i : -,i . - i!. Gbajít, a wealthy and eccontric oltizen of West Andover, Mass., was found dead in his house on the 27th uit., having apparcntly starved to death. Tin-: house of Daniel Rebron (colorod) wasburnod on uit. at Lynchburg, Va., and his two childron, aged 18 months and 5 ycars, perished in the llames. A cali, was lasued on the 27th uit. to branchos of the Afro-Aim ricao League of New York to meet in State convention at ltochcster May 25. As attompt was made on the 27th uit. to wreek the limited expresa on the Baltimore S Ohio road neai Independence, O., three tios wedjfed inlo a eattleguard being found nnd removed a fow minutos beforc it. arrived. A band of train-robbers and considerable of their plunder were diseovored on the 27lh uit. noar Sponcervllle, O. Thomas O'BttlEN was hanged on the 27th uit. at I. ex ;;:;;■; o.i. Ky.. for the mm1der of Uettiü Shea MarchSl, 1889. ALL the through mail for San Francisco on the mail Storage car of tho est-bound tast mail train was destroyed by flre on the 37th uit. A PA8SBNGB coaeh on the Norfolk & Western road was wreeked on the '27th' uit. at Roanoke, Va., and ten persons were injured. At Newaygo, Mich., a firo on tho 'JTth uit. destroyed DavüW. Squires' barn, consuming eight horses, two cows, hay, praln, etc. A I0RNAD0 on the 'JTth uit. dij agrcat amount of damage at Torranoe, Miss. It was thought on the '.JTtli uit. that 150 Uves were lost by the recent burstIng of the dam in the llassayanipa valley in Arizona. Tuk United States steamor Etruria arrived at New York on the S7th uit., having on board tho remains of Georgo II. Pendleton, late Minister at üerlin. It was stated on the 27th uit. that the Minin;,' season promised muro activity in railroad extensión in tho United States than any period since 1887. It was announced on the :7th uit. that fifteen lives were lost in tho recent blizzard In Southwestern Cansas, and niuny persons Were des ti tute of food and fuel. Ir was rnported on the 2Sth uit. that a break had been discovered in the Rocky Mountains near Mary's Fork, and that tho (ireat Northern intended to construct a line trom Anaconda, Mout, di■ S:m Francisco, Cal. TïtEKE were 190 business failures in the United States during the seven days Dnded on the '28th uit, against 253 the previous seven days. The total of failures in the United States January 1 to ato is 2,543, agalnst 2,727 In 1S89. The inbabitanta of Enterprise and Scuffletown, lnd., on the 28th uit. had been driven to the hills by floods, and thousands ol bushels of corn had been ruined. A S-TEAR-OLD chila stepped off a rapidly-moving train near Ëlkhart, lnd., on the 28th uit., and, excepting a slight scratch, was uninjured. In the corridor of tho llouso of Kepresentfttives at Washington on the 28th uit. ex-Conf;rossinan Taulbee, oL Kentucky, was k1ki in the tttee and Bangerously woünded by Charles Kincaid, correspondent of the Louisvillo Timos. An old grudge was the causo. Bbown Washington (colored) was lynchod on the "sth uit. at Madison, lia., for asaaulting a little girl. Eichabd Hawbs was hanged on the 28th uit. at r.iri:iin;rliaiii. Ala., for the raurder of his wife and two daughtorsin December, 1888. At Austin, Tez., the thermometer marked 20 degrees below zero on the 28th uit., and growing corn, oats, fruit and vegetables were, destroyed and hundreds of í trees were killed. The business portion of Kensington, 111., was nearly wiped out by lire on tho 28th uit. Tin: dead bodies of a man named Holmes, his wifo and two childron were found on the 28th uit. a few miles west of Shawnee, Ind. T. liurglars wero charged with the crime. The total indebtedness of Indiana was on the 28th uit. said tobe 89,043,140. It was reportcd on tho 28th uit that Silcott, the defaulting cashier of tho Sergeant-at-Arms of the House at Washington, had been captured at Toledo, Wash. At Geneseo, Idaho, on the 28tb uit the thermometer registered 42 degrees below zero. Heavy losses of stock wore reported. The town of Carthagc, Miss., was partially destroyed by a cyclono on tho 2Sth uit. A COMBINATION of all the granito concerns in New England was formed at Boston on the 28th uit, and it was decided to pay for all work by tho hour af ter May 1. A private levee below Vicksburg, M iss. , broké on the i!8th uit., inundating several plantations.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier